The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 714: Soul contest (22)

Finally came the messenger from the command system, a spaceship carrying several messengers and a dozen robots. Techno robots, like Techno, can fly on all four wings. This is just like the horseshoe crab's robot, and the horseshoe crab.

The captain put them in. During the communication, Nobita specially noticed that the captain had a complicated expression and expressed anger at a person on the screen. 9527 whispered on the side: "The person on the screen is The Third Prince's Gale. "

Gale? Da Xiong laughed secretly in his heart, the name sounded domineering, but how could I not be excited? It's no wonder that they are even uglier than the three captains and 9527 and Xiaorou.

The spaceship flew in and entered the interior of War Bugs. The strong wind projected his image into the space inside the war worm, and zoomed in to a height of several hundred meters. He said to the captain in the command cabin: "The captain with the number and the number, you know what I am doing, ha ? "

"I don't know, please tell me again." Captain Yu Ge replied. His answer was obviously a bit unexpected, because the strong wind was ignorant at that time, and it never thought that Yu Ge would answer it like this.

One of the envoys who came with him shouted, "Why are you talking to the prince? Please pay attention to your identity!"

"What are you!" Yu Ge also shouted, "Dare you dare to talk to Lao Tzu so? See how Lao Tzu turns to kill you! Your prince, you haven't answered me yet, what are you doing?"

"You, you, are you going to rebel?" The third prince's trembling voice realized that his purpose for coming here might be to help.

"Prince, you haven't answered me yet, don't you plan to say yes?"

"Periodic biochemical quarantine spot checks, you don't know that, it's your turn of warworm today."

"I don't think it's that simple?" The captain sneered. "Sample checks are done. Why should we take advantage of others in their sleep?"

"Waking up and sleeping again is very resource intensive. As a captain, you should also be very clear about this." Gale defended.

The captain sneered again and moved out his concubine Xiaorou. Xiaorou said: "Six brothers, are there 126 of my children in the biochemical quarantine random inspection staff?"

"This ..." The third prince said in a plug.

"Haha, can't tell?" The captain smiled, "Then I will say it for you! The captive alien intelligent creatures have been eaten by Ino, and they have no food source, so you let the predators to feed. , Right? What biochemical quarantine, obviously caught them to feed Ino! What can save resources when sleeping, clearly afraid of waking others to expose the filling, right? "

"Brother, why do you treat me like this?" Xiao Rou rebuked.

"You bullshit!" The strong wind is still quibbling, "It's the only thing! You are out of nothing, malicious injuring, since you don't want your people to go to quarantine, then forget it, let's go."

When the strong wind said, he saw his spaceship began to move, and wanted to fly out, the captain said: "Want to go? Isn't it easy for me to see? Open your ship's door and let my people board the ship! Otherwise, I will Will command the soldiers to bomb your spaceship! "

The strong wind shouted: "You, you are the opposite, the opposite!"

The gale has ordered that Tylenol near the spacecraft leave the fighter plane and fly with his weapon to the spacecraft. This spacecraft can accommodate a thousand sleepy Tylenol, which is still large enough.

The spaceship on which the third prince Gale was riding was locked inside the war worm and could not escape. Captain Yu Ge ordered many Tylenol soldiers to surround the spacecraft and forcibly entered the 6 broken ship to enter, arresting the gale and a man.

On the line, 192 Princess Xiaorou cried and pleaded with Brother Yu: "You just let him go, he is my brother after all."

Brother Yu said, "Let him go? Did you make a mistake? That is, he is going to kill our child! And your brother and sister in the same room have more than 1,000, do you care about this one? You let him, you dare to guarantee Are our children not in danger? "

The strong wind suddenly said aloud: "You guys and dogs, to understand our current situation of Tylenol, we only sacrifice 100,000 Tylenol every day. For the entire Ming, it has no effect at all, and this is also for hundreds of years. The plan being adopted ... "

Hearing him say for hundreds of years, all the awakening Tylenol who could hear him in Chengcheng began to scream out loudly, including Tylenol in other war bugs, who did n’t expect them to be concealed for hundreds of years. !

Gale continued: "Sacrificing the ego, fulfilling the ego, and allowing me to fly between the universe, is this not a matter of merit?"

It ’s not just the hundred war bugs that are online now, some captains are already broadcasting the live broadcast to the entire Ming fleet in broadcast mode, more war bugs have received signals, and more Tylenol have been awakened, Ning listened to this scam.

And some warfare insects have changed their course in the sky, leaving the center of control. Nobita saw that the Techno Fleet was starting to break up, and he was in a guilty mood. He wanted to watch them infight, then civil war, and finally collapsed!

But I saw dozens of light spots rushing into the War Bugs ~ ~ Nobita understood that it was the soul wave of Inno, and it must be that civil strife caught their attention, and rushed over and headed straight to Nobita.

Nobita knows that these soul waves are not offensive to entities, but they can be offensive to photoelectric signals and other soul waves. So although he was reluctant, he still had to evacuate quickly to prevent being hurt by Ino's soul wave. He broke through the war worm's hull, galloped in the direction of the zombie fleet, and galloped for a distance before starting off the assembly line.

Nobita woke up wakingly, like every time before, exhausted, dry and hungry. Without waiting for everyone to ask, he asked two Feng people to help him go to the toilet and said, "It's very rewarding and successful in counterattack! I will tell you later!"

After coming out of the toilet, the wind clan handed him a large glass of milk drink and swallowed a big sip. I will be back after a while. "

Afterwards, he was introduced in detail to everyone. I heard that there have been differences within Tylenol, and everyone is very encouraged. Nobita said: "I'll take another look at night. If they hit themselves badly, maybe they can destroy them, so that they don't need to drive the headquarters, then we are heroes!"

Yun Yan sneered and said, "I don't think it's that simple, but you have contributed to this operation. Without you, we really don't know what to do."

"It's easy to say, if we can all go back alive after this operation, I will definitely be the host and invite you to have a hard meal at the largest hotel in the city of hope!"

"What about us?" Ou Te asked, they are Feng people, they can't eat with Yun Yan in the Hope City.

"That must be the new honey all feasting you, you still have to ask?"


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