The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

81. The Golden Crow Project Is Exposed! Dragon Kingdom Wants To Use Nuclear Fusion To Generate Elect

Why did the people of Longguo build Yanggu Sea City?

Looking at the live broadcast of Yanggu Haicheng City, the commander-in-chief was in a daze.

The appearance of the sea city was deeply imprinted in the commander's mind.

While thinking.

The commander-in-chief was also recalling the technology used in Yanggu Sea City.

The first is artificial island technology.

Artificial islands are not difficult, and there are several artificial islands in the Lighthouse Country.

But to build an island of this size, I am afraid that people will laugh at it.

The second technique that impresses the Grand Commander is.

The phantom light curtain technology that completely hides Yanggu Sea City.

Compared with how the people of Longguo built the Yanggu Sea City, he cared more about this technology of Longguo.

A giant island of 20 kilometers can be invisible.

It can also escape multiple shots from spy satellites.

Under the eyes of spy satellites, such a magnificent sea city was built.

What if this mirage system is used in other places?

Don't say anything else, just talk about Zulong.

If the Zulong is also equipped with a mirage system, wouldn't it be possible to sail on the sea without anyone noticing?

If so.

Maybe I won't be able to discover it until the Zulong sails to the shore of the lighthouse coast.

Thinking of this, the commander shuddered.

Immediately afterwards, "Zero Zero Three" called the Pentagon.

Let them immediately start working on how to crack the mirage system.

Otherwise, a new-age aircraft carrier with superpowers can still roam the sea like a ghost.

This kind of deterrence is comparable to a nuclear bomb on the head.

After finishing the phone call, the commander-in-chief began to think about the initial question.

Why build Yanggu Sea City.

People in the Dragon Kingdom have a lot of money and no place to spend it?

With a diameter of 20 kilometers, Yanggu Sea City does not know how much material it will consume.



The commander still remembered that in the analysis report sent by his subordinates.

It clearly states that the main building material of Yanggu Sea City is some kind of iron alloy.

A flash of lightning flashed through the commander's mind.

He thought of the report he had read before.

"The information you showed me before, take it back!"

The commander turned his head and said to the minister of intelligence in the corner.


The intelligence chief who was pretending to be dead hurried up.

"I don't know which one you want to see?"

The commander-in-chief laughed back angrily.

"You gave me one piece of information in total, which one do you think I should read???"

He snatched the intelligence chief's cell phone.

The commander-in-chief opened the analysis on the iron ore imports of Longguo in the past six months.

"In half a year, the iron ore import volume of Longguo increased by 500 million tons year-on-year"

This information.

Commander Yin had seen it when the Zulong first set sail.

But at that time, he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, the Zulong is only a few million tons in tonnage.

How could hundreds of millions of tons of iron ore be used?

But now, after seeing Yanggu Haicheng, the commander-in-chief.

How can you not guess the whereabouts of the iron ore?

The audience who are curious about the construction purpose of Yanggu Sea City is not just the Grand Commander alone.

The audience of Longguo are more curious about these.

"You said, what are we going to do with this big steel island?"

"I guess it is for military purposes, building a city on the sea can completely bring that sea area under management.

"It shouldn't be. The materials used to build the sea city can be used to build several Zulong aircraft carriers."

"Indeed, I think Sea City should have a special purpose, such as scientific research?"

The audience discussed the use of Yanggu Sea City.

They all used their imaginations.

"I think it's superfluous to let the Zulong aircraft carrier protect the sea city. It's better to install the weapons on the Zulong, such as the electromagnetic rail gun, on the island, and park a few more dragon scales at the airport on the island. Fortunately, who would dare to attack?"

Seeing this brain hole, the audience's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, that's right.

"It makes sense, the firepower of Zulong singing may not be as good as Haicheng City."

What the audience doesn't know is.

Due to the problem of construction time, only more than 300 Dragonscale fighters were produced within half a year.

It's just barely equipped with Zulong.

The same goes for the electromagnetic railgun and the Iron Sky device.

It's not that I don't want to pretend, but it's too late.

In the case of insufficient reserves of these ultra-era weapons, it is undoubtedly more cost-effective to install the only ones on the Zulong aircraft carrier.

After all, Zulong can move quickly.

Change the deployment location at any time.

With these weapons, the Zulong can fully take on the duty of guarding.

Before Yanggu Haicheng was armed, Zulonglu was the patron saint of Haicheng.

I saw the audience discussing the issue of the sea city's armed forces.

Zhang Shaozhong, as a naval expert, also participated.

"The question asked by the viewer was interesting and sounded reasonable."

"If this is the case, only arm the sea city and not build an aircraft carrier."

"The security issue looks like it's resolved, but in reality the situation is like what it is.

"Only developing coastal defense forces, not developing the navy."

"Although you can guarantee your own safety, can you guarantee the command of the sea in the surrounding waters?"

"Therefore, not only should the sea city be armed, but the Zulong aircraft carrier is also an indispensable piece of equipment."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shaozhong closed his mouth and watched the reaction of the barrage with a smile.

In this passage, Shaozhong also played a trick.

Following the viewer's guess, it didn't mean that the sea city was unarmed.

Rather, it is proposed that both develop simultaneously.

This can make the outside world think that the advanced weapons on the Zulong.

There are also equipment in Yanggu Sea City.

In this way, it may be possible to mislead foreign military analysts.

Let them misjudge the situation in the sea city.

Zhang Shaozhong habitually engaged in a wave of strategic deception.

The old war neglected the bureau chief.

After hearing Zhang Shaozhong's explanation, the audience came out of the misunderstanding.

"That's why I said that the country will not do too much."

"This explanation makes sense! The Zulong can patrol the nearby waters and drive the enemy away from afar!"

Just when the audience is actively participating in the topic discussion of Haicheng City.

Some discordant voices.

It appeared on Longguo's network.

They can be seen in scarves, military forums, and barrage in the live broadcast room.

"I don't think such a sea city should be built, what a waste?"

"Consuming so many resources, an artificial island was built. With so much land in the Dragon Kingdom, is there a shortage of this piece?"

"Waste of money, total waste of money!"

"What's the use of building a twenty-kilometer sea city besides showing off?"

The arguments for these statements are similar.

It's all about wasting resources.

Accusing Dragon Kingdom of not building such a huge sea city...

In the happy and harmonious network environment of Longguo.

These speeches are particularly eye-catching.

Everyone is happily watching the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala and the super project of the construction of the motherland.

Suddenly someone jumped out and said this.

It's a dragon country, and the audience is not happy after watching it.

They picked up their keyboards one after another and connected with these speaking accounts.

In these accounts, some netizens still found some details.

"Everyone, don't quarrel with them. These are Sanwu trumpets. They are probably sent by some people with ulterior motives to start a fight. Just report them!

"They just want us to quarrel, ignore them, I have already responded to the platform."

In a dark little house.

A greasy man with stubble on his face looked at the appeals of netizens on the screen and said to himself.

"Has it been discovered?"

"But it doesn't matter, I have hundreds of accounts, it depends on how you close them!"

As he spoke, an excited smile appeared on the greasy man's face.

"After finishing this vote, I can take the dollar and run to the lighthouse country!"

Thinking of the "good life" in the future, the man's smile became more intense.

The speech typed on the keyboard in his hand became more vicious.

"It's a waste of money! If the resources for building the sea city were spent on medical care and education, people would be able to live a happier life!"

"A country that does not consider the lives of its people is not a good country!"

There are dozens of people like Greasy Man in Long Country, scattered all over the country.

Crazy posting on the Internet, attacking Yanggu Sea City.

Dragon Kingdom has a population of more than one billion.

It's normal for something to appear.

Such remarks made the Dragon Kingdom audience extremely upset.

But also difficult to deal with.

It's useless to talk to them, these things appear too much too fast.

Also all kinds of trumpets.

At first glance, it is automatically sent by the robot.

It takes time to report, and the platform takes five minutes to process the report.

Just when the Dragon Country audience was itching their teeth with anger.

The host Dong's voice sounded softly.

Let the audience stop paying attention to those stupid remarks.

This time it was very different from the previous live broadcast. 5.9

The previous live broadcasts were all filming aircraft carriers and fighter jets, and Dong Qing, as the host, just provided a voice.

The image of Dong Qing himself appeared on the live broadcast screen now.

"Hello, audience friends, I haven't seen you for a while, I don't know if you miss me?"

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room were drawn neatly.

In no mood!

We want to look at aircraft carriers, fighter jets, Yanggu, and high technology!

Who wants to see the host.

Dong Qing couldn't see the barrage of the audience, but even if he saw it, he wouldn't care.

After all, if I were myself, I would probably have the same idea.

After saying hello.

Dong Qing explained while walking.

"The location I'm in right now is the interior of Yanggu Sea City."

As he spoke, the camera circled around.

Let the audience get a glimpse of Yanggu's internal environment.

Dong Qing's footsteps moved lightly, and the live broadcast screen moved accordingly.

The audience watched Dong Qing walk into a gate and into a mysterious building.

"The place I'm walking into now is called the Jinwu Nuclear Power Plant.

"Next is the most important program of today's Spring Festival Gala."

"We're going to be here because everyone is on air.

After a pause, Dong Qing continued.

"Live-streaming the first power generation of the Jinwu fusion reactor.".

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