The Game Warrior

Chapter 249: Taste the miles

The sixth fireworks in March, the second chapter of Yangzhou, the 249th chapter, tastes that Wanli seeks to be sealed. Hou Ling is not literally holding a token to exchange for the official position of the court. In fact, no player can enter the officialdom. Through certain tasks, they were given a similar title or even paid salary. After all, it was just a kind of idle job honor that was far more substantial than substance.

Jianghu is not a completely autonomous game. As long as you think of it, you can be a player. You are destined to be a Jianghu person. No matter what kind of occupation you are engaged in, there is no way to be an official manager; becoming a leader is already the ultimate goal of a player. pursue

Those players who are on the battlefield all day long just have higher honors. These honors can be used in exchange for better equipment, more advanced martial arts cheats, or to obey their command with soldiers, not to mention to control the battle.

They must either be part of the war machine like ordinary soldiers or be the scouts or perform the targeted task of escorting grain and grass. The largest collective action unit allowed is a full squad-twenty people.

And the player can't enter the battlefield without authorization, otherwise don't say the enemy will come to kill you. The first thing to do to you is the friendly army-the unauthorized formation of the camp is a conspiracy.

In short, this world is where the world ’s players can only be a kind of high-profile, so-called Jianghu people, even if they participate in it, it is also a kind of participation that is rejected by people.

The sister-in-law of Shui Shui is actually the court's reward for the players who made the most outstanding contributions in the major theaters this year.

Take the Great Song as an example: the Great Song vs. Xixia Theater, the Great Song vs. Liao Kingdom Theater, and the East China Sea Japanese War Zone. The other three kingdoms are similar. However, there are only two Dali itself. There is no national theater, but it can be used in common with the Song Dynasty ’s vassals.

This token is equivalent to the top killing order. For a powerful guild or chamber of commerce, it is absolutely a net profit of no less than one million ingots.

However, the token is not so easy to take. Taking the East China Sea as an example, the court finally judged that the most outstanding players were actually ten and the token was only one piece.

So to get the token, you have to fight on the battlefield for a long time to accumulate enough points to enter the top ten. This ordinary player ca n’t do it because those strong organizations that want to guarantee the benefits of the guild or the chamber of commerce Select masters to form an elite group to score points for selected players.

The organization of the players is countless.When the score leaderboard is obvious, it can be seen that the average player and the score organization have a break of ten times between the ordinary players. The best results of the ordinary players are also fiercely competitive. And know.

However, this is only the first step. The last ten players have to lead a full team to a collective mission to win the token.

The specific task is to become a killing order every year.

This method looks quite fair. In fact, it is like a big mess in the domestic football league fake ball black whistle. Not to mention that the relationship between the teams inside is intricate and intricate. The Qin and Su Qin and Zhang Yiruo were Coming here will absolutely stun the performances of these apprentices. ’

_That is actually a subdivision of the most influential organization in the congress of delegates to the redistribution of the management rights of regional industries.

Therefore, the factor that determines the winner is not the team strength at all, but the influence of the organization represented by the team. Even if one or two small organizations that occasionally want to break this wish will be instantly overwhelmed by the competitors who are attacked by the group. How hungry tigers can't hold wolves!

Sister Shui did not know that Du Guhong Huang Rong could not be clear?

After listening to Du Guhong's answer, Huang Rong breathed involuntarily and didn't know what to say before Du Guhong had no background and no power. It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to obtain a bailment order.

However, Du Guhong said nothing but frowned: "It seems that he must rely on the connection of the dead fat man ... The little match's hatred has to be put back ..."

Huang Rong didn't know what idea Du Guhong played. In short, since he had accepted Sister Shui's entire six-course intestinal task, it was considered over.

Out of the Tiger Hill Sword Sister Shui Shui floated away and said that she would still do it even though her trivial matters were not to teach her disciples. She would travel to the world to find a few nieces for Du Guhong and said that Feng Houling ’s attribution to the world as long as Du Guhong got the seal Hou Ling would naturally go to meet him.

So Du Guhong and Huang Rong returned to Yangzhou by boat, and the first thing they went to the city was to find the fat man Song Youde to see how he was recruiting, but the progress was disappointing ...

The fat man is stingy and resolutely refuses to increase his wages. In addition, his brand here is not hard. No one knows that the occasional inquiries are also scared away by the sting of the fat man ~ ~ But the fat man himself is confident and alone Hong patted his chest and promised: "Brother, don't worry, the people who come within ten days will definitely be piece by piece, and we will not pick out the ones that are not good!"

Based on his understanding of the fat man, Du Guhong knew that he should not have lied. This guy would only lie when talking about business and business. It is usually very innocent and kind. It ’s just that he ca n’t guess why the fat man is so confident ... …

In the end, Du Guhong still didn't wait for the opening of the War Zone of the People's Killing. It was based on the weather conditions. The weather in this year's game seemed to be hot. The trade wind was blown up many days in advance.

According to the usual law, the first batch of Japanese pirates will land on time three days after the trade winds rise, and the ten-day contract of the fat man at that time is still half full!

The fat man ’s task only recognizes the number of brands. It ’s okay to go early and late. It ’s okay for Du Guhong ’s own task to fight for the Hou Ling, but the task of those who ca n’t be delayed for a day. The progress of the scorers is irreparable.

Fortunately, there are still three days of preparation time. During this time, Du Guhong practiced the Tangjia Bawang gun, the wind thorn and the Huajian dance to the third level, and familiarized himself with the relevant information of the entire killing mission. Then he took Huang Rong to kill him. Japanese big camp.

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