The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 782: Silent city

Xia Xingcheng's worries are not unreasonable. Since the Zerg can eat oil and natural gas even containing carbon, phosphorus and other organic substances as food, why is it impossible for them to live underground? So he ordered the end of the drone investigation of the wormhole to prevent the Zerg living in the underground from being disturbed and endangering them.

After the command was completed, Xia Xingcheng pulled Mingyue aside and asked, "What else do you know?"

Mingyue flicked his arm away and asked, "Why, like an interrogator! Didn't you not bring me? Do you know my importance now?"

Xia Xingcheng said: "Okay, almost it will work! Hurry and say."

"Then beg me?" Mingyue whispered, teasing him.

Xia Xingcheng stared at him: "It's not over yet, right? This is the task, hurry up!"

"Say chanting, what's the anger," Mingyue said, and at the same time brought up the electronic map returned by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, "The route you took us to go to the current location is still correct. Have you seen this? point a. "

Mingyue pointed to a point on the electronic map, which was actually in the northern suburbs of the city. "There is a tight fortification here and there are residual energy sources. I suspect it is an abandoned power plant or a military facility. . "

"Why choose here?" Xia Xingcheng asked.

Mingyue said: "You can see the map. From the place where we disembarked to the end of this point, there are a total of three streets, each of which is decorated with horses. This shows that they value the point a very much. Three lines of defense were set up on the Zerg ’s attack line, and although they were still unable to stop the Zerg, they were desperate. "

"Why didn't you say it early?" Xia Xingcheng said, "Can I just land at point a."

Mingyue said: "The route we took was the one the Zerg attacked. Shouldn't we carefully investigate it? And there is a building at the front of the street, there are a lot of materials in it, and neither the drone nor the soul wave can. To detect this information, only our personnel went in person. "

"Data? What kind of information?"

"Paper information."

"Paper material? You mean the library?"

"Unclear, but this possibility is not ruled out."

"Okay, the next goal, the library! Everyone has followed up, and always be vigilant!"

The five Tylenols still flew in, and the five land-bound soldiers continued to march in the snow. The quiet streets, the snow falling down, the drone flying buzzing, the Taino people flapping their wings, the land soldiers stepping on the snow to make a crunching sound, a row of slumping slaughter of doom.

In a blink of an eye, I came to the second street. Sure enough, there was a library-like building with a high step in front of the building. There is also a small square in front of this library, and some vehicles and armored vehicles are also messyly parked.

Looking up, the surrounding buildings are still ruined. If humans and Zerg have engaged in fierce battles in this city, then these buildings, roads and vehicles, and some facilities on the street are not just It was the erosion of the years that made it look like this, and then there was the baptism of war.

But it said that on the top of the step, before entering the library door, there was a row of columns, several of which were broken, and the front of the library collapsed a corner.

Before entering the library, Xia Xingcheng still dispatched more than a dozen drones to carry out advanced investigations. Through the feedback from the drones, you can see the mess inside. Many books on the shelves have been corrupted due to the age. A large area of ​​the library roof collapsed to reveal the sky, and a large area of ​​the surrounding walls collapsed and exposed.

Not only that, due to the exposed top, there is still some snow inside. While the drone was in for investigation, Xia Xingcheng did not forget to report to the headquarters, and also asked the captain beside the big pit: "How are you doing there?"

The captain returned the report: "Very quiet, nothing unusual."

Xia Xingcheng muttered: "It's strange."

"What's wrong?" Mingyue asked. "Isn't it quiet? Isn't it good to harass without Zerg?"

"But have you ever thought about it?" Xia Xingcheng said his doubts. "When we landed, we were under siege by so many Zergs, crawling from the ground and flying to the sky. But after arriving in this area, there was actually a bug I haven't seen it! "

Mingyue also nodded: "Yes, this is the case. Do you think there will be survivors of Snow Realm in this area?"

"Impossible!" Xia Xingcheng directly denied her guess.

"Why is it impossible?"

"They have perished for more than a hundred years," Xia Xingcheng conducted his analysis. "The outside are all Zerg, and this lonely city, including its surroundings, in this whole area, there is nothing to eat or drink . Survivors? What do they eat? What do they drink?

"And, you have all seen that although there are no Zergs here, it does not mean that the Zerg will not come in. That huge pothole is an example."

Speaking of which, Xia Xingcheng suddenly stopped talking. Mingyue asked: "What's wrong? What did you think of?"

"You just said that although Zerg foods are not animals, they absolutely do not allow the existence of living creatures?" Xia Xingcheng asked.

"Yeah," Mingyue nodded. "This is a conclusion based on my many soul wave investigations, and it has also been demonstrated that the entire planet has no other animals except the Zerg, which is very good evidence."

"No, no, the problem is not here," Xia Xingcheng interrupted him. "It is not the evidence of the argument, but the result of the argument. The Zerg does not allow any living creatures to appear in its territory!"

"Yeah, that's right." Mingyue was affirmed again.

"The city we are in, and the highlands occupied by our landing brigade, the area covered by this magnetite-rich mine is the territory of the swarm! It is the territory of a large swarm. The reason why they did not besiege us, One is that they have experienced the power of our drone group, and the other is that they are gathering teams to gather all the insects around them, launching a final siege on us, a huge siege! "

"But the signal in this area is not good, it will interfere with their brain waves."

"No, there is interference in the moon, which is the reason why they are not stationed here, but it is not the reason why they do not siege humans! The remains of this city can be seen. A hundred years ago, indigenous peoples were siege by them After the last human being died, they were all withdrawn ~ ~ Mingyue listened to him and couldn't help but take a breath. "That is to say, we are in trouble. "

"Yeah, we must contact the fleet as soon as possible to assist us in retreating."

"But lost contact with the fleet on the track!"

"Connect with your soul wave," Xia Xingcheng said.

"The soul wave can't be contacted either, I tried it."

"Then try again!" Xia Xingcheng said decisively, "Okay, let's go in, search for information, and end this operation as soon as possible."

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