The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 596: Man-machine war (18)

The restoration of the shield did not prevent the explosion from continuing. Some shuttles exploded in the shield. Because the principle of the shield is that it can only go in and out, the debris and shock waves caused by the explosion can still be transmitted to the adjacent battle. The unit, but the shield has been restored at this moment, so the chain reaction is to stop, and the sound shuttle is no longer affected.

Although it said that it caused more than 90% of the damage to the sine wave, it still could not cause a devastating blow to the enemy. The fighting power of only 10% of the sine wave was still far stronger than Daming.

"Order all units, maneuver to avoid, not too close to the enemy mothership!" Xia Xia ordered again, he must guarantee his strength.

An interstellar war is a resource war. If you have more resources, your chances of winning will be greater. Although strategy and tactics are also important, resources will always rank first in the war. And resources include weapons, energy, space, and population.

Sine wave as a machine civilization, you don't need to consider the population factor, but it has to consider its most basic combat unit, that is, the shuttle, because of the strong electromagnetic pulse interference, the weapon fails and the shield fails, causing it to In the short term, the loss of more than 90% of combat units, including shuttles and battleships, will be reached.

"Your Excellency," an intelligence officer said, "No. 1 is correcting the fairway, it is turning!"

Summer sneered: "Want to escape? No way! Order all combat units to continue to attack!"

Because our strength is far inferior to that of the other party, we can only order our soldiers to attack and sprint in the summer, and try to leap to places where the enemy's strength is scarce.

Just after the order was issued, the intelligence officer said: "Report to your Excellency that a battleship of our army was found in the inner layer of the No. 1 enemy ship battle group, and a quantum communication request was sent."

Intelligence shows that the battleship deep into the enemy's hinterland has a string number of 2-326. The preceding 2 indicates that it is a battleship of the Second Fleet, and 326 is its serial number in the Second Fleet. Summer knew that this battleship 326 was Bai Ziying's "vehicle".

As a vanguard, Xia Deng drove a mothership Huaxia alone, while Bai Ziying drove a battleship alone, which was No. 326. Since the two were captured, the Huaxia floated in space and lost contact (but did not lose track), and after 326 has been in the sine wave team.

Battleship 326 at the moment is not shielded.

Quantum communication is connected, the voice of the host of the 326 system: "Your Excellency, I am the host of the system of the 326 warship, my name is Huluwa. I now want you to report important information, the enemy ’s flagship 1 is a modular construction A total of 14 blocks ... "

At the same time as Huluwa said, a three-dimensional diagram was sent to analyze the structure diagram of No. 1, the so-called 14 modules are like this:

No. 1 is a huge disk-shaped aircraft with a diameter of 150 kilometers. Its disc is composed of upper and lower parts, just like the two plates are buckled together. When flying, it rotates around its center point. There are two parts in the center of this disc. One part is a half-moon-shaped module. There is a round module in the half-moon-shaped crescent. The module never rotates.

In other words, the entire mothership is rotating, except that the circular module in the middle of the crescent is not rotating. This shows a problem: if there are creatures on the mother ship, this non-rotating module is likely to be the survival module of the creature!

This survival module is a circle with a diameter of 10 kilometers. This circle is its appearance. If it is extracted in three-dimensional mode, it is a cylinder with a diameter of 10 kilometers and a height of 5 kilometers!

The crescent module is much larger than the cylindrical module. This crescent is also its top view, and it is also cylindrical like the cylindrical survival module, except that its "pillar" cross-section is crescent-shaped.

The crescent wrapped the cylinder into a larger cylinder, with a huge diameter of 30 kilometers!

Since the mother ship spins at a high speed and the survival module does not rotate, when viewed from the top view, it makes people feel that the entire mother ship is stationary, while the cylindrical survival module rotates at the same speed.

In addition to the two modules in the center area, from the top view, the mother ship 1 is a circle, like a piece of cake cut with three knives, these three knives are across the entire circle, the circle It is divided into six equal pieces, but there are two other pieces in the middle of these six pieces, that is, the two "Xingyue" modules that are together.

These six pieces did not penetrate to the bottom, and they separated at the middle of the longitudinal plane of the disc. Six above, six below, two in the middle, exactly fourteen.

Huluwa said: "Your Excellency, this crescent-shaped module is where the evil dragon's central computer room is located, and the module it embraces is a survival base with a sine wave creator: Limulus."

"Limulus!" Everyone was in an uproar. Unexpectedly, there was indeed a smart limulus!

Huluwa also said: "The most important thing is that His Royal Highness Prince and Bai Ziying Commander are also in the survival module ~ ~ When he heard him in the summer, he immediately ordered the whole army:" All combat units, do n’t attack 1 No. Survival Module! "Allow Cang Yue to send the analysis chart of No. 1 to all combat units."

"Can you contact them?" Summer asked.

Huluwa said: "Unable to contact."

Xia Xia asked again: "Why didn't the evil dragon destroy you?" Xia Xia asked this because he was worried that No. 326, that is, the gourd baby was countered by the evil dragon.

Huluwa said: "I don't know why, but I have been contacted and armed, so I do not pose a threat to the sine wave."

"Then you continue to stand by near No. 1."

"Yes, sir!"

While exchanging information, the sine wave actually closed the shield again, this time for another three seconds, and this time, only three seconds, almost caused a devastating blow to the sine wave, except for No. 1. Almost all peripheral combat units have been destroyed, forming countless sparks in space. The scene is extremely spectacular. These combat units include shuttles and large battleships.

Due to the survival module, Daming's combat units did not dare to attack the enemy flagship.

The shields failed twice, and it took only six seconds to add them together. The overall situation has been determined. There are sporadic shuttles on the battlefield, which are scattered.

"Your Excellency, No. 1 is adjusting its course substantially, it will run!" The intelligence officer reported.

"Pay attention to all," Xia Xia ordered, "All combat units, bite No. 1 is not defense, full firepower, free attack!"

Worried that the breakdown of the shield will damage the enemy ship and damage the Limulus and Xia Deng Xiaoying in the survival module. Summer added: "Take a close look at the No. 1 shield and stop attacking once it is penetrated."

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