The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 868: Come to the outside world

Zizizi ... electric sound.

The green light disappeared, and it was an alien world in front of Han Bing!

The light is dim, like a cloudy day, the sky is densely covered with clouds, and the sun is not visible. I am under a back against the cliff, and in front of me is a slightly open place. The reason why it is only slightly open is that Because about three or four hundred meters in front is the downward facing cliff.

Therefore, judging from the terrain, she is now on a mountain halfway up the mountain, and the mountain is a cliff, and the mountain is a cliff. In other words: go up, go up, go down, go down!

Let ’s take a look at the open ground halfway up the mountain: the ground made of soil and rocks, there are many leafless trees, bare, no leaves, and there are low plants on the ground, looking like weeds, but this leafless The tree is very surprising. It has a spiky thorn on the top of the tree. I don't know what it is used for.

When he came, Takahashi said that the plants here are dangerous, so Han Bing is guessing, will the pointed tip on top of this tree be used for attack? She was about to give it a try, but she heard a loud voice, and after looking at it, there was a leapfrog running towards her.

Han Bing took aim and pulled the trigger to kill him easily. Only the frog has been jumping all the time, and then there is the wind. I don't know how tall it is here. Listening to such a loud wind, Han Bing guessed it would be very high.

Looking at the front, there is actually an arc-shaped flyover. There are two stones used as piers under the flyover to support it. From the shape of the flyover, it is obviously built by humans. It was probably built by the group of people at the base, so there is nothing to doubt.

Looking at the bridge that day, one end leads to the mountain on the left, and the other leads to the mountain on the right, with a cave on each side. The next pair of rocks under the overpass can be climbed with the help of.

Han Bing climbed the overpass, and then carefully looked at the platform in front of him. The pointed tree, that is, the leafless tree, and the herbaceous plants everywhere, most of them can emit phosphorescence to illuminate the world. She came to the middle of the flyover. This place was just on the edge of the cliff. She looked down at the probe, and saw that the bottom was not deep, and several boulders fell in mid-air without falling.

As Takahashi said, gravity is abnormal here, so be careful. Looking back, I saw that the green light ball was still flashing in the center of the platform. According to Takahashi's prompt, she had to go through the green ball and return to the earth within three hours. The ball disappeared and she couldn't go back.

So what should I do next? Choose one of the two caves. Before starting, Han Bing still wanted to verify how dangerous the plants here were, so she chose a pointed tree and fired a shot at it. As a result, she saw the tree bend down sharply and pointed Aim at Han Bing.

Han Bing was frightened, and quickly dodged the edge. Fortunately, the distance was not far. The tree did not pierce the overpass, but made a deep pit on the rock under the bridge. If this is to pierce people, is it not necessary to pierce people to a transparent hole!

It seems that Takahashi is right, he reminded himself again and again. What's more, he reminded himself that everything was fulfilled. This shows that Gao Qiao didn't care about it, but Jiang Ping reminded himself to be careful. Jiang Ping did not believe that Gao Qiao would be so simple. Han Bing always felt a bit wrong. How could Takahashi send her over honestly, explain her to pay attention to matters, and remind her to go back.

But since I came here, it would be useless to think so much. Now, if I go back, I will return without success, and Sato has not found it yet. I will talk about it later. If the time is up, I cannot find Sato. It ’s not too late to go back, anyway, there are three hours left.

Thinking of this, Han Bing walked towards the cave on the right hand side. The cave is very large, more than two meters high, with a computer laid in the cave and lighting lamps installed. Han Bing found the knife at the gate of the cave with a flashlight and turned on the light in the cave before putting away the flashlight.

Going inward along the light, I walked about a dozen meters or so and turned a corner. At the end of the cave, the road was cut off because of the landslide ahead. In other words, the front of the landslide went deeper.

Han Bing was lying on the pile of debris from the tower defense. Looking inward through the gap between the debris, he could vaguely see that there was space in it, but the light was too dim to see the inside. The gravel layer is very thick and cannot be moved. Since the landslide is blocking the way forward, it can only come out and enter from another hole.

Apart from these two holes, there is no other way to go for this half-moon-shaped platform on the mountainside.

Han Bing came out of the cave, followed the overpass, and walked toward the other cave. When he approached the cave, he heard the loud cry once and came to the cave. Sure enough, he could see a nest of jumping frogs inside. In the hole.

ak47 was hung on the grenade launcher, Han Bing aimed at the nest of jumping frogs, directly passed a grenade, and with a bang, it immediately blew a nest, flesh and blood flew, and Han Bing made up for a few not killed Gun, after confirming that the litter of jumping frogs had been killed, she went into the hole.

It only appeared after entering the cave. There was no cable laying here, which means that the cave was not opened. The road in front may be very narrow and difficult to pass, so the people at the base gave up the opening of the cave and turned to open it. The cave over there, but who knows, there is no reason to collapse in the cave over there. It is likely that there are many people in the cave who are unable to come out because of the collapse, including Sato Inu.

Han Bing was thinking about whether to drill this hole and continue to walk. With her thin body, she should be able to pass. She just comforted herself so, whether she should take a step first, or a step, when she could not pass the front, she tried to find a way. .

The idea was decided, she began to walk forward, the further forward, the smaller the hole, the darker the light, and finally only crawled forward ~ ~ climbed forward, the flashlight was bright It is also increasingly impossible to illuminate.

Han Bing rested in it for a while. At this moment, she wants to give up, crossing 12oo light years and drilling animal holes. Is it worth it? You might have to throw it here, and now it's too late to go back, and then blow up the base's conveyor, so that Sato is completely banished to the outside world!

But she was reluctant to find Sato, and she was not upset. Who would dare to ensure that Sato would survive stubbornly in the outside world? So for that belief, Han Bingqiang tolerated loneliness and fear, and decided to go on, even if he died, he would find Sato!

"Brother Qiufeng, bless me!"

After a short break, Han Bing continued to crawl towards the depths of the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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