The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 785: The end of the world (1)

Dark day (Barnard's star), it has a rocky planet: the snow world, all the environment is the same as the earth, so it is also suitable for the survival of earth people.

Coincidentally, there is a human civilization in the snow world. They are exactly the same as the Asian Orientals on the earth. In other words, they are Asians on the earth.

So when Shengqiang introduced their snow civilizations, the commandos in the library and the commanders in the base brigade were very surprised, because there were two civilizations in the universe that would be so coincidentally the same Be aware that in the universe, as long as there is a slight difference between two different worlds, the difference in evolutionary path will be triggered. This is also a reaction to the butterfly effect.

If you think about it a little bit, it will cause doubts. These two civilizations of such a high degree must have some connection, although the distance between the two planets reaches 6 light years.

Snowmen have a history of 7,000 years of civilization, and they have developed into the budding period of the space age, that is, they have just been able to send their own humans into space.

They launched a lot of artificial satellites and established an orbital space station. The next goal is to land on Snow Moon A, which is just a few steps away, just like humans ’moon landing plan that year.

However, this magnificent plan was not realized because of the emergence of the Zerg, which brought destruction to the snow people.

According to Shengqiang's introduction, it was a quiet morning. In a place where the mountain was covered with coniferous forest, a team of lumberjacks stepped on the thick snow to the forest farm. Occasionally, you can see several deer or hares foraging and running around them, or some birds croak.

There is a low house under the mountain, smoking smoke. From time to time on a mountain road, vehicles can be seen passing by.

This is a very ordinary world and a very ordinary morning, yet a devastating disaster is quietly coming.

A warship with a strange appearance entered the dark sun galaxy. According to Shengqiang ’s description, this interstellar warship has not been seen by anyone. There is no record in Daming ’s database, that is, it is an unknown and unknown type. Its warship, its civilization is even unknown, is it the human race, or the Zerg? Or is it a machine family? This is unknown.

However, in Shengqiang's introduction, he said that this civilization came from the Left Knee Interstellar Civilization Union, or Zuomeng for short.

As for the existence of Zuomeng, Shengqiang did not make too many introductions. Even in the deciphered known materials, no relevant introduction about Zuomeng was found, but in the end, Shengqiang ’s statement came out. A terrifying secret, what kind of secret is it, I will talk about it later.

But it said that when the alien warship passed the Snow Realm, he dropped a flying machine and then went away and left the dark sun galaxy.

The aircraft flew to the star land of Snow Realm at high speed, rubbing with the air, burning, breaking through the sky, and falling into the deep mountains of the Linhai Snowfield. Thousands of people witnessed this moment, the Pandora box was about to open.

The silent snowfield, the silent forest, a loud bang, a fireball fell to the ground, rolling up a few feet of snow mist and dust. When the flame gradually extinguished, it was the aircraft that was thrown to the ground, with its head inserted in the dirt.

The loud noise made by the impact broke the silence of the forest, but soon, the forest returned to calm again, because this is a place that is inaccessible. Although the military discovered the UFO visit, it took a long time to get here.

With a clatter, the tip of the aircraft opened like a lotus, revealing a red oval object inside, about the size of a basketball.

When the egg came into contact with the air, it began to wriggle and ruptured in a short while. A bright red larva crawled out of it. This was the queen larva of the Peysen Zerg. The larvae are not large and have no lethality. Like an octopus, they grow a dozen feet.

If at this moment, the larvae were killed by humans in time, there would be no subsequent catastrophe.

The larva crawled off the aircraft and crawled with its dozens of feet. The larva crawls fast on the snow, faster than the rabbit. It crawls at least five or six kilometers away. From time to time, it encounters some native animals. The larva will either stop advancing or climb the tree. , Used to avoid the damage that other animals may appear to it, because the larvae at this time are very fragile, that is, there is no lethality and no defense.

This shows that the Zerg has a high degree of wisdom. The reason why it is far away from the crashed aircraft is that it is worried that it will be hunted down by humans, thus hindering its growth plan.

Far away from the aircraft, the larva finally stopped and looked around. After confirming that there was no danger, he drove towards the snow underneath, and drilled into the soil.

About an hour later, a huge cocoon appeared in the place where the larvae burrowed, generally buried in the soil, generally exposed to the bare surface, about three or four meters in length, in the snow, just such a huge red The yellow-colored insect cocoons are wriggling, and inside it is gestating a powerful life, which is enough to destroy an entire civilization!

Two hours later, the insect cocoon continued to advance, with a larger body and a higher bulge. The outer shell of the insect cocoon was thinner, and the giant insect with its claws and dancing claws could almost be seen through the translucent cocoon shell.

Three hours later, the insect cocoon evolved to the final stage. When it was time to break out of the cocoon, I only heard the grunting horror sounds, which were the sounds of giant insects before the cocoon broke. A cocoon broke, and a disgusting, scary, slimy body covered with red mucous worms broke out of the cocoon, screaming, but quickly quieted down.

The first queen of the snow world star Peysen Zerg was born!

The queen ~ ~ is also called the mother nest. It is a non-combatant Zerg that cannot move on its own. Half of the body is buried in the ground and half of the body is naked. Immediately following, the mother's nest began to wriggle again, and it was brewing the birth of the first male!

About an hour later, the first male was born, and the newly born male immediately began mating with the mother nest. After the mating, the mother nest will begin to produce the first batch of worker insects at a faster rate.

In just ten minutes, the first worker worm was born. Its shape was the same as that of the initial female nest larvae, with the shape of an octopus and dozens of feet. After the worker insect was born by the mother nest, it crawled to about 20 meters away from the mother nest, plunged into the snow, and began to brew the first soldier insect nest of this Zerg society!

Just when the first soldier's nest was only grown as a cocoon, the mother's nest immediately began the second worker's birth ...

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