The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1629: The girl’s unspeakable pain is even more ashamed

  He can only be calm.

  Miaoyu is still a child, but he is not.

  If he is also messed up, then Miaoyu should be helpless.

  So even if he has a headache, he should be as calm as possible.

  He relieved and said, "Miaomiao, please calm down first and listen to me to explain to you, OK?"

  Miaoyu can’t remember what he posted last night...

  And the more she thinks about it, the more her head hurts.

  Her memory stayed in Zhan Muqian and took the cabinet member Yan Sheng back to the presidential palace for dinner.

  After a few hours in the evening, Yan Sheng never left.

  If you don't have a relationship, you will feel a little uncomfortable, and wonder if this woman will stay here overnight for the first time.

  It's not that she can't accept the second uncle has a woman.

  Just, too fast...

  He didn't even say hello before.

  Everything was too sudden, so she felt so uncomfortable in her heart.

  Yes, it's because the second uncle didn't even say hello before bringing the woman home, that's why she behaved like this...full of jealousy.

  Miaoyu couldn't help but talk to herself in her heart.

  Only in this way can she explain where her abnormal reaction comes from.

  In the final analysis, he is all to blame!


  Since the incident has happened, Miaoyu is not the kind of girl who hangs herself after crying.

   She bit her lower lip and said categorically, "Okay, I can listen to you explain, but you stay away from me, you don't get close to me, don't touch me, or I will kill you!"

  Her face is full of vigilance, for fear that a man will touch her.

  Zhan Mu Qian thought about the whole thing in a short time.

  It takes time to make a story.

  On-the-spot performance is very likely to be full of loopholes.

   But in any case, a story full of holes is better than telling her...

  She is not her own raised girl, but...but a completely different identity that is easier to accept.

  And the doctor also said.

  Before the treatment reaches the point where the personality can be integrated, no one can destroy Miaoyu’s self-awareness without authorization.

  Don’t make her feel confused...

  Zhan Mu Qian gave a light cough, and Jun's face finally showed a little guilt.

   "Miaomiao, last night... it was indeed the second uncle's fault, but... this was an accident, indeed an accident, the second uncle did not intentionally hurt you, how good I am to you... you should understand."

  Miaoyu obviously cannot accept this explanation.

   She shook her head desperately, “What’s the accident? I don’t understand, what the **** did you do to me, why...why do you want to do this? Didn’t you stay with Yan Sheng, what medicine did you take wrong?!”

  Zhan Mu Qian's eyes are like torches.

   Suddenly thought of a way.

  He is not good at making stories...

  Miaoyu's unconscious words gave him an excellent hint.

  "Yes! I took the wrong medicine. My second uncle got out of control when he was given the medicine. I never thought I would treat you this way, Miao Miao...I treat you as a child and always treat you as a daughter."

  Miaoyu is aching all over.

  Especially the pain that spreads from the hard-to-talk on the body...a pain completely unfamiliar to her.

  For her, it is not only pain, but also shame.

  She obviously didn't believe it.

   "You, are you a lie? I had a stomachache last night. When you came to see me, I was fine. How can I be drugged... I think you have planned for a long time! You did it on purpose!"

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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