The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1229: Ending roll: He rubbed Mianmian's little hand:

   "It's good for you, it's useless at all. I have given you so long, this man obviously doesn't care about you, he has three crimes. Tell me, what use is there for me to keep your eggs?!"

Jiang Ranran stared at her in horror. He tripped her feet together when she backed away from fear. She tripped herself and fell to the ground. "You, you, you bullshit, your Excellency likes me." Yes, your Excellency really likes me... Your Excellency is not using me, no!!!"

  Mianmian looked at her desperately.

   thought about it carefully.

  Actually, this subordinate, apart from talking a little bit cheaply, actually did not do anything that actually harmed him.

  She touched her lower abdomen subconsciously.

  She is pregnant, she is also half a mother.

  Although she never felt that she was a good person, let's accumulate some virtue for this poor child.

  Mianmian didn’t want to do anything any more, and she was a little tired from standing and talking. She walked back to the chaise longue, and Zhan Muqian moved a little bit to make room for her to sit down.

Mianmian squeezed his sore and numb hands when hitting others, and said with no interest, "Nothing, I will give you ten minutes to get out and pack up and leave the presidential palace. From now on, it is best not to let me see you, I will spare you. Don’t be stupid and cheap again. Also, don’t just have illusions about men. The good things in this world are not falling from the sky. You are still young, and you will use your mind in everything from now on. Your parents will take hard work on you. I didn’t want you to be a pig when I was born and raised to such a big age."

  Jiang Ranran was so sarcastically that she completely lost the ability to think.

She screamed in despair, "Why let me go, I won't go, sir, you won’t let me go, right? You said something, even if I don’t have much credit, it’s sincere. If you adore you, I will take care of you and give you children..."

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't plan to see her at all, he didn't even bother to look at her.

  He stretched out his hand to hold Mianmian’s little hand, watching her slap her red palm and back of her hand, his heart ached, and he carefully rubbed her with both hands and gently blew in.

  Mianmian let him do this, and the expression on her little face was also faint, and there was no happiness or anger.

  Jiang Ranran looked at their husband and wife sitting together, and suddenly felt that the two of them had an inexplicable similarity no matter how they were sitting or their manners.

  Is this the legendary husband and wife...

  She knew that your Excellency was using her, but she did not expect that your Excellency would suddenly restore the loving relationship with this slut, and, moreover, the **** would beat her!

  She has illusions, and she has also said that this Jiang Mianmian has long annoyed you, and it will be sooner or later to drive her out or even kill her.

  "Your Excellency, you won't drive me away, right, you said something, you like me, right, even if only a little..."

Zhan Muqian rubbed Mianmian's little hand, and finally opened his mouth, his tone was impatient, "You came to the door when I was having trouble with my wife. I begged me to take advantage of you, so I just used it. I wanted my wife. Drink some jealousy for me. I didn’t expect you to be so useless. Not only is your wife not jealous, she is getting more and more awkward with me. You are an ugly thing even as a servant in the presidential palace. Since your wife spares you, she only lets you Go away, then go away quickly."

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