The Game Warrior

Chapter 248: Cangshan Fenghuaxueheyue

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 248, Cangshan Fenghuaxue and Yue Duguhong are not people who respect the teacher and Sister Shui hits Xiaosheng in Liangmiao Village. It seems that the Confucian parents of heaven and earth are vague. It was so tight that the last two people stunned a few heads, even though the matter was done.

Du Guhong was originally unwilling to be bound by these things. He prefers to be a solo traveller. However, the prospect of Sister Shui's pitiful refusal to refuse to come here also makes him very optimistic.

Judging from Sister Shui's tone, there is no way to push this matter to others, so wait for the task to be auctioned off to others after the task is completed. Well, how can the name of Zen be used in the future gang income. What percentage of dry stock?

It was with such a mind that a few of Du Guhong's identities turned into a disciple of the Cang School.

It's just that the current Dang Cang faction is just that the nature of the gang has no binding force on him at all.

After apprenticeship, Du Guhong did n’t ask Sister Shui to immediately teach her the other two, but asked Sister Shui with doubts: "Sister Sister Ya is so greedy and cheers, I have limited qualifications ... you still give pointers. I am Cangshan Yunxuejian! "

He said that the sounding grandeur was actually only for the power of Sister Shui playing that set of Cangshan Yunxuejian.

It is obvious that the power of that sword is in the list of uneducated. I am afraid that it is not under the Tangjia Bawang gun, and the two wind dances between the flowers. The dance between the two flowers is a kind of light skill. Even if it is very powerful, it is absolutely No more powerful than Cangshan Yunxuejian ...

What's more, Cangshan Yunxuejian himself is familiar with the so-called cooked or not, not seeing the rabbit, not spreading the eagle.

After listening to Du Guhong's request, Sister Shui shook her head: "You are a person who has too much mind and care. You are already a little disciple and you can't know if you can't know how to do it."

Sister Yan Shishui swept from Du Guhong one after another with two waves of warmth from Luo sleeve.

After seeing the system introduction of those two skills, Du Guhong's forehead was cold and sweating, and it was really fortunate that it was really lucky. Fortunately, Sister Shui was generous, otherwise she would be really smart and be mistaken for birds ...

The dance between flowers is indeed a light skill as he expected, but this light skill is not the other light skill. This light skill is not used to perform. In fact, it is more like a passive. The effect is to reduce the synchronization rate of the enemy who attacks you ...

The system's description of this is that this is the beautiful dance steps created after the chasing and playing of the female flowers. It is unforgettable at first sight, and it will be dazzled and completely forgotten ...

Through the description, you can also know that in addition to the skill level, the skill value of the skill should also include the charm value of the user. Du Guhong finally knows why the scholar just killed Sword Mingming and forced Sister Shui into the corner, but he could not survive. Hit ...

There is such a perverted Fa in the rivers and lakes! Is there any reason? Is there still a Fa?

After seeing the Huajian Dance and then watching the wind and wind, the Duguhong vest can't help but be more moist ...

Strong wind thorn: Dangcang is a unique method that can transfer the internal force through the weapon to the edge of the blade to form an additional attack effect.

This is also not a separate martial art but a kind of explosion that can be matched with weapon skills. If it can only add more attack power, Du Guhong will not be sweaty. Please pay attention to the description of the system-to form an additional attack effect.

This additional attack effect includes not only the destructive power but also the attribute attack. That is to say, his five-element explosion can be achieved with a sword and a gun ... What is even more excessive is that it even includes acupuncture points-as long as The wind thorn will gather the true energy into the edge of the sword and stab the enemy's acupuncture point to achieve the same effect as the acupuncture point, but if it is used with a weapon, it is called a thorn point.

In other words, in the future, you need to use acupuncture points to even recruit, and you do n’t even need to get close at all. As long as the synchronization rate is high enough, the weapon is king Daoya ...

After reading the two skills, Du Guhong has only one thought left in his mind-how did the Dian Cang School fall to the point where no one can inherit it? With these few skills, it is simply Yin Suosiya ...

"How are you satisfied?" Sister Shui looked at Du Guhong's expression and smiled complacently.

Du Guhong's dementia was speechless for a while before answering: "That ... Sister Cangshan Yunxuejian ..."

What is the lack of human heart and the snake swallows the elephant!

Sister Shui smiled angrily, "I can't help you anymore. Since you can think of practicing sword at the top of the 19th peak to upgrade Cangshan Yunxuejian from advanced to top level, why can't you go one step further? The Eighteen Creeks are parallel to the world's so-called so-called draw-offs and cut off the water. If you do n’t go to the source of the Eighteen Creeks, you can realize that the endless and surviving reason still expects others to help you.

"Fuck!" Du Guhong was speechless for a while. He did not even think in this direction at all because the same creativity based on past experience. The sixth night company never used twice the empiricism to kill people ...

What makes him even more depressed is that there is a similar hidden practice method in Hao Yuegong of Erhai. After learning, as long as you can meditate within the scope of Erhai for one year, you can advance ...

But now it's too late to say anything. The Eighteen Streams and Erhai Lake can't come by themselves. Maybe they can go to meditate and meditate when they are busy with what they are seeing. UU Reading

The benefits are also after finishing the hidden task and knowing it, and finally to the task play ...

"The task of opening the mountain is actually not difficult. The most important thing is to obtain court recognition. Of course, to obtain court recognition is to make great contributions. What kind of credit has been given to the church hall? Of course, there are only two ways to open up the territory to resist external aggression. Do you understand? "

It was easy for Du Guhong to stun her for a while when she touched her upper lip and lower lip before she knew to answer: "Ming ... I understand ..."

"Understood? Why am I still confused?" Huang Rong asked involuntarily.

Du Guhong sighed out the answer with a sigh: "Fenghou Ling. She said that if she wants to see Shanmen again, she needs a Fenghou Ling."

"Fighting order?" Huang Rong opened his mouth. "Every country's war zone only brushes that one in one year?"

Apart from that, are there any other emperor orders? "Du Guhong smiled bitterly." It seems that I am destined to be on the battlefield for a while ... "

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