The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 798: Adversary

Xia Xingcheng, Brigadier General and Techno Chinese Tiger were the last three to evacuate Snow World Star. They traveled through a space of 1.4 billion kilometers through a shuttle and came here. This space is 1.5 billion kilometers from Dark Sun Star. It is 260,000 kilometers away from the impulse of "Hell's Gate".

More than three thousand brothers are in this space area, revolving around the wormhole, and also being driven by the wormhole to revolve around the dark sun star.

After confirming that Mingyue did not withdraw, Xia Xingcheng was completely desperate and even had the heart to die. He just left his body floating in space, so he didn't want to think about it, and he didn't want to do anything. The Brigadier ’s voice was heard from time to time on the channel: "Brothers, we are going to take eight hours in this space. Eight hours later, the fleet ’s rescue battleship can arrive, because the distance is too far away, and the battleship is already full horsepower. Anyway, in eight hours, we will be safe.

"Brothers who manage the equipment must pay attention, pay close attention to the movement of the wormhole, and report at any time! At the same time, all the information obtained from Xuejiexing is immediately uploaded to the fleet!

"Because the retreat was in a hurry, I didn't have time to eat and drink. Everyone had to go hungry for the next eight hours, but you can't eat anything with such thick protective clothing. Also There is a problem that in the next eight hours, some brothers may have to solve the problem of urination and urination. We have only one sealed cabin here, everyone queues to take turns, if you ca n’t wait, you can only temporarily in protective clothing Solved it myself. "

The sealed cabin is very small and can only hold one person. It is equivalent to a space toilet here. Imagine that in the next eight hours, three thousand people will share a toilet. How uncomfortable and helpless should be. .

The transmission cover formed by the shuttle itself is very small, so many large equipment, including boarding the 6 boat, cannot be transmitted. It is good to bring out a sealed cabin. Fortunately, the computer hosts that recorded the information were brought out.

Xia Xingcheng floated so pessimistically and desperately, as if time had stopped, as if the world had nothing to do with him. Huahu led his newly talked girlfriend Ming Anqi through the crowd while shouting on the channel: "Boss, Xia Xingcheng, where are you?"

Xia Xingcheng heard his cry, but he didn't want to answer. But if he didn't answer, Huahu could find him. Following the position suggested on the soldier's computer, Huahu came to him and watched him floating there quietly, and asked, "What's wrong, Laoxia?" ? "

Xia Xingcheng just looked at the two Tylenol people in front of her, and still couldn't speak. Hua Hu said: "I'm sorry, boss, I blame me. I didn't think of Sister Mingyue, and I actually lost her on the insect star."

Xia Xingcheng knew that he could not blame him. It was too chaotic and too hasty. It was difficult to do a perfect retreat. But he just didn't want to talk. Hua Hu also said: "Unfortunately, it is a one-way transmission, otherwise I will fight for this cheap life, and I will go back to find Ming Yue."

Xia Xingcheng gave him a wry smile towards him.

This place is very far away from the dark day, and the dark day itself is a star that is not bright and hot, so it is very cold and dark. If it is cold, the temperature can be provided in the soldier's protective clothing. If it is dark, you can only see the players around you with a small flashlight in the helmet, and you will not see it a little further away.

The brigade commander also reminded: "Everyone pay attention, each of you has a jet device in your individual backpack, so don't use it to run too far, otherwise you will lose yourself, and the second is not convenient for later rescue. . Does everyone understand? "

Hua Hu was with Xia Xingcheng beside him, while Ming Anqi was also around, not going anywhere. Hua Hu asked: "Boss, you're honest, are you in love with Sister Mingyue?"

Xia Xingcheng did not answer him. Second, he glared at him.

"If you don't answer, I'll assume you are the default," Hua Hu said very gossip. "Sister Mingyue is really a good girl ..."

Although Mingyue has a biological age of nearly fifty years old, her body age is only in her early twenties, so it is not excessive to say that she is a girl, and she is still single.

"Although her personality is hot," Hua Hu said, "but she is very kind and beautiful. When it comes to beautiful, I don't have the aesthetics of your Huaxia people, so although I can't feel whether she is beautiful through my perspective, but You can see from your Chinese media that she is indeed a big beauty, am I right? Just as beautiful as my Archie. "

Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but look back at Huahu, and then Ming Anqi. Hearing Huahu explained how beautiful An Qi was, Xia Xingcheng thought: I can't see how beautiful this female Techno would be, if we were The Chinese woman grows up to be like her, and she will definitely be beaten blind when going out.

Regarding Huahu's nagging, Xia Xingcheng still couldn't hold back, and finally replied: "You really think too much, how can I and Mingyue? People are big stars, they look good and have money, but I'm just Poor boy! She and I will have no results. "

Xia Xingcheng said helplessly ~ ~ He stated Mingyue's social status, but did not say her other prominent identity, that is, Princess June and Daming's eldest lady.

"You don't care about these useless things, you say you like her or not?"

"You're so strange!"

"You're not a great man! Love is love, not love is not love, what's so embarrassing, even if she doesn't look at you, you have the right to express love, this is the guys."

Xia Xingcheng thought that Mingyue once told her that her father was an unknown **** that year and pursued the first thousand gold at that time, and the result became.

"Well, I love her," Xia Xingcheng admitted, "I'm not afraid of death for her!"

The two just floated in space, letting time go by, chatting about their respective stories and enduring hunger. About four hours in the past, the brigadier asked on the channel: "Is Xia Xingcheng here?"

"I'm here, Brigadier!" Xia Xingcheng answered immediately.

"Turn on private chat mode," the brigade said. "Tell you a good news and a bad news. The good news is that the moon is not dead, and there is no damage. The bad news is that she was caught by the Zerg and could not escape."

"Long," Xia Xingcheng said, "after being rescued, I beg to go to the insect star camp again to rescue the moon."

"This question will be discussed later. The only thing we have to do now is to wait quietly for rescue!"

As he was saying, suddenly a soldier reported to the brigade commander: "The wormhole is strongly disturbed by the gravitational field, and there may be something to come out!"

The brigade commander immediately opened the radio channel like the three thousand brothers and ordered: "Please pay attention to all soldiers, immediately delete all the information on your individual soldier's computer!"

At the same time, report to the fleet: "We may encounter an alien civilization, and we will disconnect all contact with the fleet later and remain silent!"

(End of this chapter)

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