The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 905: Invisible objects

Twilight Star is a star similar to the Sun. It has five planets, from inside to outside, followed by Han Bingxing, Jiang Pingxing, Qiufengxing, Aura, and Marginal Stars. Three of them are rocky planets, and only the third autumn wind star has an environment suitable for living creatures, and there are dwarves.

Of the three rocky planets, only the autumn wind star has one moon. The two outer planets, halo stars, are giant planets. The mass of the halo star is 6 times the mass of the other four planets. It is the largest planet in the twilight galaxy, with up to 57 satellites.

Marginal Star is the second largest planet in the twilight galaxy, with 52 moons. There are also several dwarf planets on the periphery of the marginal star, which are much smaller and are not within the scope of Han Bing's development.

Han Bing once sent Jiang Ping the general parameters of the orbits of Twilight Star and the five planets, and asked him to help him with his research. After all, Jiang Ping is on the earth, and there are many research resources, such as Internet access, technology books, and astronomy Home.

Therefore, Jiang Ping's multi-party research has reached a conclusion that the distribution structure of these five planets in the twilight galaxy is extremely unreasonable! In other words, these five planets should not exist in the twilight galaxy at their current positions. According to the current trajectory of the five planets, there should be two planets.

In other words, the Twilight Galaxy should not be the five planets, but the seven planets!

According to this speculation, there should be one planet on the inside and the outside of the autumn wind star towards the twilight star! The inside is between Jiang Pingxing and Qiufengxing, and the outside is between Qiufengxing and Haoxingxing.

But the two planetary orbits that "should" exist are empty, and there are no two planets that should theoretically exist!

In the solar system, between Mars and Jupiter, there was a scientific hypothesis that there was also a planet, but there was an asteroid belt, which is what the Ming Jiao called the Tianjiao Group.

Some science fiction fans have hypothesized that a planet once appeared between Mars and Jupiter, and that there might have been advanced civilizations on that planet. Later, due to nuclear war, the planet exploded, which formed today's asteroid belt. Of course, these are all scientific illusions, and there is no substantive basis.

But anyway, there is some asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter's orbit, but there is nothing in the inner and outer parts of the autumn wind star where there should be planets, not even asteroids. So this caused Han Bing to doubt, and she began to question the mystery of Qiu Fengxing's abnormal gravity.

But no accurate conclusion can be drawn.

Questioning is questioning, but the next step, Jiang Pingxing's development must still be carried out. After the autumn wind dwarf entered the steam era, Han Bing began the development process of Jiang Pingxing, which was quick to whip.

To travel to Jiangpingxing, interplanetary navigation is necessary. Han Bing's Zerg has this ability. She led the swarm and started to leave the home of Qiufengxing to Jiangpingxing. When she was on the interplanetary voyage, she already had an extra eye, and she was extra careful. Since there should be nothing where there should be a planet, there is a problem with this piece of Tianyu.

However, before her swarm formation had reached the "hidden planet" orbit, she encountered strong gravitational celestial bodies, only more than 1 million kilometers away from the autumn wind star, and as the number of trips to Jiangpingxing increased, Han Bing It is also found that there are more than one hidden gravitational source that "lurks" around the autumn wind star, and there are many.

That is to say, there are many unknown gravitational sources in the vast space around the autumn wind star, which is one million kilometers away from the autumn wind star and the most distant tens of millions of kilometers. The so-called gravitational source means that there should have been a celestial body here, but it has not been discovered.

Han Bing doesn't know if there is a trap for such a hidden gravitational source, so she doesn't dare to get close, and she avoids it every time she passes by. In her later experience, let her know that she is right, because these hidden sources of gravity are really in great danger, at least for her.

She asked Jiang Ping to help him analyze what these hidden sources of gravity are. Jiang Ping consulted many materials, consulted some scholars, and was also confused. It was impossible to guess the mystery.

Later, some netizens like Jiang Ping assumed that this might be a wormhole?

Wormhole, also known as the Einstein-Rosen bridge, is a narrow passage connecting the distant universe. Through the wormhole, you can instantly reach the distant universe and even travel in time. Of course, this argument so far has only stayed in the stage of scientific fantasy.

Both Han Bing and Jiang Ping have seen space-time teleportation, that is, the teleporter in the base of Black Mountain, and the quantum creature teleportation of the magic blade, but they are only small objects. The hidden celestial bodies of these suspected wormholes that appear around the autumn wind star are huge. According to predictions, each of these hidden celestial bodies must be as large as the moon.

If it is a wormhole, if the wormhole can instantaneously transmit over time, then these huge hidden objects can transmit very large things, even including the fleet!

The wormhole is just a guess, and it may be a miniature black hole. In that case, if you enter the gravitational range blankly, there will be no return, really a dead place! So Jiang Ping reminded Han Bing to be extra careful, before he had no need to understand the true identity of these hidden objects. When you have to pass by, you can hide as far as you can. There are too many unknown dangers in this universe.

In the depths of the Magic Blade's memory, Han Bing didn't find all the information about the wormhole. He only knew that the Magic Blade had escaped the observer's killing.

About this puzzle ~ ~ It was not until the year when Jiang Ping died of illness in 2047, and a vast interstellar war was launched. After the war, Han Bing started the construction of the Dyson ball.

Regarding the Dyson sphere, it was introduced earlier that it is a group of artificial celestial bodies that wrap the stars and can absorb a large proportion of the stellar energy. It is a symbol of interstellar super civilization. In just fifty years, Han Bing has brought the magic blade into a super Zerg era.

The construction of the Dyson ball was very time-consuming, and it took almost 30 years before it was basically completed. As mentioned earlier, Han Bing's Dyson **** are composed of meteorites, and her insect colony is stationed on each meteorite.

It was not until the end of the 21st century that Han Bing's Twilight Empire was fully completed. More than one hundred satellites of three rocky planets and five major planets have all built powerful industrial bases, and Duyun Star and his two temperament giant planets have also built Dyson balls.

A powerful Zerg industrial system is built and tends to be perfect, and a powerful Zerg army also has a scale. Hundreds of billions of Zerg units can soar in the twilight galaxy at will.

(End of this chapter)

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