The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 913: Eve of Star Wars (1)

When approaching the autumn wind star, Han Bing slowed down the hunting angel, escaped the detection of the Holy Light unmanned battleship, and landed on the "autumn moon star". Qiufengxing's only moon: Qiuyue. In Qiuyue, there is a palace built by Han Bing and her three female generals. It is covered with a huge protective cover that mimics the atmosphere of the earth. The protective cover prevents gas from escaping.

Qiuyue is very much like the moon, with little gravity and vacuum world, so the palace needs to be protected by a protective cover. The palace is an imitation of Han-style palace architecture, with pavilions, pavilions, rockery hot springs, everything. The palace was named "Guanghan Palace", and Han Bing likened himself to the mythical legend of Chang'e, the first beauty in heaven.

When the unmanned detection warship of the Holy Light flew out of the wormhole, in order to hide the Guanghan Palace and not be discovered by the battleship, it was remotely controlled, allowing many large insect clusters to form over the autumn moon, blocking the horizon of the Guanghan Palace .

But it said that the unmanned battleship wandered in the Qiufengxing's line of defense. Although it had advanced detection equipment, it did not find the palace on Qiuyue.

The hunter angel landed in front of the palace and took her directly in. At a ceremony, they were greeted by roses and orchids. Both of them flapped their wings and wore white clothes. Like angels, they were just roses. The body is also short.

Han Bing jumped from the hunting angel, looked at the rose, and said with a smile: "I said to you, I saw you were normal two days ago, how could this become smaller again?"

Orchid said with a smile on the edge: "Because she recently got a dwarf."

Rose gave her a shy shout, and said with a sigh: "Nonsense, I'll beat you."

"You are so young now, can you beat me?" Orchid didn't stop amusing her.

Both Orchid and Han Bing have a normal height of one meter and six or so, while the only rose is only about one meter, which is the ordinary height of the dwarf. Han Bing said to her: "Rose, rose, you used to be a mess with the dwarves, I can ignore it, but from now on, you have to pay attention."

"What's wrong, Sister Queen?" Rose saw Han Bing's seriousness, and asked cautiously, "Can't you be with the dwarf in the future?"

Han Bing said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I don't mean that. You can continue to love and love the dwarves in the future, but you must never agree with the people of Zuomeng."

"Oh, sister, I don't need you to tell me, just like their kind of person, like a gecko, and they ... that must be disgusting to die me!" Rose said.

"I don't mean this," Han Bing said. "You know, Zuo Meng is not only a human race of the Holy Light Gecko, it is likely to have other shapes of human races, ugly, sick, and It may be very beautiful. And we are very likely to engage in war with the Left League, so I mean you do n’t have physical contact with the people of the Left League, do you understand what I mean? "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Rose said vowedly: "I have enough dwarfs!"

Han Bing smiled: "As long as you understand this truth."

Right in front of the palace is Han Bing's Fengluan throne. Han Bing flew directly over, folded his wings and lay on the side of the Phoenix Couch. The palace is full of vines and various insect swarms. The vines entwined around the palace opened various flowers, and those flowers glowed to illuminate the palace.

Under Danchi, rose orchids are arranged on both sides. Orchid is the height of ordinary people, but the rose is like a shrunken woman, and her body has shrunk a lot. In order not to show her too small body too much, she can only fly. And at the same time, finger the orchid on the opposite side: "You, you just stand there, don't fly!"

Orchid cried, "Hey, are you too domineering? You are messing with the dwarf, and now you are making yourself so short, and you have to emphasize that others can't mess with you, are you too unreasonable?"

Han Bing shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, you two don't fight anymore, we still have to deal with the Holy Light Man, and we don't know how long they will send the fleet to come."

It is said that there are several large screens appearing on the temples among the favorite of many vine flowers, including Jiang Ping and Little Dwarf Presbyterian members. Jiang Ping obviously felt a little tired, and Han Bing said distressedly: "Brother Jiang Ping, or go for a rest. You are outside. Be careful, the wind is freezing."

Jiang Ping shook his head: "No obstruction, no obstruction, Binger, this will be your first battle in this life. I want to witness it with my own eyes and witness the beginning of your hegemony! Even if I die, I will have no regrets!"

"Brother Jiang Ping, I don't allow you to say that word, hurry up!" Han Bingji said, and Jiang Ping's relationship between the world and the world has lasted for nearly 50 years. The two of them already have strong feelings, even now Jiang Ping's age is old, and his head is full of hair. Han Bing is still like Erba Fanghua, but Han Bing still loves each other so much.

Jiang Ping was really obedient, and after three cheats, the scene was like a very obedient old man. After Jiang Pingya finished, said: "Binger, I just disconnected for eight or nine hours. I thought a lot, and I had to go online again to tell you.

"Holy Light's warship flew out of the 96 # wormhole, so which star does this 96 # wormhole correspond to?" Jiang Ping asked this very sharp question.

Rose immediately replied: "It must be the Holy Light Star. They are Holy Light people, of course, coming from their old nest."

"Not at all," Jiang Ping denied. "During contact, did you not find how cunning the Holy Light Man? How could he come from his old nest? And thus expose the position of his old nest?"

"Why not?" Rose asked back ~ ~ Jiang Ping replied: "Before he came, he didn't know the strength of our Twilight Galaxy, so he didn't dare to expose his position. So, I concluded, 96 # Wormhole's end is definitely not the mother star of the Holy Light! It may be the other member galaxy of the left knee alliance. I guess the light star is the most likely!

"Because the light star system is the headquarters of the alliance, he told us the left alliance after he came, and asked us to join the left alliance, so I speculate that the end of the 96 # wormhole is the light star system of the left alliance headquarters! , Please check what star is 12 light-years away from Twilight. "

"Yes, King," said Ides. Jiang Ping has been revered as the supreme king of the magic blade within the magic blade civilization, and I will find out in a few moments. "It's 12 light years away from us. There is a star, star 48. "

The star that was 12 light years away was where the Light Messenger said they came. Jiang Ping nodded: "Let ’s name this star code 48 for the light star."

(End of this chapter)

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