The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 786: The end of the world (2)

Soldier nests, as the name suggests, are nests where soldiers can be born. A worm's nest is not a nest or a lair, but a worm can be born. It is also a worm and is female.

And the existence of males is not necessary, that is to say, there are no males, and the zerg can also reproduce. It is a kind of asexual reproduction organism, and the existence of males is only to accelerate the reproduction speed of the insects. It takes hours or more to reproduce a bug, but it is shortened to only a dozen minutes.

But it said that the first soldier's nest from the worker's nest drilling and cocooning out of the cocoon, it took only one and a half hours before and after this hour, the mother's nest had bred the second male, the first male The breeding of the insect took one hour, while the second one only took ten minutes.

Another advantage of the Zerg is that all bugs can be put into work or combat from the moment they are born. There is no such thing as infancy and adolescence like humans.

But it said that once the first soldier's nest came out of the ground, although its shape was very different from the mother's nest, it was also a huge insect body, half of which was stuck in the soil. Once it broke out, the second male crawled over and began mating with it, and at the same time, the soldier nest began to breed the first soldier.

During this period, the mother nest kept breeding worker insects, and these worker insects also began to drill cocoons around the mother nest. The first Peysen Zerg society raced against the clock and produced it all the time. The food needed for their reproduction came from various organic substances in the soil, including various elements such as carbon scale, hydrochloride, helium, sulfur, etc. Absorb for your own use, and give birth to new Zerg units.

In the early morning, the first female nest eggs began to fall in the forest. After a whole day, by ten in the evening, it had grown into a miniature Zerg society.

With the mother nest as the core, there are four primary soldier nests, one senior soldier nest, more than 100 poisonous bean nests, and more than a dozen air defense poisonous juice nests around it. And more than a hundred crawling soldiers, a dozen flying soldiers, and three or five busy males who are exhausted.

The primary soldier nest can breed various reptile soldiers, while the advanced soldier nest can breed various flying insects. The so-called poison bean nest and poison juice nest are aggressive insect nests that can defend the base of the insect nest. The poison bean nest is shaped like a cone and has a mouth at the top to spray the poison bean to attack the nearby moving target. The nest is an elongated worm, shaped like a twist with a cowboy, and can spray venom on top of it to attack air targets.

While Shengqiang demonstrated the Zerg society to the commandos through the video mode, the light curtain also showed various data of the Zerg: For example, the attack range of the poisonous bean nest is ten meters, and the frequency of spraying the poisonous bean is one per minute. The power of poisonous beans is equivalent to a grenade. For this explanation, a note was also deliberately: a poisonous bean can directly kill a well-equipped marine soldier.

The venom nest, also known as the anti-aircraft venom nest, as the name implies, it is an anti-aircraft turret, but its shells are venom, which can attack venom against air targets. This venom is sprayed with high pressure and can attack 300 meters. Above the air target. There is also a data note for the poison juice nest: although the attack distance is small, it also has the function of radar, which can detect targets within a range of ten kilometers.

And all this is just a first-class Zerg.

In the following video, about ten o'clock in the evening, three helicopters drove into this remote valley, broke the silence of the valley, and drove to the place where the UFO crashed. The captain of one of the helicopters reported to the headquarters: "We are about to arrive at our destination, please instruct."

The response from the headquarters is: to allow airborne, protect the site, establish a camp, and wait for the arrival of scientists tomorrow morning.

The helicopter hovered at the point of fall, and some marines began to descend from the helicopter. As the hovering rope descended, the co-pilot on the long plane pointed to Lin Zhong, not far away, "I saw it, there are several red trees there, so strange, what kind of tree would it be?"

"The fuss," the captain said. "It's just a few trees, maybe it's a dead branch."

"It's also possible," said the co-driver, and he never paid attention. The snow world was originally a dark world, and now it is ten in the evening, so the sight is not very good.

But I don't know, the so-called red trees are the Zerg's air defense poison bean nests. Before this Zerg has formed a certain combat power, it has no plans to attack humans for the time being. Therefore, these helicopters only had the opportunity to leave the land smoothly after landing the marine soldiers.

But if this crisis can be discovered at this moment, it may still be able to contain the end of the world.

Airborne is a 12-man Marine and some necessary supplies. After landing by air, the Marine Corps directly rushed to the UFO and fell to the ground. First of all, they carried out biochemical and radiation quarantine on the scene. After they found everything safe, they set up tents and security whistle at the landing, waiting for the military to send more tomorrow morning. Of people came to study.

The marines set up a bonfire, burned dinner on the spot, and stayed overnight. And throughout the night, the sentinels heard strange sounds from the forest many times. According to the data, there are no large predators and wolves in the area, so relatively speaking, it is still very safe for the heavily armed soldiers, so the team members thought that it might be too windy in the mountains, blowing the woods The sound made.

I don't know, it was the sound of Zerg drilling earth, forming cocoons, breaking cocoons and insects.

In the snow-capped mountain forest, the soldiers spent a peaceful night ~ ~ When dawn fell again, not far from the fall point, a deer foraging in the snow in the forest, followed by Gui sound, a tree shook violently. The deer looked up there in horror. There was a little red in the bushes, the color of flesh and blood, and then a vise worm with its teeth spread out.

The deer ran out of his legs, and after just two steps, the vise worm had rushed to the front with thunder, opened a pair of horrible fangs, and bit the deer all at once. The sika deer screamed, followed by a bang, and the deer's body was clipped in half by the vise worm, the flesh and blood intestines were dumped everywhere, and the white snow was suddenly red.

And not far from here, there are more insects hunting various living things everywhere.

In the camp, a soldier on guard heard a terrible voice and followed the voice carefully with a gun ...

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