The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1662: Miaoyu's little hands circled his chest: Two

  Suddenly she stretched out a finger and poked Zhan Muqian's nose in a daze.

   opened her mouth and cursed: "Asshole! Old gangster! I slept with you, you are my person, you are not allowed to gossip with other women, have you heard of it! Zhan, Mu, Qian!"

  Zhan Mu Qian frowned, obviously confused by her sudden reaction.

  He was cursed at the nose by the delicate little thing in front of him, but he didn't mean any anger in his heart.

  After he slowed down, he looked at her with a non-smiling smile, and asked, "Oh? I've just slept once, and I will be yours. Should this be the truth?"

  Miaoyu's alcohol volume is not bad. Although she drank the can of beer a little bit more vigorously, now her head is a little hot, but she is not completely sane.

  She knew exactly what she was talking about and what she was doing, but she didn’t know where she came from.

  Miaoyu’s thin white fingers gradually slipped...

   slid down to the man’s chest.

  The weather was very hot, and Zhan Muqian did not wear a suit, only a light blue shirt.

  Her white fingers violently unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt.

  Until the skin on his chest is exposed--

  Miaoyu's cool fingers poked his heart slightly.

  She smiled at him, like a sly little vixen.

"The truth is like this with me. Your second uncle will either admit that you are my person, and promise not to be rumored or even involved with other women... or you will cut off relations with me, and you will not be in contact with you in the future! "

  Zhan Muqian seemed to laugh twice, and he stretched out his hand to circle the girl's waist.

   "It's such a big game, Miao Miao, are you sure?"

  Miaoyu blinked without comment.

  Zhan Muqian hooped her waist and pushed her soft body against his chest.

The tone is neither light nor heavy: "The grace of nurturing is not something you can break if you want to. As for the scandal...Miaomiao, my second uncle is a normal adult man. I get along with women and even associate with each other. What are you dissatisfied with?"

  Miaoyu's two small hands slid on his neck and pinched him calmly.

  She narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Oh, does the second uncle like Yan Sheng? Or...Do you love him? It's the kind of love that men have for women, is there?"

  Zhan Mu Qian shrugged slightly, “The love between men and women is only the normal physiological needs of adults. Yan Sheng and I have not yet developed to the point where we are talking about marriage and we can’t talk about love or not.”

  Miaoyu reached out and grabbed his neckline, slowly leaned over, rubbed his delicate lips against the left side of his cheek, and gently blew into his ear——

  "If I remember correctly, my second uncle only said to me in person two days ago...You like me, and you like me very much."

  Zhan Mu Qian smiled without thinking, "But you have rejected me. The rejected man...has the right to associate with other women."

  Miaoyu seemed to be stabbed in her heart. She didn't know where to play the moves she had learned. Her little hand had inadvertently got into his shirt, and her cool and slender little fingers circled the sensitive part of his chest...

   "But second uncle, I regret it, and I accept your confession."

  The scheming man is actually not very surprised.

   deliberately made an unexpectedly surprised expression, "Oh? Do you regret it?"

  Miaoyu nodded pretentiously.

   "Then do you know that with a truly mature man... what you have to do, eh?"

  【Monthly ticket plus more, five more~Vote! ! ! 】

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