The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 715: The contest of the soul (twenty-three)

The research team's biological weapons research process has entered the stage of tail sweeping. The developed blood mushrooms, cloud insects and leapfrogs have been protected by various measures. The reason why it is said to be a biological weapon is because it is offensive. At the same time, it is not as easy to control as other types of weapons. It is difficult to control. If it does not attack the enemy, it hurts itself.

So the people in the research team are very careful to save these horrible things, and all they have to do is to transport them to a thousand zombie battleships. This work is probably about a month's time, and after a month, when the work is all done, it is time for the team members to evacuate.

Nobita slept for a whole day, and Dr. Feiyun assisted by Zheng Yunyan and Gao Zhan with the transportation and deployment of equipment and biological weapons. After sleeping for ten hours, Zheng Yunyan and others just laid off and met Daxiong while eating in the cafeteria.

In the canteen of the assault group, Zheng Yunyan and Daxiong sat together. While eating, Nobita asked: "How is it, have you been working hard these days?"

"Fortunately," Zheng Yunyan was eating, and at the same time he used Yu Guang to watch the Gao Zhan at the other table. Gao Zhan, Yunxi and several people sat together. Nobita glanced, and now Yunyan had a strange look at Gao Zhan. He couldn't help laughing, guessing that this Ming Dynasty Bingmei would not fall in love with Gao Zhan? But fortunately, for thousands of years, oh no, it is the iceberg beauty that has been frozen for more than six hundred years.

Yun Yan said: "I can't think of too many things in the research group, more than the Fengzu Intelligence Group. I think I want to deploy it in a month, which is a bit choking."

Nobita sighed and said, "It must be as soon as possible. If it is too late, the distance we will withdraw will be within the range of Ino's soul wave investigation."

"I can only do my best. By the way, I haven't seen your little ancestor trouble you."

The little ancestor Yun Yun said refers to the children of Daxiong's sister's family tomorrow. Nobita said: "He can honestly point that it is the best, I hope to bring a complete small ancestor back to my sister."

Yun Yan's index finger shushed on his lips, motioning Daxiong not to say, afraid of taboo. Nobita smiled and said, "It's okay, what's really going to happen, taboo is useless."

Yun Yan sighed involuntarily and said, "I hope everyone can go back well, and then sleep beautifully for a hundred years, and then wake up when the dark day is home. How good!"

There is a planet in the dark day suitable for human habitation. Since Nobita had been to the Suzaku Universe while performing the cave operation, there was a star in that universe called the dark day. Snow World Star, on that planet, Xiaoqiang was shot by a chaotic arrow, the small engine was hit by a dead robot and fell to the cliff, and where the small cheese was contaminated by radiation forever.

According to the report after the return of Nobita, the top management of Daming decided to also name this planet Snow World Star, because Daming moved the entire Ming to the dark day, so the planet Snow World star of the dark day was also called " Home from Heaven ".

People are full of longing for this planet six light years away from the lighthouse star. However, at this time, a bloodthirsty Tylenol blocked the road of Daming. How to remove this stumbling block has become a problem. It depends on how nobita they did, to complete this action of Tadou.

"Yeah, finish the task early, go home early, and sleep for a hundred years! I'll go find the little ancestor." Nobita said to get up and go to find tomorrow.

Nobita's rest is almost over, and the tactical deployment of the team members has also been suspended. Nobita came to the intelligence group, found Otse, and waited for another soul transfer to the Taino fleet to investigate intelligence.

Everything is ready. Nobita sat up in a very comfortable position. This time Ou Te went with him. Nobita and Otter sat opposite each other, put their hands together on the Dragon Soul, closed their eyes and meditated, opened the soul transmission mode, and galloped in the direction of the Techno Fleet.

Due to the slowness of Haute ’s degree, Nobita had to take him to gallop together, so he did n’t get as fast as yesterday, and it took about three hours to reach the place of the Tylenol fleet. I saw:

Hundreds of war worms were shooting at each other, and the beam of light was shuttled through space, which means that they had already dried up when they were withdrawn from Nobita yesterday, and they haven't stopped until now. Nobita and Ott smiled at each other, and Ott said: "Boss, there really is you, but I don't understand."


"More than 10,000 war bugs, why are there dozens of them fighting?" Otter raised his doubts.

"I don't know," Nobita also didn't understand. I saw that the 10,000 war worms and other aircraft including the giant Ino are still flying at a high degree of o35x. (Note: Light is abbreviated as x)

For the civil war of this hundred war worms, all other war worms and aircraft are ignored ~ ~ And the war worms in this civil war will definitely not attack other war worms.

"We can only get a closer look," said Nobita, while searching for the war worm that was spotted yesterday by the memory, that is, the war worm commanded by "Yu Ge". It was quickly found, and sure enough, it was also fighting.

It can be seen by observing that the battle ratio of this hundred war worms is actually 1o: 9o! In other words, there are 1o ships fighting against 9o ships, and it is not difficult to see from the number alone. This huge combat power will soon be divided into victory and defeat.

Nobita rushed over with Otse and entered Yuge's War Bugs. I saw Yuge being commanding the battle in the command module. Tens of millions of warplanes piloted by Techno were flying in space and fighting.

In addition to Yu Ge and the awakening commanders in the command module, even 9527 was in it. Seeing that Brother Yu was calmly commanding the battle, Nobita asked directly, "Captain, why haven't you seen one day, how did you fight?"

The captain said: "You are here, messenger. I would like to thank you, if not you, our enslaved middle and lower class Tylenol are still in the dark and still continue to be enslaved! But soon, the world It ’s going to be a tremendous change! "

"But I don't understand," Nobita asked. "Why are you only a few war worms fighting? There are so many other war worms that haven't participated in the war, and they're still watching."

When Nobita asked this, he was thinking: I'm afraid you will not all die!

Yuge said: "Inno has a very powerful photoelectric signal control ability, and all other warfare are controlled by Inno and cannot participate in the war."

"Then what happened to your ships?"

"Fair fight between us and the nobles, whoever wins is the ruler of the fleet!"

Is this fair? Ambitious thought, 9o to 1o, how to fight and win!

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