The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 906: Gravitational fluctuation

The Magic Blade Celestial Calendar-4 years, that is, the fourth planetary halo star of the twilight galaxy in 2047 AD, this is a giant planet of temperament, it is like a Jupiter in the solar system, is a giant gas planet There are a lot of satellites around the halo. There are 68 Jupiters and 57 halo stars.

In the halo star's satellite system (note: the so-called satellite system, which was introduced earlier, that is, the system formed by the planet and its satellites), in addition to these 57 satellites, there are also worms that cover the sky. .

Insect swarms, the size of Xuanwu is the largest, ranging from ten kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. They are mainly responsible for transporting and storing resources here.

In interstellar civilization, resources are the most important thing! The Magic Blade is a Zerg, but at the same time it is also a civilization, and an interstellar civilization, so the same, resources are also very important to it.

Zerg, as long as the individual has a certain volume, there will be a reactor in his body to store insect crystals. Insect crystal is the main energy source of the magic blade worm family. The self-made process is to convert the energy into a fixed shape. This is similar to Daming's energy crystallization. The insect crystal is a colloidal solid form.

Many worker insects were transported by hunting angels into the atmosphere of the halo star to collect resources. The main components of the halo star are hydrogen and helium, as well as other substances. Worker insects collect these things, convert liquid hydrogen, methane and other substances into insect crystals by burning and store them. Liquid helium is reserved for other uses, such as the cooling and protection of bioreactors.

The hunting angel is responsible for transporting these worker insects into the atmosphere of the halo star. After entering the atmosphere, these worker insects are released to let them descend to a lower altitude, even inside the planet, to collect resources.

Since the halo star is a giant planet with no physical surface, the worker insects can easily enter the planet. Since it is a planet and a giant planet, the more definitely it goes inside, the greater the temperature and pressure will be, so that at a certain depth, the planetary matter will become a solid body, so worker insects cannot enter too deep Inside, but collecting resources is enough.

After collecting the resources, they will be continuously transported to the hunting angels in the atmosphere. In addition to transporting smaller workers and soldiers, Hunting Angels also have a very powerful function, which is to convert material resources.

In fact, this is a process of eating. Hunting angels' food is all kinds of substances. After eating, these substances are converted into insect crystals and secreted. Combustible substances like liquid hydrogen and methane are its best food.

Liquid hydrogen, methane and other gases are liquid during transportation, and are also ultra-low temperature, and worker insects are not very cold-resistant, although they can transport ultra-low temperature liquid gases, which is already a very powerful existence in biology . However, its cold resistance is indeed very low among the Zerg, so the worker insects will basically die after completing a resource collection and transportation task.

Worker insects are not the most effective members of the swarm, but they are the most important.

The only autonomous consciousness is the queen. All other individuals have no autonomous consciousness, so there is no so-called fear in the swarm. Once a war occurs, the swarm will not be afraid of death, and unconditionally execute various orders of the queen.

But there is an exception in the magic blade, that is, Xiao Li and the three women have independent thoughts because they were human after all. Han Bing asked the three of them to be her "general", all named after the flowers. For example, Li Meier is General Rose, Cheng Cheng is General Orchid, and Zhang Xiaowei is General Rose.

But he said that every time a hunting angel goes to a gas planet, he must carry a lot of worker insects. However, because he goes to the gas planet to collect energy, it creates a one-time life of worker insects, so the resources collected by the worker insects carried at a time are simply not enough for shipment. There appeared a large number of hunting angels, and they kept transporting workers and insects from Xuanwu.

So in the halo star's line of guard system, there is a very busy scene. Tens of thousands of basalts are parked in the orbit of the planet, and hundreds of millions of hunting angels travel between the planet's atmosphere and the basalt to transport mining workers and insects.

Devil Blade Zerg is different from Peysen Zerg. In the dark snow star, Pei Zeng Zerg is bred by insect nests to breed worker insects and soldier insects. Soldier insects are responsible for fighting, and worker insects are responsible for producing insect nests and resource collection.

Mageblade clan does not have this concept of worm nest. The magic blade worm family has both plant forms, such as giant vines, and animal forms, such as various flying insects and reptiles.

All the insects are produced from the vines, which is the result of the flowering of the vines, which can produce both insects and other kinds of things Han Bing wants, such as clothes, shoes, hats and food.

Therefore, when worker insects collect resources in gas planets, although they are one-time lives, there is no need to worry about the source of the insects. On several rocky planets and many satellites, there are vine forests that constantly produce worker insects and other various A kind of fighting insects.

In the halo star's behavior system, among the insects in mining and mining, Han Bing is on one of the basalts. Although Xuanwu is a creature, its interior is just like an interstellar mothership. It has a huge space inside it, with numerous hunting angels and other kinds of insect swarms.

Its interior is also full of vine tangles. A huge hollow sac is filled with green liquid, forming a green lake. Above the green liquid lake, there is a white tangled vine The cocoon is hanging. This is a special cocoon. There is a woman in it. She is holding her body. She is entangled by the vines, and she is still wriggling.

The woman was in the cocoon chrysalis ~ ~ The haunting vines were densely covered from the legs to the back of the chest, sometimes squirming slightly, trembling violently. The woman in the vine package also made corresponding movements, closing her eyes, flushed, and enjoying the expression.

While the woman was entangled with the vine, the shell of the cocoon suddenly flashed, and the image of another woman appeared on the shell of the cocoon, and said: "Sister Queen, do I yell at you? I really have important things to do Report to you. "

The woman in the vines opened her eyes and said with a very reluctant look: "What's wrong? Can't you let Ai Jia take a good rest?"

"I'm sorry," said the virtual image woman, "the hidden celestial bodies densely scattered in the orbit of the autumn wind star seem to have moved."

"It seems there is movement? What does it mean?" Asked Han Bing, the Queen of Magic Blades.

"Unusual gravitational source fluctuations occur. Experts at the Dwarf Academy of Sciences speculate that there may be something on the other end of the wormhole. Your majesty, what do you think we should do?"

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