The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

59. The Ambition Of The Nuclear Union, The Icarus Reactor!

"Two hours? Icarus?"

Listening to Roberts' words, Thompson touched his chin.

If you can really achieve the two-hour constraint time.

Show your strength to the world and let them see that the Nuclear Union is still number one in the world.

Then you should get the benefits that Roberts said.

Standing in front of Thompson, Roberts swallowed silently.

The Icarus fusion reactor is currently his only hope for a comeback.

After considering Roberts' proposal for a while, Thompson said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed!"

Roberts responded, his voice tickling Thompson's ears.

"Okay, why are you shouting so loudly?"

While signing the experimental plan, Thompson complained.

Roberts said nothing more.

Just an embarrassed smile.

Only he himself knew that speaking so loudly was just to cover up the uneasiness in his heart.




Lighthouse State New Jersey.

Icarus Laboratory.

It used to be the world's most advanced controllable nuclear fusion research institution.

Belongs to the Nuclear Union.

Every country that is interested in controlled nuclear fusion will find ways to sharpen its head and drill into the Icarus laboratory.

Strive to obtain the most advanced controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Except for one country, Dragon Country.

Ever since that thing happened in the nuclear union.

In the Icarus laboratory, I have never seen a face from the Dragon Kingdom.

The new phase of the experiment was originally scheduled to start three months ago.

Also because of the shortage of manpower, it has been delayed until now.

"President Roberts, please wait a moment."

"As long as this reactor self-inspection is completed, the experiment can begin."

Jackson, who heads the Icarus lab, said.

"Do you want to check again?"

"How long??"

Roberts asked, frowning.

"Probably, about a week."

After estimating the time, Jackson replied. "If the scientists of Dragon Kingdom are still there, it can be completed in three or four days."

"People from the Dragon Kingdom? That's enough! I don't want to hear about the people from the Dragon Kingdom!"

Hearing Jackson's words, Roberts looked extremely irritable.

"Start the experiment now!"


For safety reasons, Jackson also wanted to buy some more time.

But was interrupted mercilessly by Roberts.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I know the process of the experimental reactor. It needs to be checked three times, right?"

"It has been checked twice now, and it doesn't matter if you check it once less."

"So, if you want to lead the Icarus project again."

"Immediately, immediately do as I say!"

In the end, Roberts almost roared.


Jackson gritted his teeth.

Turned around and entered the maintenance team to notify the stop of the inspection of the reactor.

after an hour.

Roberts walks into the reactor control room.

"The experiment can begin, President Roberts." Jackson said.

"Okay, let's start the experiment."

Roberts ordered.

The researchers at the Icarus lab went into action.

"First step, light the fire."

Under the illumination of flint laser ignition device.

Nuclear fuel reaches critical temperatures very quickly.

"The fusion reaction begins."

"The tokamak restraint has been activated."

"Starting confinement of ultra-high temperature plasma."

"Constraint succeeded!"

Listen to the constant reports from the operator.

Roberts was getting more and more nervous.

before this experiment.

The Icarus reactor has conducted three nuclear fusion experiments.

The previous steps are all familiar.

What matters is the next stage.

Constraint stage.

Fusion reactors can only operate stably if they are constrained.

If it cannot run stably, it cannot be used, and naturally it cannot be called controllable nuclear fusion.

So currently in the world.

The criterion for judging the research of controllable nuclear fusion is to look at the constraint time.

Which reactor can stabilize the constraint longer.

It means that the reactor is more advanced.

All Roberts has to do is let the Icarus reactor break the previous world record.

Tell the world that our technology is still number one in the world.

"A shock wave phenomenon appears in the confinement magnetic field!"

A shout from the operator made Roberts' heart rise to his throat.

"what happened??"

Rushing to the console, Roberts asked.

"It has been restored, and the backup field coil is activated."

Hear the operator's answer.

Roberts breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he kept praying in his heart that the Icarus reactor could operate stably.

It's not just a matter of breaking world records.

It is also related to whether he can continue to work in the nuclear connection.

Time passed minute by minute.

In a state of high mental tension, Roberts only felt that time passed quickly.

"How long have you been restrained?"

Obviously there is a timer by my side.

Roberts didn't dare to look at it, he just asked others.

"Eighty minutes!" Jackson replied.

"It's been eighty minutes, and in ten minutes, we'll surpass the previous record."

Roberts felt a little more at ease.

In eighty minutes, there was only one magnetic shock wave at the very beginning.

This is the best of several experiments.

Just when he was about to relax.

A siren pierced into his mind like a sharp knife.

This is followed by the operator's debriefing.


"Increased electromagnetic coil resistance detected."

"The magnetic field strength is weakening."

"The reactor is going out of control!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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