The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 781: Zerg cave

It stands to reason that if such a big pit is full of snow, there should be a pool of water in it. But after watching it in the past, everyone found that there was not a lot of water in it, but the soil inside was very moist. So where did the snowy water go? It can't be all evaporated into steam.

Several people stood with guns on the side of the pit and looked down. The big pit was at least ten meters deep and at least seven or eight meters wide. Several land soldiers stood by the pit and stretched their heads to look down. Several flying soldiers circled around in the sky and looked down.

"This pit is really big," several people sighed. In the old earth age, there were often reports about Tiankeng, mostly caused by over-exploitation of groundwater, but there were other reasons, but most of them were caused by man-made. Therefore, it is not ruled out that this pit was caused by man. When the humans of the Snow World star were not destroyed, the huge pit in the city was caused by excessive exploitation of groundwater.

The flying tiger asked: "Boss, how about some of our angels go down to explore first?"

Xia Xingcheng waved his hand and said, "No, safety first! Send a few drones to see first."

Xia Xingcheng said to let one of his soldiers operate a single soldier computer to control several attacking drones to investigate. The information discovered after the drone went down surprised everyone, because at the bottom of the pit there was a cave extending horizontally.

Mingyue whispered, "Sure enough."

Xia Xingcheng turned around and asked, "Did you detect the soul wave just now?"

"No, I guess."

The drone stopped at the bottom of the pit and waited for instructions. The soldier operating the drone asked, "Captain, what next?"

Xia Xingcheng didn't answer him, but stared at the picture research returned by the drone, and asked Mingyue: "What did you think of?"

Mingyue said: "It can be seen from the cave below that it is about four or five meters in diameter ..."

Seeing that Mingyue paused slightly, Xia Xingcheng asked, "So what then?"

Mingyue thought a little and said, "Will that be a wormhole?"

"Wormhole?" Xia Xingcheng didn't understand what she meant, not knowing whether she was talking about wormholes in physics or wormholes in a real sense.

"Yeah, wormhole," Mingyue said. Humans are here to prevent the invasion of the Zerg, from the sky, from the ground, but they did not expect that there were worms that came down from the ground. Worms, they do n’t make holes, what are they called? What do you say, Captain Xia? "

Xia Xingcheng nodded and said, "You mean, there is a large wave of bugs burrowing in the ground and quietly coming to the human defense line?"

"It's not impossible."

Xia Xingcheng thought about it and said to the soldier who manipulated the drone: "Detect the wormhole."

The soldiers began to control several drones to enter the wormhole for reconnaissance. Xia Xingcheng connected to the brigade department and briefly introduced the situation to the brigade commander. Then he ordered the people to rest and stand by, and let the flying Tainos land.

Everyone looked down at the same time, and at the same time watching the feedback from the drone. The wormhole underneath was unexpectedly very deep. The drone has been flying inside for a long time without ever ending. Not only did it not end, but also a lot of forks appeared, and before reaching the fork, no bug was found.

What should I do next? It's time to make a decision again. Xia Xingcheng just thought a little bit and said, "We can't always spend here, we have to continue to move forward. Captain, you are monitoring this hole here, I will leave more drones here, nobody below I let them search every fork automatically. "

The captain said on the channel: "Okay."

Xia Xingcheng said to the team members again: "We continue to move forward, be careful not to leave."

At the crossroads, I chose a road that was opposite the road. While walking forward, one of the land soldiers called the tank said: "You said, what on earth do the Zerg eat?"

This land soldier, called a tank, carried a plasma Gatling gun in his hands. Gatlin is considered a heavy weapon among the individual weapons, and he can only equip a strong soldier like a tank.

The other trooper who walked with him, nicknamed Big Head, said, "Not sure, but I guess they must like to eat more meat."

The tank glared at him, but Mingyue said, "Organic."

The tank asked: "How do you know?"

Mingyue said: "Since landing, have you found an animal? Animals other than swarms."

Both the tank and the big head shook their heads, and the big head said: "Don't you say that, it's really like that. It's weird. It's really an animal that hasn't been found."

Mingyue added: "Their food is mainly hydrocarbons, such as oil and gas."

"But animals, including native humans, are not oil, how could they be wiped out by them?" Asked Big Head.

"Because they also have a characteristic, a strong sense of territory," Mingyue said, "There can't be any living creatures in their territory! Including all animals, including humans, including themselves to compete for territory Of the same kind. So, on this planet, you can see a lot of plants, but no animals. "

Both the tank and the big head nodded, thoughtfully.

Mingyue added: "This is why our warships are attacked on orbit, because their territory extends to tens of thousands of kilometers of orbit.

"Zergs have powerful radio technology. They can detect our electromagnetic signals to find our location, and they can also create signal interference to shield the entire planet, which makes us lose contact with the fleet. Where we are now It can naturally interfere with the Zerg signals, so it has not been attacked. "

The tank said, "Sister Mingyue, how do you know so much? You are awesome!"

Mingyue is one of the older people in company a, so many soldiers call her sister.

Mingyue just smiled ~ ~ but did not answer him, but said in his heart: Sister has carried out hundreds of soul wave investigations in the three years of the fleet to Snow World Star, can not be clear These ones?

After being enlisted in the military, Mingyue joined the Eight Ships. The Eight Ships arrived in the Anri Galaxy seven years earlier than the other fleets. During the three-year voyage of the Eight Ships, Mingyue was instructed to conduct Soul Wave investigations on the Snow Realm with Soul Waves while conducting daily Marine Corps training. Of course all this is done in secret.

Hearing the three of them, Xia Xingcheng suddenly asked: "Are you saying that the Zerg eat oil?"

Mingyue said: "It is possible."

Xia Xingcheng seemed to realize that something was wrong and said: "Hurry to stop the drone in the cave from investigating, all fly out, and be alert at the cave entrance."

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