The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1661: I’m the one who’s slept with me, war,

  She thought he might be angry...

  I also thought that he would lower her posture to coax her home...

  She thought about many possibilities.

  But Zhan Muqian never came.

  She was irritable and sad.

  In fact, it's not that he can't understand why he didn't come.

  He must know that she lives in the Song Family Mansion safely and that Song Yanzhi will take care of her like Yun Hua, and will not leave her short of food and clothing.

  And she has indeed grown up... she will be an adult in a few months.

  A child who is almost adult does not really need the care of a guardian.

  So Zhan Muqian didn't want to spend too much meaningless time on her, it was reasonable.


  Zhan Mu Qian was neither angry, nor did she say anything nice to make her happy.

   just carried her into the car so simply and rudely, the driver started the car and embarked on the road back home.

  On the way back to the mansion, Zhan Muqian seemed to be okay, and habitually hesitated a few warm questions.

   is nothing more than asking what she had eaten at night and if she listened to the lectures well in class.

   are some meaningless questions.

  He is so calm and calm, as if they are really still an ordinary nephew...

  Nothing that shouldn't have happened.

  Miaoyu didn't know what she was wondering.

  When Zhan Muqian confessed that day, she said it herself, hoping that nothing happened to him, and she would not hold him responsible.

  Unexpectedly, it was herself who was inexplicably upset now...

  Miaoyu is not the one who is most angry.

  But myself.

  She is so angry that she can’t afford to let it go

   Isn’t it just done once?

  There is no missing piece of meat.

  Why has everything been wrong since that night?

  I always feel that something important has changed silently.

  She didn't feel heartbeat when she faced Yanqing. Yanqing grabbed her hand, and her heartbeat would not accelerate.

  She doesn’t seem to like banquets anymore.

  Looking at Yanqing is like looking at an ordinary friend of the opposite sex.

  The night when I lost my memory inexplicably...

  It seems that she has lost something.


  Zhan Mu Qian's accustomed Xi Han Wen Nuan couldn't get Miao Yu's response.

  Miaoyu answered weakly, and then stopped talking to him.

  She didn't say a word, and Zhan Muqian also turned on the computer to do her own business.

  The Song Family Mansion is quite far from the Presidential Palace, one is in the west of the city, and the other is in the city.

  Such a long road, the car is terribly quiet.

Miaoyu felt upset, so she bent over and opened the small refrigerator in the car. She was looking for a bottle of soda, but when she first saw beer, she took out a can of beer, opened the lid and drank it with her head up. Up.

  Zhan Muqian was finally attracted by her, and saw her gurgling vigorously.

  Finally couldn’t help but reach out to grab it, “Okay, don’t drink it. Drinking so many cold beer at night is very hurting to the stomach.”

  Miaoyu couldn't let him take it away, and forcibly drank the whole can of beer without a drop.

  She drank too hard, and the high-purity beer made her alcoholic all at once.

  Zhan Mu Qian looked at her helplessly, wanting to say a few words to her, but was afraid that it would make her sad if he said it seriously.

  Miaoyu’s cheeks seem to be filled with thick blush, blushing.

  Suddenly she stretched out a finger and poked Zhan Muqian's nose in a daze.

   opened her mouth and cursed: "Asshole! Old gangster! I slept with you, you are my person, you are not allowed to gossip with other women, have you heard of it! Zhan, Mu, Qian!"

  [Four changes are complete~ Ask for monthly ticket, and watch the number of tickets at night~]

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