The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 780: Snow pit

Five Chinese soldiers walked on the ground, five Tylenol soldiers flew in the sky, plus thousands of drones circling around.

After walking for about ten minutes, there has been no abnormality. At this moment, I came to the first intersection of the street. There is a row of refusal horses made of metal. Under the erosion of the years, it has been rusted. It's gone. Here, Xia Xingcheng called for a stop to clean up.

Arrangement of refusing horses shows that this was once a line of defense for the humans of Snow World. What is the purpose of setting up a line of defense? It is undoubtedly resisting the invasion of Zerg. This area, including the city, has a large magnetite, which can greatly hinder the Zerg ’s brain wave communication, so it has not been directly occupied by the Zerg.

Humans (let ’s call them inhabitants for a while) lived here for a while, but they still ushered in the invasion of the Zerg. It is conceivable that the war was extremely tragic at that time, and humans fought back, but they still could not restore their destruction Ending.

Xia Xingcheng raised his head with a gun and looked around, on both sides of the ruined building. Mingyue bent down, digging through the thick snow on the ground, and soon saw the concrete floor. The first thing that caught her eye was an old gun and several shells.

Xia Xingcheng asked her when she was in the snow, "Is there anything?"

"Some guns and bullets are now available, much like the weapons introduced in the history books." Mingyue replied.

"In the history book? About what period?" Xia Xingcheng asked.

"Old Earth Age 2o century." Mingyue replied briefly, and then continued to pluck up a large pile of snow, and some old guns and weapons appeared. "Yes, if I guessed right, there had been resistance here. Those irregular pits were left by bombs."

This explanation is more reasonable. There are not only civilian vehicles on the streets, but also some military armored vehicles and tanks.

Xia Xingcheng, who has always been cruel, could not help but sigh: "But they still lost."

Mingyue stood up, patted the snow on his hands, and asked, "What next?"

Xia Xingcheng pointed to the side of the refusal horse, in the middle of the road at the intersection, where the snow looked much lower than around, saying, "Will it be a big pit?"

Mingyue said: "It looks very similar." She looked up at the sky again and said, "It's more open here, it's easy to accumulate snow, so a big pit can also accumulate thick blood. Wait a moment, I will use the stream of consciousness Investigate. Come over and help me. "

Xia Xingcheng heard that he was asked to help her in the past, pretending not to hear, and still looking around.

"Hey, can you die without pretending? Hurry up and help the old lady, otherwise I will not stand steadily!" Mingyue shouted.

Xia Xingcheng was helpless in the past, reaching out to grab one of her arms.

"Will you, Grandpa Xia!" Mingyue turned to stare at him, "Hugging me from behind, if I use the stream of consciousness, I will not be able to control the body, so you have to hug me to prevent me from falling, understand? "

A few soldiers around him looked at him and couldn't help laughing, Xia Xingcheng stared at the three soldiers and said, "Laugh a wool! Watch out!" He also stood helplessly behind Mingyue, Throw the gun behind you, then stretch out your hands and grab her two arms.

Mingyue sniggered proudly, leaned back, leaned into Xia Xingcheng's arms, then closed his eyes and began to control his mind. The soul wave passed through the soft snow in the middle of the road ahead, and entered towards the inside. Sure enough, this was a big, deep pit filled with snow. In addition to the slow snow inside, she always felt that this pit was a bit unusual. As for how unusual it was, she couldn't tell for a while.

After a while, after the investigation, he woke up leisurely. "Can you stop?" Xia Xingcheng asked softly behind her, still holding her arm with both hands.

Mingyue stood, Xia Xingcheng also released her.

"It really is a big pit," Mingyue said, "but I think it's not just a pit."

"What else is there?" Xia Xingcheng asked.

"Nothing is possible," Mingyue said. "The deep pit was full of snow, and it was so full that I couldn't see it."

Xia Xingcheng called the other three soldiers and asked: "You help analyze and analyze, what will there be in the big pit, will there be insect eggs or something."

"Lao Xia," Mingyue said, "I admire your imagination! Zerg will bury the eggs here? Under such thick snow? There are more than 30 degrees below zero!"

Several comrades also agreed to agree with Mingyue's point of view. Xia Xingcheng asked: "Then you said that there are doubts in this pit, but you can't tell where the doubts are, can't I make hypotheses? Since it is a hypothesis, then everything is possible. Hey, forget, no Lifting the bar with you. "

Xia Xingcheng turned around in place, and the Huahu flew in the sky. Seeing that the following people had not moved for a long time, they asked, "What's wrong, boss?"

Xia Xingcheng waved his hand and ignored him, but shouted to the channel: "Is the captain here? You brought the boat over."

Mingyue did not know what he was going to do, and soon boarded the 6th boat and drove over. Xia Xingcheng said: "Captain, you hang the boat in the air in the middle of the road, then warm the snow in the middle of the road and melt all the snow inside."

After receiving the order, the captain drove the boat to the center of the crossroads, hovered in the air for more than ten meters, and shot a plasma column towards the bottom. The plasma generated high temperature to melt the snow.

By high temperature heating, the big pit buried in snow began to heat up, and the heat was getting bigger and bigger. In the end, the objects in front could not be seen at all, and the whole street was filled with fog.

The voice of the brigadier came from the channel: "Star City, what's wrong with you? I see a white mist in the city here."

Xia Xingcheng replied immediately: "It's okay, we are melting snow on a place. The white mist you see is water vapor."

"Pay attention to safety and report at any time." The brigade commander ordered.

"Yes, long! We will pay attention to safety, finished."

In just a few minutes, the snow in the big pit was completely melted away, and the 6th boat also stopped the radio plasma column, and was moored on the edge of the big pit.

Xia Xingcheng shouted to the flying Chinese tiger in the sky: "You several angels flew over to take a look, pay attention to safety, and prepare your weapons!"

Huahu promised to lead the other four Tylenos to fly over ~ ~ circling back and forth above the big pit. Xia Xingcheng asked: "How is it?"

"It's weird," Tylenol said.

"What's wrong?"

"There is no water in this pit," Hua Hu said. "What about the water after the snow melts? Is it all evaporated? Impossible."

Xia Xingcheng said: "Let's go, let's all go over and see."

Several people crossed the rejection horse one by one and walked toward the big pit that was still steaming.

(End of this chapter)

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