The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

60. The Reactor Is Out Of Control! About To Explode?

The reactor is about to go out of control! !

heard the news.

As the head of the laboratory, Professor Jackson immediately made a decision.

"Cut off the nuclear fuel supply and reduce the magnetic field current input!"

This is the operation to shut down the reactor, stop the nuclear experiment.

Follow the rules and regulations of the experiment.

Turning off the overloaded reactor is the most correct choice at this moment.


The operator was about to adjust the reactor according to Jackson's instructions.

But was interrupted by a voice.

"Stop, it can't be closed!"

The person who spoke was Roberts, the president of the Nuclear Federation.

Roberts stepped forward and grabbed the operator's hand.

"Now that the previous record has not been broken, how can the reactor be shut down?"

The operator was caught by the hands and was a little overwhelmed.

One is his immediate supervisor.

One is the top boss of the Nuclear Federation.

"President Roberts, don't close it now, our tokamak device will have problems!"

Jackson said anxiously.

The Icarus reactor is not a one-off reactor.

The device inside must be kept for future experiments.

"That's not important, the important thing is whether you can create a world record!"

Roberts said, his tone was extremely cold.

"Now, the experiment continues."

As if startled by Roberts' tone, Jackson shut his mouth obediently.

Roberts took over command authority for this experiment.

"Increase the input current and increase the magnetic field."

"The reactor must not be allowed to get out of control at this time!"


Following Roberts' command, the operator pushed the current push rod.

Even greater currents flooded the reactor's tokamak.

The reactor, which was about to run out of control, was restrained back to a steady state.

"That's good."

Saying that, Roberts glanced at Jackson.

Jackson was expressionless at this moment.

But his heart was bleeding.

Obviously something went wrong with the equipment, but Roberts had to increase the power to overload the tokamak device.

Continue like this.

The tokamak device, which could have been used for a long time, is estimated to be scrapped soon.

About this question.

Roberts knew it too.

But he can't control so much now.

Roberts has already issued a military order with the above.

In order to accomplish the objectives of the trial, a two-hour constraint was achieved.

Roberts spared no expense.

As for what will happen to the reactor equipment, he has left it behind.

"The magnetic field weakens again and the centerline deflects."

Operators report crisis again.

"Continue to increase the power!"

Roberts yelled.

Operators can only follow suit.

Time passed slowly in the control room.

Roberts' firefighting orders one after another managed to keep the Icarus reactor from getting out of control.

But it also comes at a price.

Increase the input power arbitrarily.

The result is constant damage to equipment.

In the control room, red warning lights lit up one after another.

Let the atmosphere in the control room become more and more tense.

But at the moment Roberts can't care about these.

There was only one thing in his eyes.

Timer on console.

90 minutes.

100 minutes.

119 minutes!

Roberts stared at the numbers on the timer.

Every time the number jumped, his heart beat with it.

120 minutes!

Finally, the Icarus reactor reached the experimental goal and achieved the two-hour constraint time.

See the moment the timer jumps to 120 minutes.

Roberts was relieved and slumped directly on the chair.

And Jackson, who had been waiting by the side, finally had a chance to speak.

"Shut down the reactor!"


The operator panicked for a while.

At this time, he was also panicked.

During the period just now, under Roberts' command, he performed illegal operations all over again.

He now only hopes that the reactor can stop safely.

However, things did not go as he wished.

"Fusion reaction mutation!"

"The tokamak device is overloaded, and the confinement magnetic field is about to lose control!"

"The high temperature plasma will leak!"


Finish this sentence.

The operator got up directly from the console and ran to the door of the control room.

Roberts watches the operator's movements.

Guess what happened.

Then ran out.


Jackson cursed secretly.

He ran to the console and pressed the big red button in the middle.

Then he left the control room without looking back.

outside the lab.

After the staff all ran out.

In less than two minutes, there was a loud noise from the center of the laboratory.

Thick black smoke billowed from the location of the reactor.

"Look at what you've done!"

Jackson grabbed Roberts by the collar and shouted loudly.

"Put your hands down, this was just a test accident, and I'll explain it to my superiors."

Roberts said lightly.

"Besides, haven't we already completed the two-hour constraint?"

"We managed to break the world record and should be happy now."


Jackson's anger rushed to his head.

He punched Roberts directly.

"You ruined the Icarus laboratory for the bullshit record!!"

"This is my painstaking effort for twenty years!!"

The researchers standing by were also full of sadness.

They have worked here for decades.

An accident took everything from them.

The result of the accident came out very soon probably.

Fortunately, Jackson activated the last emergency device before fleeing.

Isolate the runaway reactor.

This did not create the most serious consequences, a nuclear explosion.

But all the equipment in the Icarus reactor was melted down by high temperature.

There wasn't a single usable thing left.

Standing not far from the ruins.

Jackson looked at a mess of reactor ruins.

Muttered in the mouth.

"For the world record of two hours, is it worth it?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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