The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1610: Miaomiao, you have a nightmare, open your eyes,

  Zhan Muqian is nothing more than a stalker.

  Yan Qing didn't even insist.

  It seems that she still doesn't like her enough.


  Miaoyu didn’t even have a pillow, so she closed her eyes and was ready to sleep.

  Zhan Mu Qian had no choice but to drag her body to pick her up, put her on his pillow, and then cover her with a thin blanket.

  She used makeup on her small face, and she went to bed without removing her makeup. She was really not afraid of disfigurement.

  Zhan Muqian couldn't see it, and went to her bathroom to fetch the girl's makeup remover.

  He had also served Mianmian before.

  Experience in this area is quite sufficient.

  He used a makeup remover to help her remove her makeup, and then washed her small face clean to reveal its original appearance.

  Wine is a sleep aid, and Miaoyu is already asleep at this time.

  After removing her makeup, she has a clear soup and watery skin, and her skin is as good as an egg with its shell removed, crystal clear.

  Zhan Muqian touched her face, lowered his head calmly and kissed her forehead.

  I just wanted to kiss the forehead.

  But the soft touch on her face is so comfortable.

  He couldn't help but kissed her nose, cheek...and then lips.

  Although it was just a touch of water, it also made him feel very exciting.

  Stolen a kiss late at night, but luckily she was asleep.

  Otherwise, with Jiang Miaoyu’s temper, if he wakes up, he will definitely make a big fuss again.


  Miaoyu clearly curled up to sleep at the beginning, well-behaved.

  Starting to stretch the limbs after a long time before sleeping...and occupies a large bed boldly.

  Zhan Muqian wanted to go to the guest room to rest.

  I was afraid that she would vomit in the middle of the night after drinking too much.

   So I aggrieved myself and stayed on the sofa for one night.

  Miaoyu slept peacefully at first, but just waited for him to lie down and fall asleep.

  She started to quarrel restlessly.

  Zhan Mu Qian heard the girl occupying his big bed whimpering while he was half-dreaming and half-awake.

  He had to get up and walk to the bed to find out.

  Miaoyu seemed to have a nightmare, she frowned tightly, and she could see some pain in the dream.

  She was pursing her mouth and murmured something, her words were ambiguous, and Zhan Muqian couldn't hear what she was saying.

  Zhan Muqian looked at her frowning and looked obviously uncomfortable, feeling a little distressed, so he touched her face and wanted to wake her up.

   "Miao Miao, wake up."

   "Miaomiao, you have a nightmare, open your eyes, be good."

  Miaoyu did not wake up, but closed his eyes and sobbed quietly.

  Zhan Mu Qian has always been able to do nothing with her.

   can only lean on the head of the bed at this time, hold her gently and restraint, and pat her back warmly and coax, "What's the matter? Don't cry, it's just a dream. I'll be fine when I wake up."

  Miaoyu's small face was wrinkled like a little bun, sobbing and choking, and her small appearance was aggrieved and helpless.

  Zhan Mu Qian always loves her, seeing her like this, he is anxious and distressed.

  He couldn't hear what she was muttering at first.

  I finally heard it.

  It turned out that what she kept mumbling vaguely was "Yanqing".

   "Yanqing, how can you treat me like this..."

   "Yanqing, I hate you, I don't want to like you anymore..."

   "Yanqing, I'm so angry..."

  Zhan Mu Qian heard these short sentences clearly.

  The blood in the whole body seems to be coagulated.

  His face is a little heavy, but his tone is still restrained.

  He restrained and asked her, "Miaomiao, do you really like him that much?"

  Miaoyu does not know whether it is a dream or waking.

  She responded with tears in her eyes.

   "Like it, I have never tried to like someone so much, I really like Yanqing..."

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