The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 887: Quantum biology

Jiang Ping was riding a tricycle against the setting sun and headed for the city. He could not help but look back. He saw a large forest appearing out of nowhere in the original coal mine, but it was not trees but the endless vines that made up the forest. .

From time to time, police cars flashed warning lights to the coal mines. During the ensuing investigation, the police found that the workers under the mine were all survived and were sent out by the vines. The transmission room and related facilities of the underground base in Montenegro were all destroyed by vines. As for the part of the base outside the country, it was later investigated by the state. There were many weapons and corpses in it. The organization behind the base gave the country a lot of money. Things just subside.

And our country also has no evidence of research on prohibited weapons in Japan, so there is no way to prosecute it, and this will eventually be gone. Fortunately, there is no loss in our country.

After sending Han Bing to the hospital, the hospital couldn't find anything wrong. Some inspection equipment was put on. She found that her body was very different from ordinary people, which made people puzzled. This incident attracted the attention of relevant departments. , And sent relevant personnel to investigate, but Han Bing just did not wake up.

Jiang Ping reported his work to the organization and came to the hospital to accompany him. Although Han Bing was in a coma, his heartbeat was normal. In this way, she had been in a coma for a whole day and night. The mother of Han was always here to stay. When she saw that her daughter couldn't wake up, she always cried. Jiang Ping comforted her again and again, and finally took her all back.

When Han Bing woke up, he took Jiang Ping to support the vines from the 12th floor of the inpatient building to the ground, and then took a taxi to the house to visit her mother.

Han Bingjia lived in a bungalow area on the outskirts. When the taxi was still far from home, she stopped the car and pulled Jiang Ping out of the car. Jiang Ping was very strange, so he asked, "Have you arrived?"

"No, it's still far away. Let's go here," Han Bing said. "There are a lot of casual clothes around my house."

"How did you know?"

"Of course I know," Han Bing looked at the stars in the sky and didn't answer him, but took a long sigh of relief. "The air in the suburbs is so good, Jiang Ping, will you walk with me?"

Jiang Ping nodded, and the two walked on the small road in the suburbs, surrounded by dealers and vegetable fields. The sounds of frogs and insects were everywhere. Han Bing pointed to a small hill in front and said, "When I was young, I I often play there with my friends, will you sit with me? "

"Good, but don't you want to see your mother?"

"With plain clothes, there may be spies," Han Bing said. "I guess I have become the focus of some intelligence agencies now. Do you say I can show up at this time?"

In the moonlight, illuminating the road in the wild, the two came to the hillside, found a piece of clean grass and sat down, Han Bing said: "Sit down, there will be no mosquitoes and snakes."

Sure enough, as Han Bing said, there are really no mosquitoes. After sitting down, Han Bing leaned on him, meaning that he pointed to the sky and said, "Did you see there? Mu Yunxing will be my kingdom!"

Jiang Ping looked back and smiled at Han Bing, "Bing'er, let me go with you, I don't want you to be a lonely queen."

"No, Brother Jiang Ping, Binger knows that you love her, but Binger cannot be too selfish, Binger cannot let you go with her to that lonely world."


"Brother Jiang Ping, do you know? I'm not human anymore." Han Bing seemed to have gathered courage and said what she wanted to say.

"Not human? How is this possible? Are you not a living person in front of me?" Jiang Ping looked surprised.

"Since the moment of conscious communication with the magic blade, I knew I was no longer human, at least not a pure human. I have to go, but you are different, you have your parents, your Relatives and friends, and your vision, and the alien air is poisonous, it is not suitable for your survival.

"I know, you want to say that there are three girls in the alien. But you have to know that there is only one chance of transmission through quantum creatures, and it is one-way, that is to say they can't come back, they can only stay on the alien, I will Transforming their bodies to make them suitable for alien environments, but I ca n’t guarantee success, so I ca n’t use you to experiment.

"Brother Jiang Ping," Han Bing grabbed Jiang Ping's hand. "Listen, find a girl who loves you and live a good life. When you miss me, look there, Mu Yunxing, I'm there. In addition ..."

Han Bing said here, his right hand snapped his fingers, and a thin vine popped out of the ground, and grew into her hand, wrapped around her palm, and gave birth to many in her palm. Forked, like a bonsai, and began to flash its green fluorescence.

Jiang Ping looked curiously, and saw that the fluorescent light flickered, and a three-dimensional screen appeared, showing the world of aliens: aliens, an anomaly of gravity, a planet with all kinds of strange creatures, all kinds of strange animals and The plant is displayed on this small screen, and the picture is advancing forward, and soon it is pushed to the biochemical laboratory at the summoning base. The three girls are still there and are sitting there chatting.

"Hi, how are you three?" Han Bing asked.

"Sister Han Bing, is it you?" Xiao Li asked, "Ah, it really is you, how did you go for so long? Where are you now?"

It seems that the other side can also see this side. This is what Han Bing called the quantum creature. It can carry out ultra-distance real-time communication, ignoring the distance, and the signal arrives immediately.

"I am on the earth now," Han Bing smiled and said, "I want to tell you a good news and a bad news, which one do you listen to first?"

"Good news? Bad news? Then you say good news first?" A few girls discussed it ~ ~ The good news is that I have already killed Sato's bastard! Frustrated bones, no corpses! The bad news is that you may never return to the earth. "

"Ah? What should I do?"

"It's okay," Han Bing said with a sigh. "It won't take long for me to go with you, and I will be like you. I can't go back to earth for life."

"But, why?" Xiao Lixin asked unwillingly.

"Now it's hyperspace quantum communication. Some words are difficult to make clear at one time. When I return to the alien, I will talk about it in detail when I meet." After all, she cut off the connection with the alien. On the palm bio screen, the scene of Han Bing's family appeared.

When communicating with Yixing, Han Bing has released several flying insects to fly to her home, so this time, she and her family are communicating through those flying insects, and soon, the image of Han mother appears On the palm bio screen.

End of Chapter 887 Quantum Biology

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