The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1628: You are my elder, Zhan Muqian, you

  She just cursed.

  In the next instant, I saw his...straight...

  Miaoyu covered her eyes and screamed.

  She was really frightened...

  The pain in the waist like being crushed by someone, and the soreness and discomfort all over her body was originally just to make her dazed.

  But when I saw Zhan Muqian naked and fruity, and he was the same...

  She is really going to pass out.

  What, how could it be like this...

  Zhan Muqian was a little bit distressed by the girl's sharp cry.

  But he still tried his best to maintain his composure.

  He stretched out his hand slowly, trying to hold Miaoyu into his arms.

  Ke Miaoyu looked horrified, grabbed the thin quilt in front of him, and pressed the quilt tightly in front of his chest, for fear of revealing a trace of spring...

  Her face showed unprecedented alertness and fear.

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't want to scare her, so he could only keep calm.

  It took a long time to speak softly: "Miaomiao, come here, don’t be afraid."

  Miaoyu stared at him with conflicting eyes, clearly trying to guard against him as a bad person.

  She covered her chest tightly with the quilt with both small hands, and Zhan Muqian slowly approached, and she tried her best to dodge back.

  Zhan Muqian was helpless to her reaction.

  Not even he himself is ready...

  He didn’t know what to do.

  He never thought about having a relationship with Miaoyu.

  At least, he didn't want to be so fast.

  When Miaoyu stubbornly fell in love with Yanqing, and was heartbroken for Yanqing.

  He was sad and depressed.

  He felt that if he indulged Miaoyu in this way, he might be crazy.

  So he thought of a solution.

  He started trying to use women to test Miaoyu's mind.

  When he took Yan Sheng back to the Presidential Palace for dinner.

  Miaoyu is obviously very unexpected and difficult to accept.

  She resisted, resisted.

  Even if she hasn’t fallen in love with him yet.

  At least, I don’t want the presidential palace to have a hostess suddenly.

  So even if Miaoyu pretends to be sick, she is fooling around.

   insisted on pestering him, saying that his stomach was uncomfortable.

  He pushed the boat along the way, letting Miaoyu do whatever he wanted.

  He had no idea that cotton would suddenly appear.

  He imagined the scene after Mianmian came back countless times.

   but this one was the only one unexpected.

  Just like he wanted to make progress gradually, first to please Miaoyu, let her like him, and gradually fall in love with him.

   Let her understand that he is not the second uncle, but a man who loves her.

  His plan is perfect.

  But he always can't calculate it.

  Mianmian was outside of his plan, breaking his perfect plan, and suddenly appeared.


   is really a little thing that can kill him at any time.

  Now she didn't say hello, and suddenly left.

  Leave only wonderful fish.

  Miaoyu with a panic-stricken face.


  Zhan Mu Qian waved at her, "Good boy, come here."

  Miaoyu shook his head heavily.

  The faint soreness and pain in her lower body gradually became more obvious.

  Probably she has never experienced it before, so she couldn’t react at the first time...

  This is clearly...

  This is clearly a sequelae of being done by a strong woman.

  She cut out Zhan Muqian with big eyes.

   is resentful and puzzled.

   " can you do this to me, you are my elder, Zhan Muqian, are you crazy?"

  Miaoyu held the quilt in her little hand, so hard that her fingers hurt.

  Zhan Mu Qian was also at a loss at first.

  But looking at her in shock.

  He can only be calm.

  Miaoyu is still a child, but he is not.

  If he is also messed up, then Miaoyu should be helpless.

  【1 change, ticket ticket~】

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