The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

80. Surprise! The Purpose Of Building Yanggu Sea City Is Actually! ! !

Yanggu Sea City?

Wait until the lights come on and the whole island is illuminated.

The audience watching the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala finally saw the whole picture of Yanggu Sea City.

I finally saw the goal of the Zulong to mobilize the crowd and to defend ~.

"I wipe, what is this?"

"It's an island!! It's such a big island, is this still an island?!-!"

"Long in sight, how big is this island???"

"Do you see the color of the island? It looks like it's all metal?"

"Impossible, how can there be such a technology?"

In the barrage of the audience, apart from shock, they were still shocked.

In particular, the sudden appearance of Yanggu Sea City from the live broadcast is even more shocking!

"When did Dragon Kingdom have such an island? Why didn't I know?"

"In front, you are not talking nonsense, let you know it."

"But how big is this island? Why can't you see the side at a glance?"

"I'm also curious, what is the diameter of this island?"

From the live broadcast, the viewers saw the entire building of Changgu Sea City through the distant camera.

It is an approximately circular island.

Yanggu Sea City is located on the sea, without specific data, the audience can only get a general idea.

But there are great gods watching the live broadcast.

The previous one calculated the flight speed of the dragon scale fighter through the live broadcast, the master of the military forum.

Shot again.

Made a new post.

The title of the post is:

"Shocked! Yanggu Sea City is so big!!"

This time, he wasn't worried about secrets.

After all, it was broadcast live by the official, and a professional like him can figure it out.

Those foreign military experts are even more so.

Now that the foreign experts know that it is all right, then post on the forum to analyze the live broadcast.

Naturally, it is not classified as confidential.

Seeing the great master's post, the originally deserted forum suddenly became very lively.

Tens of thousands of people flocked to that post.

I want to see how big Yanggu Sea City is.

The most prominent position of the post is a screenshot.

It was the panorama of Yanggu Sea City in the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala.

It's just that in this screenshot, the lower left corner is marked with a red circle by the Great God.

Next to the red circle, a few words were specially written.

I'm afraid the audience can't see clearly.

"It's the Zulong! The one in the corner is the Zulong!"

"I didn't even notice just now, why is the Zulong so small? It's just like an ordinary ship."

Saying that the Zulong is small is entirely a visual effect of contrast.

The one-kilometer-long Zulong will never disembark.

After posting the photos, Dashen continued to update the post.

"Have you seen it? Compared with Yanggu Sea City, the Zulong is not very big."

"It is known that Zulong's hull is one kilometer long. In this picture, the pixels occupied by Zulong are only one-twentieth of the side of Yanggu Sea City."

"That is to say, Yanggu Sea City is 20 kilometers long!"

See the last words of the Great God.

Netizens in the forum swallowed silently.

Twenty kilometers!

This is a size that audiences have never imagined before.

"It's actually twenty kilometers, my dear, how much material did you use?"

"With a diameter of 20 kilometers and a radius of 10 kilometers, Changgu Sea City covers an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers!

Below the post, forum netizens excitedly responded to the post.

Knowing the diameter of Yanggu Sea City, netizens easily calculated the area of ​​the Sea City.

"More than three hundred square kilometers? Is this bigger than many island countries?"

"Indeed, such a large area is enough to build a small city."

"I can't believe it, this is actually a man-made product."

Looking at the gigantic Yanggu Sea City, the audience finally understood why Dong Qing said in the live broadcast that Yanggu Sea City was the largest artificial island in history.

You know, before that.

Haihua Island, the largest artificial island project, is only 10 square kilometers.

Due to various technical difficulties, the construction period has been interrupted.

This side is good, and a super island of 100 square kilometers has been directly built without making a sound.

Worthy of the biggest in history.

"Such a large man-made island is amazing."

"What I'm more interested in is, where did such a huge Yangu Sea City come from?"

After being shocked, some viewers remembered the scene during the live broadcast.

Yanggu Sea City, Chen Kong appeared from the sea.

Now knowing the size of Yanggu Sea City, the doubts of the audience are even deeper.

Such a huge Yanggu sea city.

How did it hide under the eyes of the audience during the live broadcast?

"Twenty kilometers long!!"

Hearing the size of Yanggu Sea City calculated by his subordinates, the commander couldn't hold back and shouted directly.

"Cough cough."

The commander-in-chief hastily coughed twice to cover up his medical attitude.

Then he asked seriously.

"Is there no mistake?"

"No, Mr. Datong, according to the calculation of the satellite image, it is this size."

Subordinate reports.

The spy satellites are equipped with special long-distance measurement devices.

From space, the size of the target can still be accurately measured.

The error will not exceed five meters.

"Twenty kilometers..."

The commander bowed his head in thought.

"Satellite calculation?"

As if thinking of something, the commander frowned and dialed a special line.

As the Grand Commander, the special line can directly reach the heads of various official agencies.

"Commander, what can you do for me?"

The director of NASA's space agency got up from the table and rubbed his confused eyes.

asked suspiciously.

The space agency has not had any accidents recently, has it?

Why did the Grand Commander come to ask questions in person.

"Let me ask you, what does your NASA do for food? You haven't discovered a sea island as big as the Dragon Kingdom?" the commander asked sharply.

Hearing the commander's words, the director of NASA's heart sank, and the drowsiness disappeared instantly.

This is for guilt.

However, what is the island on the sea that the commander mentioned?

The NASA space agency is responsible for research in the field of aerospace.

As director, he didn't pay much attention to other things.

After an explanation from the commander in chief, the director of NASA understood what had happened.

The director of NASA never thought that such a big thing would happen after he fell asleep for a while.

"Sorry, Grand Commander, please wait a moment."

The director of NASA put down the phone and quickly arranged for his subordinates to speak.

"Quickly, call up all the satellite images of this coordinate!"

"It's all!! Whether it's a weather satellite or something, as long as it can be photographed, take it out!"

"The time is within one year!"

The commander-in-chief was able to see the situation of Yanggu Sea City through the spy satellite.

But those are second-hand data.

For the satellites launched by the lighthouse, the data is sent back to NASA first.

Moreover, the historical data taken by satellites is also stored in the NASA database.

"Director, I sent it to you."

After receiving the report from his subordinates, the director of NASA quickly browsed the photos taken.

The more I looked at it, the more surprised I became.

In chronological order, the NASA administrator first looked at the photos from a year ago.

A year ago, there was only a vast ocean in that sea area.

The photos flash by quickly.

The time came half a year ago.

It is still a vast ocean.

Only occasionally, there will be a few ships that stop there briefly.

The photos flashed by again.

In just three minutes, the director of NASAI read thousands of photos.

Such a speed is all because the photos in front of me are the same.

Pretty much the same image.

In addition to the sea, or the sea.

until the last one.

A giant island suddenly appeared in the center of the photo.

This photo was taken five minutes ago.

"I just fell asleep for a while, what happened?"

asked the NASA administrator in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

In the handset of the phone came the voice of the Grand Commander.

The director of NASA quickly picked up the receiver again.

I was so busy looking at the photos that I almost forgot about the Commander.

"That's right, Grand Commander."

Listening to the explanation of the director of NASA, the commander in chief frowned more and more.

"You mean, there is nothing unusual about the photos taken by satellites in one year?"

"How can this be?"

"Can an artificial island of 20 kilometers be built in a short period of time?"

"There is no trace record of construction?"

Listen to the questioning of the Grand Commander.

The director of NASA just smiled wryly.

He also wanted to know these questions.

But from the photos, there is no problem at all.

"Forget it, useless stuff.

Looking at the other end of the phone, he hesitated, because the commander hung up the phone irritably.

Constantly adjusting the progress bar of the Spring Festival Gala video, the commander repeatedly watched the second when Yanggu Haicheng City appeared.

...asking for flowers...

"Except for a few interfering rays, there's hardly anything special about it."

"It was almost out of thin air."

Watching that video, Commander Yin couldn't figure out why.

And the experts in the National Academy of Sciences couldn't tell why.

"Mr. Datong, look at this."

The secretary said and brought a new laptop.

The screen on the computer is exactly the Navy's official, Zhang Shaozhong's science popularization live broadcast room.

After live broadcasting for so long, Qin Shaozhong's live broadcast room was also noticed by the commander's office.

The translator responsible for the simultaneous interpretation, told the commander what Zhang Shaozhong said in real time.

In the official science popularization live broadcast room.

At this time, the barrage with the highest frequency was asking about the sudden appearance of Haicheng City.

Zhang Shaozhong answered the audience's questions with a smile.

"In fact, the principle is very simple, that is, optical invisibility."

"Like this."

As he spoke, Zhang Shaozhong took out a coin and a blank piece of paper.

After placing the coins on the table in front of him, Zhang Shaozhong covered the white paper.

"As you can see, in this way, the coin is equivalent to being invisible."

The white paper is the same color as the table top.

Under the shooting of the camera, there is almost no difference.

Then Zhang Shaozhong lifted the white paper and revealed the coins inside.

"The appearance of Yanggu Sea City is just like this situation."

"It's just that what covers Yanggu Sea City is not white paper, but an artificial optical sky.

"By the way I can tell

Everyone, the optical canopy device is called Mirage. "

Listening to Zhang Shaozhong's answer, the audience suddenly realized.

It turned out to be like this.

It's so simple,,, what a ghost!

The magical device that can make a 20-kilometer-long behemoth invisible was actually explained like this by Expert Zhang!

Zhang Shaozhong's live broadcast style today is full of points.

From the caliber of 200mm directly to the caliber of 200,000mm, it is very reasonable in Zhang Shaozhong's mouth.

The black technology of mirage is also easy.

It's like a science experiment for elementary school students.

The audience grumbled feebly.

Zhang Shaozhong smiled, turning a blind eye to the complaints in the live broadcast.

It's good to be able to talk about it here.

If specific principles are involved.

Leaving aside the issue of secrecy, it would take three days and three nights to talk about the time alone, and it is not clear.

Not to mention, for the mysterious mirage system.

Zhang Shaozhong himself is only half-knowledgeable.

Naturally, you can't talk too much in the live broadcast.

"Blank paper?"

"A phantom sky can block such a huge island?"

"What the hell is this Dragon Country man talking about?"

The commander looked at Zhang Shaozhong's live broadcast room, his face full of confusion.

The only thing that can be known is that the device that hides the sea city is called a mirage.


"Master Commander, the analysis over there has come out."

When the commander-in-chief was confused, the analysis from military experts was sent to the commander-in-chief.

When the sea city first appeared.

The analysis of those situations has already begun.

Opening the report, the commander quickly read the contents above.

"Through optical equipment, the light curtain is artificially manufactured to achieve the invisible effect."

Reading the report, the commander-in-chief felt something was wrong.

What is written on it is the same as what the man from the Dragon Kingdom said.

Could it be that he didn't talk nonsense, but just popularized science seriously?

With this question in mind, the commander-in-chief read back.

Want to see the specific principle.

However, there is no content behind it.


"Another bunch of trash."

The report he had just received was thrown into the trash can by the commander-in-chief when he turned around.

It's not that the experts deliberately didn't write specific principles.

But in a short period of time, they can only see so much.

The basic principle is very simple, but how to do it, how to achieve it.

I am afraid that without more than ten years of research, it is impossible to overcome.

After throwing away the report on the Mirage system.

The commander turned his head and thought about a more important question.

A national strategic level issue.

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom have spent so much effort."

"What is the purpose of building an island on the sea?"

If only for defense.

Wouldn't it be better to take these resources and rebuild a Zulong-class aircraft carrier?

Dragon Kingdom, what kind of purpose does it have? Beg?.

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