The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 797: Enemies have come from 1,200 light years

"The Luke put a larvae of the Peysen Zerg on the Snow World Star. Originally, he wanted to cultivate the Zerg himself. In that case, the Snow Star Zerg today will be more powerful. But the Luke failed To do so, but to leave in a hurry. That is because a stronger god-level civilization has emerged, it is more powerful than the guest! "

Xiaoying said.

Then he said, "Cangyue, help me calculate the approximate time that the guest will release the eggs."

"Yes," Cang Yue replied, and after a little calculation, said: "This time is 25 years before Tianyuan."

Listening to Cang Yue's words, summer couldn't help but feel shocked and asked casually, "What about AD?"

"2o17 AD," Cang Yue answered.

Listening to the time Cang Yue said, the summer immediately understood that 2o17 was the year in which Mira disappeared after being irradiated with purple light. That is to say, the Yanhe, a god-class civilization outside the river called "eunuch" that year, visited the galaxy, one took Mila, and the other restricted the two big rogues in the galaxy. Peeping.

Look at Xiaoying again, and wait for her to continue. Xiaoying nodded and said, "Sure enough, as I expected, that year, the great **** shone with purple light came to the Milky Way and brought a new order, Terrified that the guest fart did not dare to let go, dropped the eggs and ran away.

Xiaoying spoke very vividly about the situation at that time. Everyone on the line smiled knowingly, and at a loss. In the summer, they supported their chins and narrowed their brows, thoughtful.

The current state of the Milky Way is slowly becoming clear, although the overall outline is still very vague. There were three major god-level civilizations in the summer, and it was called the "Three Universes in the Universe" in the summer: eunuchs, eunuchs, and peepers. The **** is a magic cloud star sea from the outside of the river (Note: the outside of the river means the outside of the Milky Way).

The eunuch's scientific and technological strength is much higher than the sum of the **** and the peeper. Both the **** and the peeper are god-level civilizations, then the **** civilization is an existence that is higher than the god-level civilization. "Magic civilization". These players and peepers must have their old nests in the galaxy, but it is not known where they are so far. Even if they know, Daming is able to challenge them.

Lower than the strength of these three cheap customers is the star civilization that is everywhere in the galaxy. Daming has encountered several, sine waves, Tylenol, and the unknown civilization "scale armor" three years ago.

The Scale Armor must belong to this Alliance of Civilizations, the so-called "Left League" they are about to face.

All things, one study, one analysis, one deliberation, are roughly clear. There are two main problems to be faced below, one is to rescue the bright moon, and at the same time to level the snow world stars, and the other is about the wormhole.

Now Mingyue can't act rashly in the Zerg "hands". As for the wormhole, although there hasn't been any movement so far, plan ahead for the future. So after discussing all the intelligence, Xia looked at the headquarters and everyone online, and said: "Let's talk about how to deal with this wormhole, provided that we temporarily put the wormhole described in the intelligence, Zuo Meng , Wako Star Big Star Market is considered true. So what should we do next? "

Everyone on the line, including the Military Council and the Gaochanghui, some are contemplating, some are exchanging ideas with each other, and tomorrow they are eager to try a few thoughts. They were seen by Yun Yan early and said, "Little q, you seem to have something to say. "

When I was asked tomorrow, I first looked at my mother Bai Ziying and then at my father's summer, and said, "As the head coach of this vanguard, I still agree with my father's original proposal. Get out of the wormhole and kill it to prevent future troubles! But the problem now is that our fleet is still more than four hours away from the wormhole. I am worried that before we feel, there will be something from Come out inside, and on the wormhole orbit, there are more than three thousand of my brothers floating in space waiting for rescue. "

Tomorrow's worry is not unreasonable. Now that you know the wormhole, you must start to be vigilant about it. Although this wormhole has been opened only a few times in the past 100 years, in the past three years, Daming ’s Soul Master has only seen the trace of the scale armor once, and the scale armor came through the wormhole, so in these three years The wormhole was only crossed once.

Nobita also rarely expressed his own profile: "This is indeed a problem, after all, it is the life of three thousand brothers, but it is really necessary to meet the alien fleet, and it is really impossible to make an immediate relief at your distance. If it is true This will happen, and I suggest that they decide how to do it themselves. Even if they surrender and become captives, it is forced to help. "

Nobita spoke a fact, but four hours will soon pass, and when the fleet reaches the wormhole orbit, it will be much easier to handle.

After getting everyone's approval, especially in the summer, Nobita went on to say: "Now that I know the existence of a wormhole, I know that it is a channel connecting 12oo light-year-old stars. What we have to do is not just guard the wormhole to prevent the beast Breaking out from the inside ~ ~ Nobit's implication is that we should do something when facing this bridge to the farther world. But what should we do?

Everyone was silent for a while, and summer said: "We must go over! If the wormhole can indeed pass through."

"Father," Nobita said: "I totally agree with you, if I want to cross, I am willing to pass first!"

Xiaoying took the words and said: "This question, my opinion is that even if we want to cross the past, we still have to be careful. First send a group of unmanned warships to the past, and carry quantum communication equipment. Make sure that safety After that, send another group of assault troops, and finally the fleet, you say, Nobita? "

Nobita nodded and said, "This is it."

Xia Tian said: "Your proposals are very good. We can design according to this idea. Of course, this is the latter. I wo n’t mention it today. We must pay close attention to the rescue of the three thousand soldiers. We will rescue us. Then discuss the specific steps through the wormhole.

"At the same time, the soul division of your fleet will continue to monitor the moon, and there must be no slack."

According to the intelligence surveyed by the Soul Master, Mingyue has been bound by a Zerg mother nest without any response, and around this mother nest, four or five male worms are turning around the mother nest, but they are not close to it. Through analysis of movements, these males want to mate with their mother's nest, but they can't get close. Perhaps it is because there is a human in the mother's nest.

Although Mingyue is deeply buried in the mother ’s nest, there is no life danger for the time being, and the three thousand brothers on the wormhole ’s orbit are dangerous, because the news from the front shows that the wormhole has a huge gravitational field disturbance. Something is coming out of the wormhole.

(End of this chapter)

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