The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 595: Man-machine war (17)

Soon the sine wave of human civilization and Ming civilization, the fleets of both sides fought together. This is the third time in summer that he has commanded interstellar war.

The first time was alone, in the case of only one Dawning-class battleship Dawning 2, fighting against the Zerg civilization Glint with 50 billion combat units. In the summer at that time, only he was a living person, a few star destroyers, and the star insect Grint's battle only required the whole body to retreat. At that time, he did it.

The second time was against the Ming Dynasty anti-thief Shen Xilin. He also had only one battleship of the years, but at that time there were two lieutenants, one was Xing Wen, the other was Huangfu North Pole, and some indigenous people of Lighthouse Star. He also won, killed the thief, and regained control of the Ming Dynasty.

This is the third time. He already has four fleets, four interstellar motherships, more than three thousand battleships, nearly four million space fighters, and eight million star warriors. Of course, these combatants are basically Feng people and Audrey. Although Hot's strength in this battle was the same in the previous two occasions, the opponent was also very difficult to deal with.

Since the three-minute countdown from the encounter, the two sides have used various long-range weapons, including laser beams, high-energy particle beams, and plasma beams, as well as electromagnetic pulse dust bombs.

After the encounter, the combat units of the two sides completely blended together, and the combat units of Daming are rapidly depleting. How can millions of dollars be able to withstand tens of billions?

Through the porthole of the command hall, you can see the light beams in the sky and the fireball exploded by the fighter plane. The Dream Chaser is also trembling and shaking violently. Sitting steadily in the summer, all I can do now is to fight hard and wait for the development of the war.

Summer's tactics are to allow all combat units to occupy a favorable position in the periphery with the greatest possibility, but there are too many enemies, and the speed is not slower than us, so this is difficult to achieve, and only the fighters can perform mobile counterattacks while fighting back.

In less than a minute, Daming had already lost more than one million fighters. This speed is too fast. Although the enemy is also consuming at a faster rate, the number of enemies is always 10,000 times that of us. They are not afraid of consumption, but we are afraid. Summer knows this too, so at the moment he seems calm on the surface, but he is already anxious.

Suddenly, the enemy shuttles on the entire battlefield were suddenly dumb, and the tight summer finally showed a trace of an imperceptible smile. Sudden dumbness showed that dm was working, but the time would not be too long Before long, the enemy will recover.

"Order all combat units, fly out of order, and shoot freely!" Summer ordered, and said, "Cang Yue, check the shield."

"Adult," Cang Yue said, "due to the reduced pressure, the shield is already safe."

The Weapon Officer reported: "Your Excellency, Thunderfury is fully charged and you can attack!"

"Order all combat units not to seize the rays, and at the same time activate Thunder Wrath and bombard No. 1."

Another three plasma beams were directed at No. 1 at the same time, and the shuttles were densely packed around No. 1, and these shuttles were quickly consumed under the bombardment of the plasma beam.

As soon as the plasma beam was launched, all the enemy's combat units suddenly started firing again, but this time the firing lasted for less than a second, and the collective fire was again repeated.

The electromagnetic pulse bomb set in summer is not a one-time detonation, but an intermittent detonation.

Enemies without firepower consume faster, and Daming's consumption speed slowly decreases. Seeing that so many of my fighters were damaged, that summer was distressed, and there was one life in each fighter.

At this time, an intelligence officer said: "Your Excellency, the request for the connection of the Huaxia Street."

"Hua Xia? Where is it?" Xia Xia asked, Hua Xia was the largest of the four flagships of the Daming Navy, and the flagship of the Second Fleet. After Xia Deng and Bai Ziying were captured, the Huaxia lost contact.

Lost contact but not missing, that is to say lost contact, but can find its trail, and now comes out suddenly, summer is shocked and happy.

"It's only 3 light minutes away from us," the intelligence officer replied.

Summer wondered, "Hurry up and take over."

"Your Excellency," the nine-day system host of Huaxia is connected, saying: "The interstellar mothership Huaxia requests to participate in the war, please instruct."

Xia Xia just thought for a moment and said, "The China Order will order you to command all combat units of your ministry to come on a tangential route, freely attack all enemy combat units on the battlefield, and keep in touch with the headquarters at all times."

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Jiutian replied, and immediately, the unmanned Huaxia joined the battlefield.

The Huaxia just joined the battlefield, and the intelligence officer once again sent good news: "Your Excellency, the enemy's shields seem to have failed!"

Everyone is suspicious. A warship without a shield is equivalent to running naked. But summer will not give up this excellent opportunity, because he knows that the enemy ship must have received a dm attack and there was a brief line of chaos that caused the shield to shut down ~ ~ This kind of shield is closed, It will be fixed soon.

"Power attack! Don't be soft!" Summer said.

The enemy shield disappeared in about three seconds and then recovered. However, in these three seconds, the situation of the war was completely reversed. In these three seconds, I saw the entire space station that stretched for 10 million kilometers, and the dense enemy shuttles triggered a chain reaction-like explosion.

Because it is too dense and there is no shield protection, after a shuttle is hit and exploded, its fragments will be ejected to the neighboring shuttle, causing the neighboring shuttle to explode, after the neighboring shuttle explodes The explosive debris was passed to its nearby units, which caused a chain reaction.

So in the entire field of view, you can see the exploding fireballs full of space.

In three seconds, the chain reaction passed through the core like a sea of ​​enemy aircraft. Because the thickness of the sea of ​​aircraft was too thick, the thickness was more than 5,000 kilometers, and it could not reach the core in three seconds. The core of Jihai is No. 1 flagship of sine wave.

The strategic deployment of the sine wave is that the flagship 1 is the core, and a large number of shuttles are covered within 10,000 kilometers in diameter, and about 10 billion shuttles are shuttled in the desert space with a diameter of 5-8 million kilometers. . Therefore, the entire battlefield stretches for more than 10 million kilometers, which is a vast interstellar battlefield.

After three seconds, all the sine wave combat units restored shield protection, and Daming ’s intelligence officer reported an exciting piece of good news: "Your Excellency, the enemy destroyed combat units between about 40 and 60 billion."

"So much?" Summer is very surprised. If the information is true, then the sine wave is only about 10 billion combat units, but it is still far more than Daming, and the battle will still be cruel.

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