The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 886: Giant vine jungle

On the adventure of the Black Mountain base, Jiang Ping and Han Bing fought side by side. Although he didn't help much, he already had a deep affection with her, and even had contact with her. At this time, she heard that she was going Alien star, and never come back again, how can he accept Jiang Ping?

Although he knows that the Black Mountain base has been destroyed and the conveyor is completely broken, theoretically it cannot be transmitted, but from the tone of Han Bing ’s words, he can feel that she must have a way to transmit it, especially the one she just mentioned Quantum creature.

"Before leaving," Han Bing said, "I want to say goodbye to my mother, can you go home with me?"

"Actually, my aunt has been waiting for you all day," Jiang Ping said. "She just went back and will come back early in the morning. Or would you rest here and wait until tomorrow morning?"

"No, I can't wait," Han Bing said, "Brother Jiang Ping, do you know? There are three other girls waiting for me on the alien star? The alien star's air is poisonous, and I have to go back and let the magic blade carry out on these girls. Physical transformation, otherwise they will not be able to survive on the alien. "

Han Bing said that he had already got up and pulled up the curtain between the beds to block the clinical sight. Go to the window at the same time, open the window, here is the 12th floor.

"Then take all three of them back after you go."

Standing in front of the window, Han Bing looked at Jiang Ping and said, "The quantum creature can only teleport once, and it is unidirectional, and it will not be able to return after that. If I do n’t pass, the three girls will die. Do you understand? ? "

"Then what happened to you?"

"I will become the Queen of Blades, the ruler of aliens, and fully accept all the abilities of the magic blade ..."

"Aren't you going to fit?"

"Yes, it is a fit. After the fit, all the abilities of the magic blade will be transferred to me, and I ... will also become the magic blade, a super monster."

"Then, don't go ..."

"No, Brother Jiang Ping, what you won't understand is that the magic blade saved me and gave me a new life. I have to keep my promises and also to save the three girls. So, I'm really sorry."

Han Bing said, facing the back of his hands outside and closing his eyes, he saw a vine popping out of the ground, and grew up wildly along the wall. He came to the window in a moment, and Jiang Ping looked at him in surprise. Focus on what is happening. Han Bing smiled: "There are so many vines in the base, but they haven't been able to arouse surprise. Why are you so stiff?"

"Can you really?"

"Hmm, let's go," Han Bing said, grabbing a vine deep in the window and handing another to Jiang Ping. Jiang Ping was a little afraid to take it, "Come on, it's fine!"

Jiang Ping followed and grabbed a vine, and then the two were hanged by the vine and slowly placed downstairs, and then the vines disappeared into the night unconsciously.

"You're so cheating," Jiang Ping said, "how did you do it?"

Han Bing giggled and dragged him towards the door of the hospital. Jiang Ping said again: "There are some suspicious people in red in the corridor of the ward ..."

"They may be plain clothes, so we have to turn the window down, or we can't walk away."

Soon after, the two went out of the hospital gate, drove a taxi, and went to Han Bing's house. In the car, Jiang Ping told Han Bing yesterday.


Jiang Ping and Han Bing completed the collision of spirit and flesh under the entanglement of vines. Han Bing didn't know what happened and passed out. The huge vine sprang out of the ground from the ground. At the entrance of Xu Ji Coal Mine, a huge green jungle was formed, which was as large as several football fields.

It was almost dusk when the sun was about to set. Jiang Ping hugged Han Bing in his arms and looked out through the gap between the vines. Basically, he could not see anything clearly. Then call Han Bing. He could only put on his clothes first, and then helped Han Bing, who was fainting, for a long time. During this period, I heard a woman outside crying hard: "Bing'er, Bing'er, are you here?"

Jiang Ping dressed both men's clothes and was ready to go out. When Han Bing was fighting Sato, he hit the earth from aliens. Most of his original clothes, including tactical vests, broke, including mobile phones and walkie-talkies. It was the magic blade that gave her a set of vegetable fiber vests and shorts, and then she found another white coat to put on.

That's what Jiang Ping is wearing for her now.

Jiang Ping held Han Bing sideways and walked out. The vines automatically gave way to them. When he was about to walk out of the vine jungle, he could also see a woman shouting at Bing'er outside. Years woman. Jiang Ping wondered if her shouting Binger was Han Bing?

So Jiang Ping asked: "Auntie, are you looking for Han Bing?"

"Binger, Binger? Did you see her? I am her mother!" Han mother asked, crying.

Watching the vines make way, a strange boy hugged his daughter out, Han mother was also very surprised, but when she saw her daughter unconscious, she burst into tears.

"It's okay, Auntie, Han Bing may be overstretched, and rest will be good. Do you have a car? Let's take her to the hospital." Jiang Ping asked, still holding Han Bing.

"Her tricycle is here, will you drive?" Han said, pointing to a tricycle in front of her. When Han Bing was going down the well, the tricycle was parked outside. Han mother came by bicycle. She also had a tricycle key.

"Yes, I will." Jiang Ping said, placing Han Bing on the tricycle, and Han's mother also sat up. After that, Jiang Ping drove the tricycle, carrying her mother and daughter to the city hospital.

In the car, Jiang Ping told the mother of Han roughly what happened, and the mother who listened to it was heart-shattering and terrified. Since the daughter can come back safely, it is a blessing.

The Korean mother waited in the grocery store to wait for her daughter to come back, and the phone was unavailable, so she came over by bicycle. When I arrived, I saw that there was no one at the entrance to the well, and there was no security guard at the gate. ~ ~ She called the coal mine boss again and asked her to reply, let her wait, but she waited. It was almost a day, and I saw several trips of miners coming up from the well.

Han Mu did not know that although the principal behind the Heishan base had invested in the coal mine, it did not ask the coal mine, so the coal mine and the base under the well basically did not interfere with each other.

In the end, there was no way, she chose to call the police, but the police explained that it took 24 hours for the missing person to be accepted, and there were always miners coming up in the mine.

So Han Mu waited here hard and waited for the sun to set. Half an hour ago, the mine suddenly experienced violent turbulence, the land left, and huge vines grew out of the ground, and Han Mu was panicking. Pushing the tricycle back and forth. Afterwards, she shouted hard and really saw her daughter.

At this moment, the police lights flashed and a dozen police cars drove towards the entrance of the mine.

Several times of sweating is about to usher in harvests; several times of hard work will soon bear fruit; several times of dreams, hopes will soon be released; success is already beckoning, waiting for the final struggle. Come on for the college entrance examination and look forward to playing triumph!

(End of this chapter)

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