The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

71. The Leader Of The Eagle Sauce Is Crazy! What About My Big Reconnaissance Plane?

"How can this be!!"

Commander Yingjiang looked at the live broadcast and cried out.

"Eject 30 fighters at a time, or continuously eject them, how do they do it?"

When the Ford first set sail.

Although he hadn't taken the position at that time.

But also as a guest, participated in the sailing ceremony.

The Grand Commander remembered it clearly.

At the beginning, there were only four electromagnetic ejection devices on the Ford.

And a maximum of two can be opened at a time, otherwise the aircraft carrier cannot load the massive consumption of the electromagnetic ejection device.

The commander-in-chief thought that the electromagnetic ejection device was just like this, and it was strictly limited by energy.


Today the commander-in-chief opened his eyes.

Zulong can actually use electromagnetic ejection to this extent!

Aren't they energy limited??

Or did they use a new electromagnetic ejection technology.

What the Grand Commander didn't know was.

On the Zulong, it's a combination of both.

The new electromagnetic rail technology, coupled with the powerful energy supply of nuclear fusion.

Let the electromagnetic catapult technology explode into infinite potential on the Zulong!!

"Power, yes, power!"

The commander suddenly thought of something.

Turning to Secretary of Energy Thompson and asked.

"How is the aircraft carrier Zulong powered?"

Since Thompson was called over, he has been staying in the commander's office.

The commander-in-chief didn't tell him to leave, and Thompson didn't have the guts to ask him to leave.

"Um. This..."

The commander's question made Thompson's brain unable to turn around for a while.

How to supply energy?

how can i know

I'm not the designer of the aircraft carrier!

But fortunately, Thompson couldn't answer it himself, and there is another blame here.

"Roberts, you are an expert in the field of energy "zero one zero", you are here to answer the question of the leader."

As Thompson said, he pulled Roberts out and raised the gun.


Roberts, who had no preparations, was driven to the shelves and pushed in front of the commander.

Looking at the expression of the commander in chief, Roberts couldn't help swallowing,

"I think,,,"

"They should have used a new technology, which can eject fighter jets without consuming much power.

Roberts told lies that he didn't even believe.

Without consuming energy, how can it be possible to propel a fighter jet of tens of tons to the take-off speed?

Not to mention anything else, the law of conservation of energy must be obeyed, right?

Such nonsense.

Roberts is also helpless.

With this energy supply, Roberts could only think of nuclear fusion.

It cannot be said that the nuclear fusion energy used by the people of Longguo has solved the energy consumption.

For Roberts, this is something that must never be mentioned.

After all, I just assured the Grand Commander that there is absolutely no nuclear fusion in the Dragon Kingdom.

Fortunately, there was another special situation in the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala.

Attracted all the attention of the commander in chief, did not hear what Roberts said.

This allowed Roberts to escape.

During the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, the host Dong Qing was broadcasting and explaining the situation of the program, and also previewed the following program flow.

"Friends in the audience, you can now see that the Dragonscale carrier-based aircraft have all taken off.

"This is the first time that the Dragon Scale Fighter has appeared in front of everyone. Everyone must be very curious about its information."

Hearing this, the Grand Commander unconsciously nodded.

Then reacted.

Hastily pretended to be innocent.

"I have received an entrustment from the Dragon Kingdom Air Force, and next, I will give you a brief introduction of the Dragonscale Fighter.

The camera is aimed at the dragon scale fighter hovering in the air.

The voiceover is still Dong Qing.

I only heard Dong Qing's introduction.

"The Dragon Scale Fighter is my country's first sixth-generation fighter. It is a heavy-duty stealth fighter with strong power and high adaptability. It is also the carrier-based aircraft of the Zulong aircraft carrier.

Wait a moment!

The commander-in-chief suspected that he had heard something wrong.

Sixth generation machine?

Why is it a sixth generation machine??

Dragon Kingdom's new fighter is naturally a sixth-generation fighter?

The commander's first reaction was that he had heard wrong.

So he asked the people in the room.

"How many generations of fighters have you heard?"

"Six generations."

"I heard the sixth generation."

"Me too."

Everyone replied one after another.

With so many people confirming, the commander-in-chief knew he had heard correctly.

"How could it be a sixth-generation fighter? Or a carrier-based aircraft?"

"Commander, if you ask me, this should be the sixth-generation machine that the people of the Dragon Kingdom proclaimed themselves.

The chief of intelligence interrupted.

"What do you mean?" the commander asked.

The intelligence chief spoke eloquently.

"Currently the world's recognized fifth-generation aircraft standard is a heavy stealth supersonic fighter."

"But for the sixth-generation machine, there is still no clear standard."

"So I think that the people of Longguo may have made a little technological breakthrough in the fifth-generation fighter, and called the new fighter a sixth-generation fighter.

"Actually, it should be a 5.1-generation fighter."

After finishing speaking, the chief intelligence officer took a peek at the commander's expression.

very satisfied.

That's it.

The intelligence chief breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for so long, I finally got an opportunity to please the Grand Commander.

Listen to what the intelligence chief says.

The commander showed a satisfied smile.

This explanation is reasonable.

After all, the Lighthouse Air Force, which has the most advanced fighter technology in the world, has not developed a sixth-generation fighter.

A mere dragon country.

How could it be the first to develop a new generation of fighters?

It should be as the intelligence chief said.

The people of Longguo called the 5.1-generation fighters the sixth-generation fighters.

The reason why the intelligence chief can think of these.

Not for anything else.

It's because the Lighthouse Air Force has done such a thing as promoting a small breakthrough fighter into a new generation.

And more than once.

Many fighters have been sold at a high price by relying on this trick.

So the commander-in-chief also chose to believe this statement.

"Heh, cunning Dragon Kingdom people."

Curling his lips, the Grand Commander continued to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

And the live broadcast room of Longguo far away across the ocean.

The audience who are excited about the Zulong electromagnetic ejection.

After Dong Qing said that the Dragon Scale is a sixth-generation machine.

Once again into the carnival.

"Sixth generation aircraft! The Dragonscale fighter is actually the sixth generation!"

"I remember that no country has developed a sixth-generation machine yet? We are the first!!"

"That's right, we were the ones chasing others before, now it's their turn to chase us!"

For Dong Qing's words.

The audience of Longguo believed it.

Not for anything else, but for the Longguo Air Force behind Dong Qing.

This is an official commissioned by the Air Force to speak.

As citizens of Dragon Kingdom, they naturally wouldn't doubt it.

"I didn't expect that in addition to electromagnetic ejection, we even achieved the world's leading carrier-based aircraft."

"What I am most looking forward to now is the flight performance of the Dragon Scale Fighter. It will start soon, right?"

The audience had just finished speaking, and after Dong Qing introduced the Dragonscale Fighter, he said.

"The next thing is the flight performance of the dragon scale fighter."

"Let us look forward to the performance of the new aircraft and pilots.

After all, Dong Qing's signal was cut off.

The live broadcast screen was all shown to the Dragon Scale fighter plane in the air.

The air show needs to rise to a high altitude to carry out.

For the viewing experience of the audience.

The live broadcast angle also came to the sky.

The person in charge of filming was also the Dragonscale Fighter.

The original missile mount position has become an ultra-high-definition live camera.

And there are too many fighters, so the program group thoughtfully divided the screen into several angles.

The audience can choose by themselves which group of aircraft performances to watch.

In the expectation of the audience of Dragon Country.

The dragonscale fighter squadron started to move.

With 30 fighters, a squadron forms a group.

Performing various difficult movements.

With the powerful performance of the Dragon Scale, those so-called high-difficulty movements before were all easily grasped.

Therefore, what the dragon scale fighter performs is creative flying acrobatics.

For example: 30 quick rolls in an emergency change of direction.

In the state of supersonic flight, turning the nose vertically is equivalent to turning the fighter plane forward.

Moreover, these actions are all carried out in one group at the same time.

Thirty dragon-scale fighters were performing a super-difficult action simultaneously.

The shock brought to the audience is even more profound.

Ordinary audiences are watching the fun.

The real military fans are concerned about a mediocre squadron of fighter jets.

Their flying maneuvers are simple.

Just speed up, and keep speeding up!

There is no doubt that this is to show the speed of the Dragon Scale.

In the live broadcast, it is impossible to judge the flight speed of the dragon scale fighter.

However, there is a great netizen who used a video of a fighter plane flying over the Zulong aircraft carrier.

Analyzed the current speed of the Dragon Scale.

"It is known that the Zulong is one thousand meters long."

"The live broadcast frame rate is 60 frames, which is 1/60 second.

"The Dragonscale fighter flew from the bow of the Zulong to the stern, and it took a total of 30 frames, which is half a second."

"Flying 1,000 meters in half a second, the speed of the dragon scale fighter is 2,000 meters per second!!"

"Mach six, six times the speed of sound! I'm stupid."

The great god posted his discovery on the military forum.

Military fans are actively discussing below...

"The speed of Mach 6 is really fast and terrifying. I remember that the F22 is only 2.5 times the speed of sound?"

"That's right, Dragon Scale is twice as fast as the F22. No wonder it can be called a sixth-generation aircraft. The speed alone crushes all kinds of fifth-generation aircraft."

"There is something even more terrifying, have you noticed that the Dragon Scale is still accelerating!!"

"Mach 6 is still accelerating! Damn, is this the sixth generation machine?"

In shock.

Some people care about the great netizen.

"Great God, if you post these, is it a leak of military secrets?"

"I'm going, I just thought, it's the New Year's Eve, the Great God won't go in, right?"

"Delete it quickly, don't let the officials find this post."

The suggestions of netizens are all out of good intentions.

But it's too late.

This post has been officially discovered.


The official account of the Dragon Kingdom Navy reposted this post.

The Air Force is not far behind.

"Master, you are on fire!"

"Official certification!"

"Master, you don't need to go in."

“Screenshot and take a group photo!!”

It was forwarded by the official, and enthusiastic netizens were also relieved.

With official certification, it is naturally not a leak.

And the great netizen who posted the post just jumped up from the chair.

Several officials have forwarded it, what a great honor it is.

He can blow forever~

for the dragon

The performance of the scale fighter is leaked.

The Navy is not afraid.

On the contrary, I am looking forward to it.

That's exactly what live streaming is for.

Show performance and show off your muscles.

Let those guys who have unreasonable thoughts stop their greed.

"Mach Six!!"

The commander stood up abruptly and said in disbelief.

In the office, the commander-in-chief was talking with the Lighthouse Air Force Headquarters.

The Beacon Kingdom did not see the post of the netizen of the Great God of the Dragon Kingdom.

But they have a professional analysis team.

He analyzed the speed of the Dragonscale fighter earlier than that network guru.

"That's right, because of the leadership.

"After frame-by-frame analysis after slow-motion, we found that the Dragonscale fighter is still in a state of uniform acceleration."

"The speed of Mach 6 is not the limit."

Air Force Headquarters replied.

"Then this thing, is it really a sixth-generation machine?"

The commander asked, his tone full of disbelief.

How much he wanted to hear a negative answer from the other party.

But the answer was yes.

"According to the judgment of Air Force experts, this fighter should indeed be classified as a sixth-generation fighter.

Sixth generation machine. . .

heard the words.

The Grand Commander sat back in his chair disappointed.

The people of Longguo actually tinkered with the sixth generation machine.

In this way.

Wouldn't the lighthouse's air power advantage be reduced a lot?

Thinking of this, Commander Yin took out an application form from the safe.

Signed his name on it.

And instruct the secretary 3.3.

"Send this document to Congress tomorrow."

The content of the document is the Lighthouse Air Force's application for funding for the research and development of the sixth-generation aircraft.

It says a budget of 250 billion U.S. dollars.

It is because the budget is too high.

The document has only been suppressed for two years.

Until today, the commander-in-chief saw the sixth-generation aircraft of Longguo.

With a sense of crisis in my heart, I approved the application.

Twenty-five billion dollars!

It hurts the commander to think about it.

And with such a large amount of money, you have to talk to the guys in Congress.

Think here.

The Grand Commander couldn't help but sighed.

How did Longguo come up with the sixth-generation machine?

There was no information at all before.


A flash of lightning flashed in the commander's mind!

It suddenly occurred to him that he had just forgotten something.

Can't care about anything else.

The Grand Commander grabbed the dedicated line.

Called the Oki Island base.

He just asked Chongdao Base to send a plane to scout Zulong.

If this encounters the sixth-generation machine Dragon Scale.

Isn't there no return?

The phone connects.

"Hi Commander, this is the Oki Island military base, may I ask you...

Before the staff of Chongdao finished speaking, they were roughly interrupted by the commander.

"Stop talking nonsense! Where's our reconnaissance plane? Call them back quickly!!"


Listening to the commander's words, the staff did not dare to neglect.

Immediately contact the reconnaissance aircraft control department.

Three seconds later.

The commander-in-chief heard the result he least wanted to hear.

"Report to the Commander."

"Global Hawk reconnaissance aircraft, a total of three, all lost contact..."

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