The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

72. The First Battle Is Won! ! Rabbit: Thank You For The Three Large Planes Sent By Ying Jiang~ The

RQ-4A unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, also known as the Global Hawk.

It is the most advanced reconnaissance fighter currently in service of the Lighthouse Air Force Department.

The flight speed can reach 2.5 times the speed of sound, and the limit flight altitude is 25,000 meters.

Equipped with synthetic aperture radar, ultra-high-definition camera, infrared detector three kinds of reconnaissance equipment,

In addition to shooting high-definition images of the target, it can also analyze the infrared distribution of the target and collect scattered electromagnetic signals.

There is no shortage of high-definition images of Zulong in Lighthouse Country.

After all, the Longguo Spring Festival Gala will be broadcast live directly, just record the screen.

But there are only a few photos of the appearance, and nothing can be analyzed.

Therefore, the key point for the Global Hawk reconnaissance aircraft to collect is the infrared information of the Zulong.

Through infrared information, the heat distribution of Zulong can be analyzed.

Then the engine and energy core of Zulong can be found.

These places must generate more heat than other parts, and these core parts will be clearly visible under the infrared viewing angle.

In the Oki Island military base.

The Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance aircraft operation team is chatting idlely.

"It's really unlucky, I was going to go on vacation, but I came to do the task again."

"Let's not say a few words, I heard from the above, this time the commander-in-chief personally ordered.

"Why does the commander-in-chief have air traffic control over our remote base?"

"It's not the new aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom yet, I guess the commander-in-chief is in a hurry."

"I saw it too, and that new carrier is amazing."

"If there is a real fight, we should be the first target to be destroyed by the Dragon Kingdom, after all, we are so close to the Dragon Kingdom."

Seeing the team members talking more and more outrageous.

Scout leader Hank reprimanded.

"Stop talking nonsense, keep an eye on your reconnaissance plane."

"yes, sir!!"

The team leader had already spoken, and several team members also put away the topic and stopped laughing and joking.

Instead, he silently complained about Captain Hank in his heart.

What an old-fashioned old man, the Global Hawk has been in service for more than ten years without a single accident.

Why are you so careful?

In the hearts of the team members, this mission is nothing more than ordinary.

Naturally, 21 doesn't need to be taken too seriously.

"Report the position of the fighter plane."

Hearing Hank's words, a team member reported.

"The fighter plane is currently flying at an altitude of 22,000 meters and is expected to arrive at the reconnaissance location in three minutes.

"Got it." Hank thought for a moment and said.

"Increase the flight altitude by another two thousand meters, be careful."


As required, the control team raised the flight altitude of the Global Hawk reconnaissance plane by two kilometers.

It has now reached a flight altitude of 24,000 meters.

The deputy group leader couldn't help asking.

"Leader Hank, do you need to fly so high? Twenty thousand meters is about the same. Flying so high will affect the quality of the shooting.

For fighter jets, 20,000 meters is a hurdle.

At present, the fighter jets in the world have a maximum combat altitude of about 20,000 meters.

Further up is the restricted area for fighter jets.

The forbidden zone for fighter jets is also the paradise for reconnaissance planes.

At an altitude of more than 20,000 meters, the reconnaissance plane hardly needs to be destroyed by fighter jets.

The stealth design of the Global Hawk can also avoid the tracking of anti-aircraft missiles.

In previous reconnaissance missions, Global Hawk fighters worked at an altitude of 20,000 meters.

This can not only ensure safety, but also make the shooting clearer.

"Just do as I say."

Team leader Hank frowned slightly.

Ever since he received the task of scouting the Zulong, he felt an inexplicable pressure in his heart.

Driven by the pressure, Hank chose to act cautiously.

"Report, we have reached the extreme reconnaissance position!"

In the picture sent back from the Global Hawk.

The shadow of the aircraft carrier Zulong can be vaguely seen sailing on the sea.

"Come closer, we need clearer pictures."

Scout Captain Hank commanded.


The subordinates followed suit, and at the same time they were even more confused.

Wouldn't it be better to lower the flight altitude for clearer photos?

I don't know what Team Leader Hank is afraid of.

At an altitude of 24,000 meters, what danger can there be?

at the same time.

in a position where they cannot see.

An altitude of 26,000 meters.

Two fighter planes painted in cool gray were flying silently.

The flight speed is consistent with the Global Hawk fighter.

In the vertical direction, the two fighter planes and the Global Hawk reconnaissance plane team were almost in the same straight line.

"Report, this is Longlin No. 001 fighter plane, it has locked on the target, please instruct.

"Take the next step in your falconry mission and start hunting."

After receiving the order from the Zulong, Commander-in-Chief Su.

Wang Dong, the pilot of the Dragon Scale Fighter, had an excited smile on his lips.

"I really didn't expect that the first mission was to be a doctor in actual combat.

After delivering the Dragonscale carrier-based aircraft to the navy, Wang Dong and the group of pilots were also left in the navy.

Temporarily serving as the pilot of the carrier-based aircraft on the Zulong.

The Falcon mission was also handed over to Major Wang Dong, who is an ace pilot.

"Dong 2, hole 2, prepare to lower the flight altitude, and prepare to activate the jamming device."

"Operation Falcon" was carried out by two Dragonscale fighters.

The operation was commanded by Wang Dong, and another fighter plane acted as a wingman.

"Dong 2 received, the flight altitude is being lowered."

under the control of the pilot.

The two Dragonscale fighters rapidly lowered their flight altitude at a synchronized speed.

Moreover, the vertical flight speed remains unchanged, and the position is always kept above the head of the Global Hawk reconnaissance team.

that scene.

It seems like an eagle swooping down from high altitude to its prey.

It's just that here, it's the dragon scale fighter that swoops down.

The prey is the RQ-4A Global Hawk fighter.

Soon, the Dragonscale fighter dropped to a height of 24,300 meters.

It is only 300 meters away from the Global Hawk reconnaissance plane below!

It's only three hundred meters away.

Global Hawk is still unconscious.

He continued to carry out his mission and headed towards the direction of Zulong.

Three hundred meters, if there is a pilot in the Global Hawk reconnaissance plane.

As long as you look up, you can see the figure of the dragon scale fighter.

However, it is a pity that the Global Hawk is an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Its ultra-high-definition camera, synthetic aperture radar, is all aimed down.

For the top of the reconnaissance plane, there is no observation equipment.

after all.

The regular flight altitude of the Global Hawk is 20,000 meters.

Above 20,000 meters, is there anything else to scout?

The space on a fighter plane is at a premium.

Designers naturally do not add upward viewing equipment.

The Dragonscale Fighter uses this mechanism.

It quietly approached the Global Hawk reconnaissance plane.

"Entered the interference range, turn on the electronic interference device!"

While Wang Dong gave instructions to the wingman, he also pressed a button on the console.

With the button pressed.

A high-intensity electronic jamming signal was sent from the Dragonscale Fighter.

Three Global Hawk fighters were tightly enveloped.

Cut off the Global Hawk's communication signal.

The jamming signal then destroyed the electronic protection equipment of the Global Hawk reconnaissance aircraft.

A program, like a ghost, invaded the control system of the reconnaissance plane.

"System invasion complete!"

The three Global Hawk fighters, at this time, have the operating authority in the hands of the Dragonscale fighters.

Look at the prompts that appear on the central control screen.

Wang Dong was secretly startled.

In a few seconds this time, a reconnaissance plane with electronic protection was captured like this?

Tian Dong had a deeper understanding of the horror of the Dragon Scale Fighter.

Although the scope of this interference function is not large.

But the effect is surprisingly strong!

When the fighters were fighting, the jamming device was suddenly turned on.

It is bound to be able to catch the opponent by surprise.

Let go of the thoughts in your head.

Wang Dong turned on the communicator and said in a deep voice.

"Report, the hunt is complete, request to return."

"You can return, welcome back."

After receiving the command from Commander-in-Chief Su.

The Dragonscale fighter plane lowered its flight altitude, and embarked on the return journey leisurely.

When it came, there were two of them.

When I went back, it turned into five fighter planes.

Oki Island military base, UAV control command room.

The originally relaxed and cheerful atmosphere has become extremely dignified at this moment.

"Is there a signal?"

Team leader Hank asked anxiously.

"No signal."

"Keep calling! Transmit reset code!"

Hank growled loudly.

The restart code is a special radio wave.

The reconnaissance plane that receives the restart code will clear all data and restart the fighter system.

This is a last resort.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the restart code will never be sent.

But now is the time of last resort!

"Did you get the signal?"

Team leader Hank asked, his tone extremely anxious.

His hunch came true.

Something happened to the Global Hawk fighter.

What is puzzling is that there were no warning signs before the accident!

Everything was supposed to be normal.

The images and various signals sent back by the reconnaissance plane showed nothing unusual.

Only three minutes ago, several snowflakes appeared on the surveillance screen.

At that time, Hank and the team members didn't take it seriously.

After all, with such a distance, some information is lost, which is normal, and the snowflakes will disappear automatically after a while.

But the situation was completely beyond their expectations.

Those few small snowflakes, instead of disappearing, grew bigger and bigger.

Just two seconds.

The monitor screen turned blank.

All the signals sent back from the reconnaissance plane were also cut off.

It all says one thing.

The Global Hawk fighter is a new generation of high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that the Beacon Country is proud of.


After the Global Hawk lost contact, Hank tried various remedies.

But all to no avail.

Global Hawk is still out of contact.

Now Hank can only hope to restart the code.

Hope this last resort will work.

"Report, still haven't received any signal."

Hear the subordinate's answer.

Hank fell into an ice cave.

The last resort was useless, and he was at his wit's end.

"Leader Hank, I'm asking questions because of the commanding lord."

When Hank was desperate.

There was a message from the communication center of the base, and it was still a message from the Grand Commander.

Such a big thing happened.

Hank dared not hide it.

Can only report truthfully.

And as expected, he got the wrath from the Grand Commander.

After a few words of cursing, the commander hung up the phone angrily.

hang up the phone.

Hank sat down on the ground.

He covered his face in pain.

he knows that 9

53 I'm done.

Lost the country's most advanced reconnaissance plane, or three.

This crime is enough to go to a military court.

The members of the group who were joking and laughing at first were all ashen-faced at the moment.

No more jokes.

In the chief's office.

"Damn it!! Why did you lose contact!"

The commander threw the phone to the ground angrily.

Stepped on a smash.

As the most advanced main reconnaissance aircraft of the Lighthouse Air Force, the Global Hawk has many secret technologies on it.

It would be fine if it was destroyed.

If not destroyed.

If the people of Longguo get these three fighters.

After the reverse analysis, the technology is mastered by the people of Longguo, so the Lighthouse Air Force is still playing tricks?

These losses are far greater than the bombing of three reconnaissance planes.

"Great Commander, don't be so angry that your body is broken, it's just that you lost contact now.

"We are still not sure, it was the people of Long Kingdom who did it."

"It is possible that the Global Hawk crashed due to a natural electromagnetic storm.

The chief of intelligence spoke comfortingly.

It's fine if he doesn't say that, but he gets even angrier when he talks about the Grand Commander.

"If it wasn't for the waste of the Intelligence Bureau, would I send a reconnaissance plane to reconnaissance?"

"After today, don't let me see you again!!"

The intelligence chief quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak any more.

Take a deep breath.

The commander-in-chief calmed down a bit.

Although the intelligence chief is a waste, what he said is not unreasonable.

According to the Oki Island base.

The Global Hawk fighter suddenly lost contact.

It is indeed possible that it is an electromagnetic storm.

"I hope so, then there is still a chance to get the reconnaissance plane back.

The commander-in-chief thought to himself.

What kind of reason should be found to let the salvage ship of the lighthouse enter the waters of Longguo to salvage the plane.

But soon.

The commander-in-chief gave up looking for reasons.

Because he saw the location of those three Global Hawks!

Not anywhere else.

Instead, it was broadcast live at the Spring Festival Gala in Longguo!

on the TV screen.

After the Dragonscale fighter plane finished its flight show, it was returning to Zulong in an orderly manner.

The first to come back were also the two Dragonscale fighters that took off first.

The camera was also pointed at them.

Behind those two Dragonscale fighters.

Followed by three special fighters.

The commander-in-chief just watched.

Their three missing Global Hawk fighters landed on the flight deck of the Zulong aircraft carrier.

Then slid into the hangar on the Zulong.

With the hangar door closed.

The Global Hawk reconnaissance plane just disappeared from the Grand Commander's eyes!

"Dragon Kingdom people!"

"You guys! You're too much of a bully!!".

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