In the Shadow Kingdom,

Su Chen sat on the throne, looking at the scene in front of him, his mouth corners slightly raised, revealing the same smile as the ghost mask.

The smile is not scary, what is scary is that the smile is not under your control.

Even the whole person will not be under your control.

Su Chen controlled Ling Jinyue in the real world through the ghost mask.

If he had just come to this world with his power, he would definitely have no way to deal with the woman named Ling Jinyue in front of him.

But now he has accumulated a lot of fear energy through Ling Qingxue.

With this energy, he can do too many things.

The smile on Su Chen's mouth corners became more evil, and the red light in his eyes became stronger.


Ling Jinyue saw it more clearly.

In the mirror, her eyes, which were originally black and white, began to turn blood red.

The weird smile on her face had not yet dissipated. She tried hard to control the corners of her mouth, but she couldn't do anything. Even pressing with her hands was useless.

Ling Jinyue's heart trembled suddenly.

At this moment,

She saw a lot of black figures suddenly appear in front of her, densely packed, endless, and she couldn't see the end at a glance.

These black figures didn't all look the same, but they were all equally weird.

Excited emotions surged in her heart, and a strong sense of bloodthirstiness filled her mind.

"Why... I really want to... kill... kill people..."

Ling Jinyue's hands trembled slightly, and her tone was very difficult.

But although this feeling was strong, her will was also firm.

It was like a huge ship in the vast ocean, no matter how strong the wind and rain were, it could still sail steadily on the sea.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Are you too tired recently and need more rest?"

Ling Qingxue also got off the bed, came over and patted her shoulder, and asked with concern.

Ling Jinyue turned her head to look at Ling Qingxue, panting slightly: "I don't know what's going on, I just feel uncomfortable..."

Ling Qingxue supported Ling Jinyue's shoulders, walked to the bed, and said: "Why don't you go to sleep, you will be fine when you wake up."


Ling Jinyue nodded with difficulty.

She lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

I don't know if she forgot, or didn't remember it at all, or for other reasons, Ling Jinyue didn't take off the mask, but fell asleep with the mask on.

In the dream,

She saw a city.

Very familiar.

She carefully identified it and found that this was Anping City.

"Why did I come here..."

Ling Jinyue frowned slightly and was a little puzzled. Anping City was a city where she had performed a mission before.

At that time, the city was being attacked by soul beasts, and she followed a team from the Wuhun Hall to support it.

The battle was very fierce. Because the soul beasts were too large, there were evil spirits disturbing from the inside from time to time.

So they failed to hold on for a while, resulting in the destruction of the city wall and causing many innocent injuries.

But later, after the reinforcements from the Spirit Hall arrived, they recovered the lost land and drove out all the invading soul beasts.

After the mission was over, they never went back again.

How could I dream of this place?

With this doubt, Ling Jinyue walked into the city step by step.

Unlike the relatively clean city in her memory, this city was full of filth at this time, as if she had come to a ruin.

"Hasn't it been repaired here yet?"

Ling Jinyue was puzzled.

Although the city wall was breached at that time, it should have been repaired after so long.

But wherever she looked, it was still devastated.

However, this was just the tip of the iceberg. In the distance, there were mountains of garbage, and many ragged people wandered here, looking at her with vigilant eyes.

Ling Jinyue suddenly paused, frowning even more deeply.

Because she recognized a few familiar faces in the crowd.

But these faces... should have died after the city gate was breached...

Ling Jinyue looked at the others again, feeling even more uneasy.

The people here... all seemed to be dead...

At this moment, those ragged wandering people also gathered around.

Pale face, scarlet eyes, cold breath.

They didn't look like living people at all.

Ling Jinyue took a step back cautiously.

Although she didn't know why she had this dream, it should be fine as long as she woke up, right?

Ling Jinyue thought so.

But the weird thing was that

Ling Jinyue pinched her thigh hard, and it hurt.

It hurtsFeeling!

Ling Jinyue's eyes were blank.

How could there be pain in a dream...

At this moment,

A woman in the crowd suddenly pointed at Ling Jinyue and yelled:

"It's her! It's the one called Ling Jinyue!"

"It's all your fault. You attracted those soul beasts. Otherwise, we wouldn't be displaced and lose our homes! We wouldn't die here miserably!"

"Tell me, why didn't you hold on? Huh? Tell me!"

The woman yelled at the top of her lungs.

Ling Jinyue looked blank. She pointed at her nose: "Me? Attracted soul beasts?"

The woman nodded and continued to yell: "That's right, you are a disaster! You killed me and my son! If you could have come earlier, we wouldn't have died!"

Ling Jinyue's eyes were full of disbelief. She didn't expect someone to accuse her like this.

She was about to defend herself.

Other ragged people also cursed:

"Where is the Spirit Hall? I think it's a useless hall!"

"I shouldn't have let my son join this broken place, otherwise he could have protected me!"

"It's all your fault, useless guys, you killed us all!"

"Go to hell quickly, how dare you live?!"

"A group of people who don't deserve the name, why do you live while we die, you don't deserve to live at all!"

"Die in..."

More and more vicious words came out of their mouths.

The light in Ling Jinyue's eyes disappeared completely, and she felt dizzy.

She couldn't even tell whether this was the real world or the fake world...

The collapse came so quickly and completely.


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