The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 981: Battle of Locusts (2)

The joint meeting of Daming Magic Blade Strategy was only halfway through. Yun Yan left early because of physical discomfort. She knew what happened to her in the summer. No need to ask, it must be ill.

Sure enough, I could hear the screams of cloud smoke faintly in the next cabin.

The meeting lasted for more than eight hours and reached an unanimous opinion. The combat departments began to prepare after the meeting.

Finally, when the meeting was over, I couldn't wait to see how Yunyan happened in the summer, but Xiaoying pulled him to talk to her.

"Lao Xia, more than 10 billion people are involved in this battle," Xiaoying said. "I'm a little worried."

Xia Xiao smiled and said: "Aren't you a strong woman? Why, this is a halt? OK, without too many ties, the universe is like this. In the universe, life is so small and fragile."

Xiaoying sighed: "We only do our best to be civilized! By the way, how is Yunyan? I think she only had a meeting for a while and left."

"She might be uncomfortable," Summer perfunctory.

"Did you fall ill again?" Xiaoying said, "Lao Xia ..."

"what happened?"

"In the universe, life is small, and in civilization, life is great, there is nothing that can be greater than life! Well, you take a break early. Only when you have a good rest can you effectively command this great battle."

Xiaoying said nothing and went offline.

Looking at the picture that Xiaoying freezed on the screen, summer was thinking about what she just said, "There is nothing bigger than life." What does she mean by saying this?

Civilization, its foundation is life, without life, it cannot constitute civilization!

In the summer, he got up and left the hall, walked towards Yunyan's cabin, and at the same time said to the Falcon's host computer: "Yang Niu, can you cook a pot of chicken soup for me?"

"No problem, sir, it's about three and a half hours, small pot. Is that okay?"

"No problem babes, thank you."

Summer came to Yunyan's cabin, and knocked gently on the door, "Yunyan, how are you?"

Yunyan's screaming stopped immediately, replaced by a whispering low voice, what a low voice said: "I'm fine, are you going?"

"No, don't come in!"

In the summer, I tried to open the door, but I couldn't open it with the lock.

"Foreign girl."

"My sir."

"I have the highest authority, can I open any lock on the Falcon?"

"The theory is this."

"Okay, help me open the door."

In summer, he forced to break through the door, and Yun Yan yelled inside: "Don't come in, otherwise I will die!"

But under the operation of the foreign girl, the door lock has been quietly opened. In the summer, he pushed the door in. When he entered, he was scared even though he was prepared.

There was a mess in the ground, all debris smashed on the ground by Yun Yan due to illness. On a bed in the middle, Yunyan lay on it, a dozen tentacles spread on it, and two pairs of blood wings.

On the ground, on the bed, there were bloodstains everywhere, and there were a few blood vines hanging on the top of the cabin. The light was dim throughout the room.

Yun Yan was half naked, her blue muscles burst, and her eyes were red. Summer walked towards her.

"Don't come over here!" Yun Yan shouted, and at the same time picked up the bed sheet and wrapped it around the body, and screamed because of the severe pain.

Take off your clothes while walking in summer.

"Don't come here!" Yun Yan exclaimed, "I don't want you to treat me like this!"

Summer has come to the bed, stripping Yun Yan's powerless tentacles, leaning over Yun Yan in a bed-drum pose and saying, "Come up your poor dignity and pride, there is nothing more than life!"

"There is nothing bigger than life?" Yun Yan repeated this sentence, slowly giving up resistance.

Three and a half hours later, the sleeping Zheng Yunyan was awakened by a slight dripping sound and opened his eyes to see that the blood vines and blood stains in the room were gone, the tentacles were gone, and the blood wings were gone.

The most important thing is that there is a fruity man beside her, and she is also fruity.

Yun Yan screamed, took the bed sheet over the carcass, looked at the man in front of him, the man turned his back to her, and could not see his face.

"Oh my god, what's wrong with me?" Yun Yan said to herself, "This is the 800-year-old virgin body, so broken?"

The memory slowly recovered. Just now, not long ago, this man gave her the passion, excitement and joy she had never experienced.

The man snorted, turned around, but did not wake up, Yun Yan saw him clearly, it was summer.

Yunyan couldn't help but stay in herself, how could this be?

But that kind of feeling was indeed very comfortable. An unspeakable feeling came to her heart, which made her feel very moved, and she couldn't help reaching out to touch the summer hair.

There was another drip, and Yun Yan asked, "What's wrong, foreign girl, do you have something to say?"

"Yes miss, sir boiled a pot of chicken soup for you, it's ready. Will you bring it in?"

"Come in, wait, Sheng two bowls come in."

"Yes, miss."

After a while, the door opened and the two robots came in. They took the soup pot and the two bowls of chicken soup, placed a horizontal plate on the bed, and placed the chicken soup on it.

"A few more robots will clean the room." Yun Yan is rich. "Note ~ ~ need to use silent mode, don't make your husband sleep."

"Yes, miss."

"Put the bath water, I want to take a bath, and prepare me a set of robes, pajamas, and regular clothes."

"Yes, miss."

Yun Yan has restored the appearance of ordinary people, with delicate skin and beautiful appearance, without tentacles and blood wings.

Undressing and walking barefoot into the bathroom, the babes have prepared a bath full of warm water for her and sprinkled with nameless petals.

Cloud smoke soaked in the bathtub, soaked, enjoyed, beautiful aftertaste and summer passion moment.

When it was comfortable, knocking on the door came and stood outside the bathroom in summer.

"You, what are you doing?" Yun Yan asked shamefully.

"Chicken soup needs to be drunk while hot to make up."

"Okay, I'll wash it out and drink it immediately."

"I'm in."

"No, I'm taking a shower!"

The door opened, and in the summer, two bowls of chicken soup had been served at the door and asked, "Would you let me come in and feed you? Or should I just stand at the door?"

Yun Yan did not answer, shyly turned her head aside, and dared not look at him. Summer shook his head and came in with chicken broth.

Sit down by the bathtub, put one bowl aside, the other bowl held, and spooned her a spoon in summer. Yun Yan drank it obediently, and even fed the three spoons. Yun Yan said: "I'll do it yourself, you also drink it, or you'll have to drink cold, not to make up."

The two of them drank with a bowl, one was soaking in the bathtub, and the other was sitting outside.

The two of them were drinking chicken soup, and the girl said: "Sir, there is an emergency military situation."

Both were shocked, and Summer said: "Come in."

Bai Zixiong was on the line and said, "Father, the Left Alliance Allied Forces launched a sudden attack on the Twilight Galaxy."

(End of this chapter)

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