The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 914: Eve of Star Wars (2)

Jiang Ping then analyzed: "Since the 96 # wormhole is leading to the light star, then the Holy Light Fleet will not come out from the 96 # wormhole. Because they are going to send the fleet to come, and the light star system is alliance neutral. It is very likely that the alliance will not allow a large number of armed fleets to sway over the city in the neutral zone. Even if allowed, Holy Light will expose its intentions to the other member civilizations of the alliance, which will lead to a large number of civilizations coming to Muyun To nibble.

"The Holy Light will not share the big fat flesh of Muyun with other civilizations. He now thinks that the Twilight galaxy is primitive, there is no threat, and it is a virgin land in the universe. Little Turks, with backward technology, can't withstand a blow. As for them The insect swarms they see are all huge and innocent, but they are all harmless creatures, like grass and trees. Although there are so many, what are they afraid of? So they plan to eat the big fat flesh of Muyun alone, with roots None of the bones will be left to other civilizations.

"It can be seen from these problems that the Alliance does not know our existence, that is to say, among the more than two thousand wormholes in the light star system, many of them have not been used, including 96 # Wormhole leading to the Twilight Galaxy. This also shows that 96 # Wormhole is in a very remote place of the light star system, far away from the stars, so far that they all think it is difficult to reach, this is also good, which creates conditions for us to hide a lot of time.

"But this wormhole was discovered by the Holy Light Man, so at this moment they must have taken soldiers and guarded near the wormhole to prevent other civilizations from approaching. Then ...

"96 # Wormhole will not be the key target we want to defend, so where should we focus on defending?"

"Yeah? Where will it be?" Several people asked at the same time, including Rose Orchid, and a few of the Presbyterian Church.

Jiang Ping sneered and said, "Here is what I want to know. Do we have Twilight Star and Holy Light Star connected by wormholes?"

Jiang Ping looked at the crowd displayed on the screen with a wise eye, including the Four Queens of the Magic Blade and the elders of Little Dwarf. "I think: there are two possibilities, one is to connect with wormholes, and the other is to have shortcuts."

The three Earth women of Han Bing's men have already become Zerg, and all have evolved into the Queen of Zerg, but Han Bing is the largest queen of the magic blade, so it is referred to as the big queen. But listening to Jiang Ping continued: "We all know that among the civilizations of the alliance, basically the mother star of each civilization has only one wormhole, and there will be two or three of them individually. Holy Light can find us first, explaining They are a very powerful civilization in the Alliance, so their star has at least two wormholes,

As for the so-called shortcuts, Jiang Ping introduced it again. Because Jiang Ping itself is a science fiction fan, even if he is 72 years old, he cannot change his obsession with science fiction. In the science fiction stories he had read, there was an introduction about the space jump.

For example, from A star to C star, you must first jump to the middle B star, and then jump to C star. The wormhole has the same charm, and this wormhole is not science fiction, it is real!

The Holy Light Star is the A star, and the Twilight Star is the C star. The two stars can see that there may be directly connected wormholes, or they may not. If not, the Holy Light Man will choose to cross from one of its wormholes to B star, this B star is the star of civilization of other members of the alliance.

According to Jiang Ping's inference, the Holy Light star has at least two wormholes, one leading to the light star, and the second leading to the unknown B star. Star B has at least three wormholes, one to the light star, one to the holy light star, and another to the twilight star.

But B star may not exist, then we can not rule out this possibility. If B star does not exist, one of the two wormholes of Holy Light star will lead directly to Twilight star.

At the end of the explanation, some people began to feel confused, Han Bing understood a little bit, Rose Orchid is a mess, and the elders seem to understand. Seeing that everyone still didn't understand enough, Jiang Ping anxiously treated his cough and cried, "How can you understand this simple reason?"

Han Bing said distressedly: "Brother Jiang Ping, don't worry, your body matters. Otherwise, from now on, I will appoint you as the Grand Marshal and have full-powered remote command. Now you can give orders directly."

Jiang Ping sighed and said, "Okay, then I will order directly. Is the rose from the halo star mining?"

Rose replied: "I am here, King."

"Stop mining and bring all your swarms back. Don't be too anxious. You can do it at the usual speed. I estimate that you will only be able to reach Autumn Wind Star in 12 hours. You will be the one in this battle. Reserve army. When you need it, you will fight wherever you want, and see that the enemy is not soft, do you understand? "

"Yes, King, Rose started to return home!" Rose led her life.

Jiang Ping continued: "Rose has the longest road, so I will give her the order first. Bing'er, in the next deployment, I need you to do something. This thing must be done quietly, not let the Holy Light people I have noticed that it is to let the worms pretend to be unconscious and board the holy light man ’s reconnaissance ship. Note that they must be unconscious, making them think that these are just harmless little plants or something. Do you understand what I mean? "

"I understand Brother Jiang Ping, I will deploy this, but I want to ask, what purpose do you do this?"

"Of course it's stealing information. Sun Zi said: knowing oneself knows oneself, one hundred battles will never fail; without knowing oneself knows oneself, one wins one loses; without knowing oneself, oneself will not know oneself, every battle will perish. So, intelligence is vital in war, I I believe that the Holy Light Man's reconnaissance ship must have the information we need!

"Because of the wormhole crossing, plus the preparations before the war, the fleet of Holy Light, I estimate that it will take a few hours at the earliest ~ ~ As for a few hours, I do n’t know at present, so here we want to Try to make time for the album. Each of the 108 wormholes must be monitored. In addition to the rose worms, the worms distributed on other tracks should be withdrawn as soon as possible. The next wormhole battle will be fierce.

"Binger, several queens, and elders, we all know that the two sides of the wormhole have strong gravity on one side and strong repulsion on the other. Now that it is known as a wormhole, it is not difficult to speculate, The gravitational side comes in, and the repulsive side comes out, so our focus on monitoring these wormholes is all on the repulsive side, preventing anything from coming out at any time. "

Han Bing said: "Well, Brother Jiang Ping, I will start deploying this!"

Han Bing said nothing and began to use consciousness to give orders to the insect swarms. In the entire space of the twilight galaxy, the scattered insect swarms began to gather towards the autumn wind star, and the reconnaissance ship of the Holy Light was quietly by a vine. Lurked up.

Elder Elder asked: "Jiang Jiang, what about us Lite? What should we do?"

"To protect yourself with all your strength is the greatest support for Magic Blade!"

(End of this chapter)

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