The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 982: Battle of Locusts (3)

A total of 260 civilizations of the Left Alliance Allied Forces, starting from the bright line, traveled through the wormhole to the Muyun line.

By the time Bai Zixiong reported to Summer, the traversal had already taken place for ten minutes, that is to say, about 20 minutes later, the ships of the Left Alliance Allied Forces would successively reach the Muyun Department.

In the summer, he stood up immediately, stopped Yunyan's flirting, and waved at her, signaling her to go to the command hall with herself.

In summer, he wore a set of pajamas and walked on the road and ordered Yang Niu to prepare a set of clothes for him.

"Can you tell me the specific situation?" Summer asked.

"Yes, father," said Nobita. "We have an undercover in the Department of Light, but it's too late to send the information back. The 260 civilized coalition forces, in fact, have three main civilizations, and the other are all small civilizations, symbolic. Just a few warships.

"The three main civilizations are Eternity, Blu-ray and Tianlong, with eternity accounting for 70% of the troops, Blu-ray 20%, and Tianlong 9%. The remaining 257 civilizations have less than 1% of the combined strength ..."

Hearing this, Xia was curious in his heart. The composition of this force is too disparate. Large civilizations oppress small civilizations, but they do not annex them, indicating that the major civilizations restrict each other. Only by breaking one by one, first of all, from eternity, who made him want to start, also dispatched so many troops!

Before reaching the command hall, Bai Ziying and Han Bing went online in sequence. After Xiaoying went online, she looked dim and said, "Lao Xia, they started first."

Xiaoying's expression can't be concealed from the summer. Does she know that Zheng Yunyan and I are cracking? Summer thought about it, but what you said: Is there anything that can be greater than life? Isn't it suggesting that I use this method to save Yunyan?

When you think about it, the idea is fleeting, and more energy must be placed on the current war.

Summer nodded and said: "Their speed is still quite fast, Queen Han, but they are attacking your nest, what are you going to do?"

There is still a maximum of 20 minutes to make a decision, Han Bing said: "Fight back with all your strength and destroy them."

"Well," said Xia Xia, "since I chose to be the leader, then I will take the lead for the time being. Do you think it is good?"

"No problem at all, you can order it, Your Excellency Xia." Han Bing said urgently.

"Very well, it's too late to transfer the population, Queen Han. Send some of your population to the dark sun galaxy under the guard of a few insect swarms, and then send it to the solar system through the circular wormhole. Start now! The same is true for me, Daming, sending part of the interstellar fortress to the solar system. Note that it can only be a part, and the time is tight, so it is too late.

"Queen Han, I need you to send some more swarms to the solar system to protect the population of both sides."

"Yes, I will do it," Han Bing said. "The battle group put together 800 integers, and the rest went to the solar system."

"Very good," he continued to deploy in the summer. He had entered the command hall and began to change his regular service. "After 20 minutes, no matter how many people were transferred, all of the circulating wormholes in our rear must be closed! The population can only travel with the army!

"Now all the participating worm swarms in the Muyun system are scattered across 108 wormholes, and then choose the nearest path to the eternal system!

"We, Daming, can't be idle, we are all dispatched to attack the eternal department with all our strength!"

The specific action plan was already planned in detail at yesterday ’s strategic joint meeting, so now it is only necessary to issue an order and it can be deployed immediately without detailed explanation.

Sitting in the command hall in the summer, Zheng Yunyan was not far away next to him. At this moment, Yunyan had quickly changed into a regular dress and ended the bath. And Yun Yan at this time was even more charming and beautiful than before, and she couldn't see that she used to be the Queen of Blades.

Such a gorgeous and extraordinary Zheng Yunyan actually gave the high-summer involuntarily a look back.

Except for the two of them in the hall, there are some robots, and there is no one else. Furthermore, various display screens in the hall show the situation of the battlefield.

The sub-civilized population of the magic blade began to take a ship, traversing the circular wormhole under the shadow of the worms, to reach the dark day system, and again to the solar system through the circular wormhole.

The so-called circular wormhole is a technology developed by Daming. It was introduced before, so I wo n’t go into details. In simple terms, it consists of three galaxies to form a group of circular wormholes.

Daming also began to have several Star Forts reach the solar system through wormholes, the original barren solar system, now lively again, not only the return of the Huaxia people, but also the population of several sub-civilizations of the Pan-Union and some insect swarms.

The evacuation lasted only fifteen minutes and stopped. The rest of the population who did not have time to retreat will join the army. Fifteen minutes was too short. The Magic Blade only evacuated 200 million people. Daming had more, and evacuated the population of about 4 billion people from ten interstellar fortresses.

In other words, Daming must bring 6 billion people, and Magic Blade must bring 1 billion people to fight.

The evacuation of the population was stopped, and there were only five minutes left before the left coalition forces left the wormhole. Summer ordered: "The whole army went out ~ ~ Must give up the Muyun and Dark Sun systems within five minutes!"

Immediately, I saw a busy cloud in the Muyun system. More than 700 insect swarms crowded the entire autumn popular health system. Drill in.

There are three wormholes in the Dark Sun system, one is the original symmetrical wormhole that leads to the light system, and the other two are the wormholes that lead to the Twilight system and the other shore system respectively.

When the Pan-Allied forces attacked the Holy Light system, Daming still had a large number of fleets still stuck in the Holy Light system. Similarly, there were also a large number of insect swarms in the Holy Light system that had been occupied by the Pan-Union.

Therefore, in addition to the main expedition for the Twilight system, the Holy Light system has also become the second expedition system.

The Pan-Allied forces, 18 Daming fleets and 800 standard worm swarms began to enter the wormhole one after another, waiting for the wormhole to emerge after half an hour.

Bai Ziying, as the acting commander-in-chief of Daming Naval Forces, commander of the First Fleet, rushed into the wormhole first. Before entering the wormhole, he said to summer: "We will see you in half an hour."

"Xiaoying ... Good luck," Xia Xia said, and saw that Dreamcatcher entered the wormhole, and lost contact. It takes half an hour to restore contact.

The Dream Chaser is in the Holy Light Department, and the wormhole it traverses at this moment is to go to the Light Department.

Watching the ships and worms enter the wormhole one by one and disappear, disconnected, sitting in the seat in the summer, very quietly waiting for the enemy to appear.

This is not the first time he has commanded such a large-scale battle. Before that, there were sine wave battle and soul battle. The difference is that the first two times he was on the battlefield, but this time he was commanded remotely from a place more than 100 light years away.

Finally, the left alliance coalition's fleet began to gradually fly out of multiple wormholes in the Twilight system, and there were still many worms stranded in the Twilight system before they could pass through.

(End of this chapter)

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