The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1609: Miao Miao, she is the second uncle’s ex-wife, already

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't expect that she would suddenly ask this.

  Can't help but get a headache.

  He looked serious, and he denied it without thinking: "No, of course not, you are my niece, I treat you as a child, as a baby, how could it be a substitute? Didn't I tell you to stop thinking about it?"

  Miaoyu raised her eyes and stared at him.

  The small mouth opened and closed, "Then tell me who the person in the photo is, is it my sister?"


   "Who is it?!"

  Zhan Mu Qian frowned, looking really tangled.

  He was silent for a while before he finally kept his calm mood, and said in a gentle tone: "I can’t answer this question for the time being, Miao Miao, my second uncle is an adult, and I also have privacy. Don’t ask, OK?

  Miaoyu was obviously dissatisfied with his answer. She pursed her mouth and retorted: "Then I have privacy. Why are you interfering with me and Yanqing? Why are you!"

  Zhan Mu Qian helped his forehead: "You are still young, Second Uncle can't care about you..."

  "Then you at least tell me, who is that woman and is she your lover?"

  Zhan Muqian felt that Miaoyu looked like this, if she didn't give her a reasonable explanation, she would never give up.

  He thought about it and replied: "Well, she is my ex-wife."

   "Ex-wife? What does she have to do with me?"

   "It has nothing to do with you."

  Miaoyu frowned, obviously suspicious: "She looks so similar to me, why is it okay?"

   "...It's probably just a coincidence. The world is so big and there are so many people. I can't explain the inexplicable coincidence."

  Miaoyu frowned, skeptical.

   "Then...why did she leave you?"

   "She passed away."


  Miaoyu opened her mouth in astonishment, obviously not able to accept the answer.

  She didn't believe it very much at first.

   But looking at the unconcealable pain on Zhan Mu Qianjun's face.

  She felt as if she had never seen her second uncle like this...

  It seems that he is really injured.

   may be true.

   Like an adult, she reached out and patted Zhan Muqian's shoulder.

   "Well, it's all in the past, it will be alright. Don't be sad, Uncle."

  Zhan Muqian touched her face.

   somewhat helplessly said: "I'm not sad for a long time, if Miao Miao can be a little behaved, don't always be angry with me, I will be better off."

  Miaoyu listened to his visibly resentful tone.

  She is not very convinced either.

   "I didn't want to **** you off, it's all because of you. You provoked me first, and you made trouble and made Yanqing ignore me, huh!"

  Zhan Mu Qian was wrong in this matter.

  But he really couldn't think of a better solution.

   Jiang Miaoyu is a rebellious piranha.

  He can't control her anymore.

Since I can't control her, I can only do the ideological work of Yanqing.

   Finally got the banquet.

  Miaoyu still tossed endlessly.

  Zhan Muqian squeezed her face, "Second Uncle doesn't want you to fall in love."


  Miaoyu is very drunk.

  Tossing for so long is really tired.

  She slapped Zhan Mu Qian's hand, and then lay down on his bed casually.

  She rolled over and curled up, her back facing Zhan Muqian.

  She is naturally wronged...

  Desperately wronged.

  But she didn't want to go into it anymore.

  It was mainly Yanqing's attitude that made her very sad.

  Zhan Muqian is nothing more than a stalker.

  Yan Qing didn't even insist.

  It seems that she still doesn't like her enough.

  【Monthly pass plus change, six change is over. Monday, monthly ticket recommended ticket~】

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