The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

70. Electromagnetic Ejection Of Thirty Units At A Time! ! Dragonscale's First Mission, Project

The dragon scale fighter takes off!

Su Chen's words quickly spread throughout the Zulong aircraft carrier.

The soldiers of the navy followed the orders of the commander-in-chief Su Chen very seriously.

The ground crew, pilots, and operators are all in full swing.

at the same time.

Dong Qing, the host, received the news of the change of the program plan.

Holding the revised speech, Dong Qing spoke into the microphone.

"Friends in the audience, next, we will see the grand scene of the Zulong carrier-based aircraft taking off."

"Let's enjoy the flight performance of the carrier-based dragon scale fighter!"

As soon as the words came out.

It immediately attracted a new wave of enthusiasm from the audience of Dragon Kingdom.

"Dragon Scale, is the new carrier aircraft called Dragon Scale?"

"Is this going to take off? I thought this was just a test flight."

"Isn't it reasonable for a carrier-based aircraft to take off? Why are the ones in front so surprised?"

Seeing that someone is not quite clear about the situation.

An enthusiastic Long Guojun fan explained.

"Under normal circumstances, there are not so many aircraft parked on the flight deck. They come out of the hangar one batch at a time and take off after ski jumping. The aircraft docking mode like the Zulong is generally used for display.

"I understand. It means that it is in the exhibition mode now and cannot take off?"

"That's right, but what I'm talking about is the normal situation, and it suddenly occurred to me that our Zulong is not a conventional aircraft carrier.

"Yes, since it is announced that it will take off, then we should believe that the Navy has a solution, and wait and see, fellow citizens.

"That's right, trust the country, we just need to watch!"

"Dragon scales?"

Commander Ying Jiang watched the TV and repeated the name of the carrier-based aircraft.

"That's good too. The more things the people of Long Kingdom expose, the more things we can detect."

With such an idea.

The commander-in-chief dialed the special line of the Oki Island base again.

"Where's the spy plane?"

"Report, it is estimated that there are still ten minutes before we can reach the farthest collection point of the Global Hawk reconnaissance plane." The staff member of Okishima replied.

"Okay, remember what I said, the more information you collect, the better. There is also information about their carrier aircraft, and you should collect as much as possible."

The commander-in-chief gave a few more instructions.

"yes, sir!"

The RQ-4A Global Hawk reconnaissance aircraft is the most advanced reconnaissance aircraft in the Lighthouse country.

Equipped with various reconnaissance equipment.

The commander-in-chief believed that the dispatch of the Global Hawk would definitely bring him good news.

Hang up the dedicated line.

The commander-in-chief glanced at the chief of intelligence unhappily.

That look seemed to say.

What use do you need?

Gather information.

I have to direct it myself.

The intelligence chief dared not say a word.

Before he got the information, he estimated that whatever he said, he would be scolded by the commander.


The phone vibrated, and when he took it out to look, the intelligence chief frowned.

The news is exactly the intelligence sent by his subordinates.

When he saw the information, he knew that it was time for him to make a contribution.

"Master Commander, follow this piece of information."

The intelligence chief handed the mobile phone to the commander-in-chief as if offering a treasure.

Taking the mobile phone, the commander-in-chief glanced at it.

According to the information, Longguo began to increase the import of iron ore half a year ago.

iron ore?

"What's the news?"

Frowning, the Grand Commander asked.

"You see, the increase in iron ore imports in Longguo must be due to the increase in iron consumption."

"Their Zulong, with such a large volume, consumes a huge amount of steel."

"So I think that Longguo should increase iron ore imports because it lacked steel when building aircraft carriers.

The Minister of Intelligence explained.

"Then why didn't you report earlier?"

The Grand Commander asked sharply.

The Minister of Intelligence was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing what to say.

I don't care about this thing, boss?

Shouldn't international iron ore be a matter for the economic sector?

The minister of intelligence wanted to cry, but he finally found a piece of information, only to be scolded again.

Look at Longguo's iron ore import data.

The commander quickly discovered something was wrong.

Rubbing between his brows, the commander-in-chief threw the phone on the table and said.

"This thing has nothing to do with the aircraft carrier Zulong."

"Judging from the data, Longguo has imported an extra 500 million tons of iron ore in the past six months.

"It can extract 300 million tons of iron."

"The tonnage of Zulong is only 2 million tons, how could it consume so much steel?"

"This news is not information from Zulong at all!"

heard the words.

The intelligence chief was dumbfounded.

He just wanted to curry favor with the commander-in-chief quickly, and didn't read the news carefully.

As a result, this error occurred.

The intelligence chief wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in at the moment.

The leader is afraid that he will be very disappointed.

Just as he thought.

In the heart of the commander in chief, besides the label of trash, the minister of intelligence has also been labeled as a fool.

The commander-in-chief was very tired.

Why did he have such a subordinate.

At the same time, there was another question in his mind.

What did Longguo do with the 500 million tons of iron ore?

Forget it, shook his head, the commander no longer bothers about this matter.

The Zulong is his serious worry at this time.

Since it has nothing to do with the Zulong, it is all trivial matters.

The people of Longguo want so much iron ore, so they go there for what they like.

We can't come up with another big guy like Zulong, can we?

The commander's attention was turned back to the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala.

On the live screen.

The pilots boarded the Dragonscale fighter planes parked on the deck one by one.

Looking at the picture on the TV, because the commander is a little unclear.

"More than 300 planes, all with pilots on board."

"Are they going to take off all three hundred planes?"

"What are these people from the Dragon Kingdom thinking? You don't even put on a show like this?"


"Did you see, audience friends, the people of Long Kingdom are just putting on a show!"

"Three hundred fighter planes are difficult to take off from the airport."

"They still have to take off on an aircraft carrier, which is completely a dream."

In "World News", Bangzi is expressing his comments on the live broadcast screen.

While speaking, he smacked his lips.

"Tsk tsk, the people of Longguo are desperate. With this little space, the ski jump will definitely collide with the plane."

"They are setting off fireworks for us."

"Everyone just wait and see the good show.

Cui Bangzi's words brought the audience of Bangzi to an emotional climax.

"Hahaha, the people of Longguo are so polite, they even set off fireworks during the Chinese New Year.",

"As Expert Cui said, let's see how the Dragon Kingdom fighter jets take off."

With a gloating mentality, the sticks watched the live broadcast fighter take off excitedly.

Looking forward to the crash in Longguo.

under the watchful eye of a global audience.

The dragon scale battle ranked first is moving!

The Dragonscale Fighter slowly slid forward.

Looking at the direction the fighter plane was heading, the audience of Longguo couldn't help but sweat.

This fighter plane is relatively close to the edge of the aircraft carrier.

If you slide forward for a while, you will fall into the sea.

"Hurry up, how do you take off at this speed?"

"What is the dragon scale fighter doing, why can't I understand it?"

As the Dragon Scale Fighter slowly advances, the hearts of the audience in Dragon Kingdom are getting more and more nervous.

"Hey, audience, before we see the fireworks, we still have a diving show."

Cui Bangzi looked at the live broadcast and almost laughed out loud.

"It's a good fighter, it's going to go into the water."

The worse Zulong was, the happier Cui Bangzi was.

The stick who watched the live broadcast was happier.

"Wait a minute, what do you see?"

Watching TV, Cui Bangzi's eyes widened in disbelief.

Originally, the front of the Dragon Scale was a flat flight deck.

But in the live screen.

There was a sudden bulge on the deck.

The steel deck opened, revealing a strange looking machine from inside.

There are two guide rails on the machine.

At a thirty-degree angle to the deck.


But the Dragon Scale Fighter was thrown straight at the plane.

Impartially, it just got stuck in the middle of the machine.

"Why is the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom still deformed? Am I dazzled?"

"It was still a deck just now, why did it suddenly become a machine, and even merged with the Dragon Kingdom's fighter?"

"What kind of machine is that?"

The sudden change caught people watching the live broadcast by surprise.

Netizens in Bangzi discussed it even more frantically.

Cui Fuzhen watched the dragon scale fighter slide up the guide rail, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Others may not recognize what it is.

But Cui Fuzhen knew him.

That is clearly an electromagnetic ejection device!!

Just now he judged that there was no space for the Zulong to take off.

In a blink of an eye, the electromagnetic ejection device was pulled out, which made it difficult for Cui Bangzi to accept.

"Expert Cui, what kind of machine is this?" the host asked.

"This is an electromagnetic ejection device."

Cui Bangzi squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Electromagnetic ejection, that..."

Cui Bangzi can guess the latter words.

Now that there is an electromagnetic ejection device, the runway mentioned earlier is naturally unnecessary.

Cui Bangzi pretended to have a headache and covered his head.

Frantically thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

Oh yes!

Cui Bangzi suddenly thought of the angle of counterattack.

After taking his hand away, Cui Bangzi had a confident smile on his face.

"This electromagnetic ejection device is just a decoration."

Judging by his expression, the sticks were a little silent just now.

Suddenly excited again.

Expert Cui has something to say!

In the expectations of the sticks.

Cui Fuzhen said confidently.

"Although the electromagnetic catapult device is good, it also has extreme shortcomings.

"The first is high energy consumption, but it consumes energy instantly."

"In three seconds of working, it needs to consume at least 800,000 kWh of electricity."

"Pay attention to the time, it is within three seconds!"

"It can only be stored in an energy storage device to release so much power in a short time."

"With such a high energy consumption, even the Ford of Lighthouse Country can only supply two catapults to work at the same time.

"So, for the Zulong which lacks power."

"I can't use the electromagnetic ejection device at all. This thing is considered a display without electricity."

"If the fighter plane is mounted on it, it will definitely not be able to fly."

What Cui Bangzi said was not wrong.


Except for the thing about Zulong.

The Zulong, which has a nuclear fusion reactor, needs energy most!

The voice just fell.

The electromagnetic ejection device is activated.

During the live broadcast, the dragon scale fighter was ejected and flew into the sky



Cui Fuzhen opened his mouth wide, and then hurriedly continued.

"This must be a pre-charged battery, and it will be gone after one use."

Just after finishing speaking, another Dragonscale fighter boarded the electromagnetic ejection device.

Immediately afterwards, the ejection took off.

The time was only thirty seconds.

On the same electromagnetic ejection device, two fighter planes took off.

Cui Bangzi's face turned red.

It was as if someone had slapped her in the face.

But he still did not give up on slandering Zulong.

With his mind spinning rapidly, he found a new angle.

"There are more than 300 planes on the Zulong, and one takes off every half a minute. It takes 150 minutes, or three hours."

When talking about this, Cui Fuzhen stood up directly from the chair.

He shouted at the camera at the top of his voice.

"An electromagnetic ejection device is useless at all!!"

"Cui, Expert Cui, look...

The host said in a trembling voice.

Cui Bangzi followed the direction of the host's finger.

I saw the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala.

After taking off two fighter planes.

A wave of electromagnetic catapults is shown after takeoff.

The deck of the Zulong was deformed again.

What came out this time was not an electromagnetic ejection device.

but whole.

Cui Bangzi counted quickly.

A total of thirty electromagnetic ejection devices!

What made Cui Bangzi even more terrified was that.

These thirty electromagnetic ejection devices are actually working at the same time!

The Zulong ejected thirty Dragonscale fighters at once!!

According to such efficiency.

With 300 fighters, it only takes five minutes for all of them to take off!

Think here.

Cui Bangzi couldn't accept it at all.

It's okay to get slapped in the face once, but in the short three minutes, I was slapped in the face several times!

Still in front of countless spectators.

There was a rush of blood.

Cui Bangzi's eyes darkened and he passed out.

The sky above Zulong.

There are hundreds of dragon scale fighters circling.

These are the waves of carrier-based aircraft that took off later.

And the first two Dragonscale fighters to be ejected.

But not in this list.

Instead, it flew farther into the sky.

"Dongyao, Dongyao, check the communication."

"Dong 2, Dong 2, the communication is normal.

"Dongyao received it, ready to start the mission. Mission code, Falcon!"

In the communication channel of Dragon Scale.

Two pilots are communicating about a secret mission.

As for what eagle to hunt.

Naturally, it is no ordinary eagle.


RQ-4A Global Hawk!

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