The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1230: Finale: The blood on that bed sheet turned out to be

   "Since your wife spares you and only lets you go, then go ahead."

  Jiang Ranran couldn't help but her eyes were red, and she was crying desperately. She looked sad and couldn't bear such a blow.

   "How can your Excellency say that to me? Even if you use it, you shouldn't be so unfeeling..."

  The quilt made her a headache, so she couldn't help but withdraw her hand from the man's palm, and blocked her two ears irritably.

Zhan Muqian also looked at the woman who had fallen on the ground impatiently, and said in an understated tone, "The presidential palace only needs servants who keep themselves safe. If you are like you, you should get out. Your wife has already spoken and you don't want to leave. , Do you want to die here?"

  Jiang Ranran’s lips were trembling, "I adore Your Excellency, even if I can only be a servant, I am willing, please don’t drive me away, okay, please..."

  Once she is driven away, the whole family will definitely feel ashamed.

  Her father is also an officer anyway, if the family is embarrassed because of this, he may not be able to gain a foothold in the province.

  People in her family thought she was really clinging to your Excellency. Your Excellency loved and spoiled her. If you are kicked out now, no one will look down on her anymore, and even your parents will spurn her...

  She was so sad that she cried with tears.

  Mianmian doesn’t know whether he is soft-hearted or upset.

  She glanced at Jiang Ranran, and she thought that this woman was stupid and stupid.

   But if it wasn't for her and Zhan Muqian's marriage to have problems, Zhan Muqian wouldn't have to make such a cannon fodder.

Mianmian raised his elbow and hit the man's arm.

"Hey, otherwise you can give her a sum of money and then dismiss the person. After all, you are the cause of this big trouble. The little girl has followed you for a while without a name, and was so tossed by you from the beginning to the night. It’s miserable, and you should make up for it because you are feeling and reason. Anyway, you don’t lack this little money."

  Zhan Muqian was surprised that she could say this kind of thing, looked at her amusedly, and stretched out her hand and squeezed her cheek.

   "Madam's tone is a bit weird, don't you really be jealous?"

  He really wanted Cotton to drink vinegar for him. The vinegar is a genius.

  Mianmian gave him a white look, "I really put gold on my face."

  Zhan Muqian turned his face sideways, leaned over and kissed her cheek, with a smile in his voice, "There is nothing to make up for, I never touched her at all."

Mianmian wrinkled her nose and stared at him.

Although based on her understanding of Zhan Muqian, she knew that even if Zhan Muqian cheated, she would still sleep with a woman who was more beautiful than herself. She definitely wouldn't look at such a vulgar and stupid wild girl like Jiang Ranran. This is not in line with Zhan Muqian. His taste is not in line with his identity.

  She had guessed for a long time, but there were many doubts that could not be explained.

   "Oh? Isn't she so loud that she can hear you downstairs?"

  Zhan Mu Qian smiled, "I let her play with herself."

   "The blood on that sheet..."

   "I have a lot of special toys, artificial blood made of paint, if you are interested, we can also play the **** battle... The visual impact is said to be very interesting."

  Mianmian couldn't help but retched.

  The blood on that bed sheet... turned out to be artificial paint? !


  Dead metamorphosis!

  Big bitch!

  She patted her chest, resisting the urge to vomit.

   "You have a really strong taste, so you like to watch women play by themselves. You are pretending to be this kind of thing all day long. Are you sure there is still time to take care of military affairs?!"

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