The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 869: Jumping frog baby nest

The further forward, the smaller the hole, and finally crawled forward. The power of the tactical flashlight was almost used up. Han Bing took out the light stick to illuminate. When I walked, I saw a bright light in front, a yellow light, Han Bing walked to the front and back, now this is a crystal ore, the fluorescence is out,

There were several pieces of this ore piled up together. She picked up one piece and moved on to the front of a cave, but she could not enter the cave. There was a fence-like thing in front that blocked it, something like a vine Then, she took out the rifle and struck hard, before knocking it away, and then looked inside.

The cave room is not very big, probably as big as a bedroom. There are a lot of yellow crystals in it, which illuminate the inside. Han Bing didn't dare to go in immediately because she could hear a slight loud cry inside, and she guessed that it was a den of frogs.

So look down carefully wherever you are. In addition to the yellow crystals on the ground around her, she also saw some low plants, which are completely different from those on the earth. They are plants with an indescribable shape.

Something was moving in these alien grasses, Han Bing carefully distinguished it for a long time, and even took a photo with a flashlight to see clearly. It is some animals that are much smaller than the leapfrog, but the appearance is slightly similar to the leapfrog. similar.

"Little Leapfrog?" Han Bing thought, saying that the cave was indeed a den of Leapfrog. She Han Bing spent a long time trying to climb into a monster's cave, just think about it Angrily, she took a closer look. There was a water hole in the center of the cave, and there was a small hole across from it. Only by leaning down could you climb in, but the hole was not blocked by vines.

Now how to do? Only enter this cave, go to the opposite hole, smash the vines, climb in, hoping to find a new path. There is a litter of baby frogs, shouldn't there be any threats? No matter, let's talk about it first.

Han Bing crawled forward, came out of the hole, and came into the cave. I saw that there was a nest of weeds in the grass. I had a dozen small jump frogs, each of which was as big as a mouse. . The other animal babies are very cute, but this leapfrog baby, Han Bing how disgusted, and also yelled with a mouth, seems to be hungry waiting to eat.

Their parents must have gone out to find food. Standing in front of this nest of small leapfrogs, they saw several crawling out, even climbing to her feet. "It's disgusting, it's dead!"

Thinking of this, Han Bing kicked it, and on this foot, several small jump frogs were kicked and screamed. Han Bing stepped on the belt and kicked. After a while, he completely killed the nest of small jump frogs and made the cave full of blood.

Am I too cruel? Han Bing is also flustered. Before, she didn't dare to kill fish, but now it's okay. Within a day, she has killed many monsters and many people!

But this thing is really disgusting, it is also a scourge to keep it, just kill it. When she was thinking this way, she saw a green shadow flash in front of her eyes, and with the angling cry, she felt a pain in her arm. Looking back, it was an adult leapfrog, cramming on her left arm Biting her.

"Lying Groove!" Han Bing scolded, and raised his rifle with an arc in his right hand. With a pop, he threw the leapfrog that bit her, and saw another leapfrog rushing in front of his eyes. Wait for it to come to the front, and kick it away with a long kick.

The leapfrog that was smashed by her with a gun hit the stone and landed on the ground twitching, while the leapfrog that she kicked and flew screamed and threw it again. Han Bingxun pulled out his pistol, banged two shots to kill the leapfrog in front of him, then went to the front, and then shot the half-dead leapfrog again.

"Fuck!" Han Bing couldn't bear the pain. After being bitten by the leapfrog on his left arm, he left a deep wound, bleeding gurgling and feeling dizzy. "Mad is poisonous!"

One couldn't hold on, Han Bing fell, thumped, and sat in the shallow water pool. The water in the pool is not deep, only the ankle. After looking around, there were corpses of leapfrogs everywhere in this cave. Han Bing burst out laughing: "Am I killing the whole family?"

If you guessed right, the two leapfrogs who had just suddenly attacked her should be the parents of this little leapfrog. It's strange that you blamed you for the wrong birth. Han Bing thought, but suddenly burst into tears.

She was originally a smart college student, full of longing for the future, looks good, and has good grades. Although she is a single-parent family, her family conditions are not bad. When she graduated from college, she suddenly regained love. Full of hope is about to start her happy life, and spend a happy life with her beloved. But the cruel reality ruthlessly shattered her dream.

The boyfriend was killed, he was highly toxic, and he could be killed at any time. In order to avenge his boyfriend, he was alone in a new world, but now he was trapped in this cave and was poisoned again. I don't know how long he can live.

This is the first time since she sent pure water to the underground base, she was injured for the first time and killed so many monsters and militants. She was intact, but at this time, she was carelessly bitten by this disgusting leapfrog. .

She could already feel that her consciousness slowly began to fade, and she was so weak that she simply lay down and lay her whole body in the pool, leaning her head against the pool. She originally wanted Jiang Ping to accompany her to the outside world, but she was very clear that Jiang Ping's skill was obviously inferior to herself. At that time, she would not revenge, but instead took Jiang Ping's life into it, then she could be guilty. Mo Dayan. Moreover, Jiang Ping is so handsome, and she knows how to hurt people, so she can't bear to let him take risks.

Just thinking about it, the numb feeling gradually disappeared. Not only that, but she could feel refreshed and handsome, and she was full of strength. How is this going? Could it be said that Angel Three in the body can automatically detoxify ~ ~ to detoxify the leapfrog?

Look at the wound again, soaked in the water pool at this moment, she has stopped bleeding, and she can see that the wound has scab, and it will be so fast! This is amazing!

Han Bing recovered his physical strength and planned to move on. The two adult leapfrogs came in through the hole in front of him. This means that the hole can definitely go out. I do n’t know if she can allow her body to pass through.

Anyway, let ’s talk about it first. If we ca n’t do it, we will go back the same way, and then go back to the hole on the side of the overpass at the beginning, and explode the rubble of the landslide with a bomb.

Thinking of this, she picked up a piece of bright topaz and came to the cave, leaned over and crawled into it.

(End of this chapter)

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