Ling Jinyue blinked her beautiful eyes, with a simple and innocent look on her face.

"What's wrong? It sounds very mysterious, can't you show it to me?"

Ling Qingxue shook her head and said with a smile: "Of course not, there's nothing special, it's just a mask, you will definitely be disappointed after seeing it."

Ling Jinyue reached out and patted Ling Qingxue's butt, and said unhappily:

"What are you talking about? How can I be disappointed? No matter what martial soul our little Qingxue awakens, I am proud of you!"

Ling Qingxue pursed her cherry lips and smiled lightly.

Then she summoned her martial soul - the ghost mask.

Ling Jinyue looked over quickly.

I saw a green-faced and fanged mask emerge from the void, slowly falling down, floating in front of Ling Qingxue and Ling Jinyue.

"This is your mask martial soul... It looks quite scary..."

Ling Jinyue blinked her beautiful eyes and watched carefully with curiosity.

Ling Qingxue nodded gently: "Yes, aunt, this is my martial soul."

Ling Jinyue nodded thoughtfully, her white and tender wrist supporting her chin like frozen snow: "There is really no martial soul slot, which is rare..."

As far as she knows, even the worst martial soul will have a martial soul slot, and there is no such thing as no martial soul slot.

"I heard that when your martial soul appeared, the awakening stone flashed a black light?" Ling Jinyue asked curiously.

Maybe she can use the power of the martial soul hall to help check and see what the situation is.

Ling Qingxue nodded slightly: "It seems to be like this, I didn't pay attention at the time."

Ling Jinyue pinched her chin and fell into deep thought.

After a while, she said again: "Can I observe it closely?"

Ling Qingxue smiled and said: "Of course."

After that,

The mask moved slightly and slowly fell down.

Ling Jinyue reached out and took the mask in her hand.

"Hey, what a real touch... It's like touching human skin... And it's more elastic and smooth..."

Ling Jinyue stretched out her bare hand and gently poked the mask's cheek, exclaiming in amazement.

She found that the mask felt unexpectedly good, even smoother than her skin.

Ling Jinyue was very interested.

She turned the mask over and looked at the back carefully.

The back felt the same as the front, with no big difference.

The two eyes of the mask were empty, and you could see the front through the mask.

Ling Jinyue lifted the mask high, put it on her face and gestured, looking at the light on the ceiling through the mask.

She found something even stranger.

"Hey, why is the light red..."

Through the two eyes of the mask, you can see that the light on the roof is a touch of scarlet.

But when you take off the mask, the scarlet color in front of you turns into a hazy yellow light.

Ling Jinyue frowned slightly, and a hint of confusion flashed in her eyes.

"Strange, these are clearly two empty holes, why do the colors I see differ..."


through the two empty holes on the mask, the color you see should also be dim yellow.

But what she saw was a rich scarlet, as if... as if it was stained red by blood.

Ling Jinyue was puzzled and couldn't help but move the mask in her hand closer to her cheek.

Finally...slowly put it on.

At the moment of putting it on, a red light flashed on the terrifying ghost mask.

The dark clouds covered the moonlight of Jiaozi, and the lights of the entire Ling family manor flickered, and the cool breeze blew, dizzying the deeper night.

" feels completely different from wearing an ordinary mask, as seems that I can't feel it..."

Ling Jinyue was a little at a loss for words, touching her masked face with her hand, and describing it stutteringly.

Because she really didn't know what words to use to describe her feelings at this moment.

The whole mask fits perfectly on her face without leaving any gaps, just like flowing liquid, firmly adsorbed on her face.

It feels like a facial mask, but lighter than a facial mask.

It is obviously a mask with a good texture, but you can't feel it when you wear it on your face.

Moreover, the originally hard mask can actually change with her facial changes after wearing it on her face.

The first time Ling Jinyue wore this magical mask, she was like a child who got a new toy, touching her face for a while, and then touching the fangs on the mask., having a lot of fun.

Ling Qingxue looked at it carefully, and suddenly said with a smile: "Aunt, this mask suits you very well."

Ling Jinyue was stunned, and said in surprise: "How is it possible? Your aunt is curvy and has a hot body. How can I be suitable for this ugly face!"

She thought Ling Qingxue must be teasing her.

Ling Qingxue curled her lips, pointed to the floor mirror beside her, and said: "Really, if you don't believe it, there is a mirror, you can take a look."

Ling Jinyue stood up half-believingly and walked to the floor mirror beside her wearing a mask.

After just one look, Ling Jinyue suddenly widened her beautiful eyes, and a Chinese quintessence came out of her mouth.

"Damn it!"

A woman in a white nightgown stood in front of the floor mirror.

Looking from the bottom up,

The first thing that comes into view is a pair of small and exquisite jade feet, with pearl-like jade toes that are clearly visible, which makes people's heart beat faster, and even have the urge to touch and play.

Then there is a pair of slender and snow-white long legs with almost perfect proportions. There is no flaw in the fair skin. Under the dim yellow light, it seems to be flowing with sparkles, like white jade.

Looking up, there is a slender waist, graceful curves, thin and soft collarbones, and delicate white jade neck.

However, all the beauty ends here.

Such a woman with a perfect figure wears a terrifying and weird mask on her face.

With a green face and fangs, and a hot body, she looks like a beautiful female ghost from hell.

There is an inexplicable sense of coordination in the weirdness.

It's as if...she looks like this.

Ling Jinyue was stunned.

It really looks very suitable.

She couldn't help but strike a pose, which was still ridiculously suitable, as if it was designed for her.

"Does it suit you very well?" Ling Qingxue asked with a smile.

Ling Jinyue nodded slightly, and said in a surprised tone: "It really looks very unique."

She stared at the mirror carefully, admiring her posture.

However, at this moment,

she saw herself wearing a mask in the mirror suddenly smiled evilly.

Ling Jinyue frowned. Didn't she smile just now?

As soon as this thought came up,

the corner of the mask's mouth cracked into an arc again.

This time the speed of the smile was very slow, as if it was deliberately made for her to see clearly.

Ling Jinyue watched all this completely, watching the mask slowly crack into a smile.

Her pupils suddenly shrank, and she felt cold all over.

This is... a smile belonging to the mask! ?


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