The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1666: Good, wonderful, this is bullying you, okay

Miao Yu was furious, she slammed her cheeks, and sternly said, "Am I playing with you?! Zhan Muqian, do you dare to play with me? Hurry up and find out the set, don't you do it tonight, then you will never Don't even think about it!"

  Zhan Mu Qian spread his hands innocently, "Really not, you know, your second uncle has always been pure-hearted, abstinent and ascetic... How can you store this kind of stuff in your room, or ask someone to buy it now?"

  Miaoyu seemed to be on fire all over.

  Where can she wait...

   She pursed her mouth, and stretched out her hand to pinch him angrily.

   "You just played with me on purpose, I'm angry, and I won't forgive you again this time! You are really too much..."

  Zhan Muqian looked at her distressedly, and couldn't help but reach out and stroke her warm cheeks.

  For a while, he laughed and coaxed: "Well... you try to find it. Maybe the servant who helps me clean up the room will be prepared. I really haven't noticed it, Miaomiao, you look for it?"

  Miaoyu is about to explode.

  She is hot, especially her neck and cheeks.

  Below...The two legs are close together anxiously, and can't help but rub each other over and over...

  It’s like she’s been drugged by this black-bellied old fox...

  Two legs together, it becomes more and more uncomfortable...

  She has never desired anything so much.

  It was like being cursed by him.


  Miaoyu didn't care that she was almost naked, like a stripped bunny jumping out of bed looking for it.

  She pouted her little **** and leaned over and opened the drawer of the bedside table—nothing!

   ran into the bathroom to look for-no!

  There are no closets in the bathroom...


  She is really going crazy.

   Busy, crying and whimpering, ran back to the bed.

  The culprit leaned on the bedside and rested with his legs crossed.

  Miaoyu almost flopped on the bed with his hands and feet and fell on him.

  She leaned over his chest and kissed and gnawed.

  I was so uncomfortable that I sobbed quietly...

  "Zhan Muqian, you bully people, there is nothing at all, you have no tactics here at all, I am going crazy, you deliberately, you must be deliberate, you bully me..."

  Zhan Muqian patted the girl's smooth back comfortably.

  The language is mild and innocent.

"I didn't do anything, Miaomiao, if you can't find it, you can promise to give birth to a baby for your second uncle. The second uncle is not too young and needs an offspring, otherwise the elders in the old house will urge the marriage from time to time. I don't want my second uncle to always find smoke bombs like Yan Sheng to perfuse them."

  Miaoyu rubbed her two thighs nervously.

  She is really dying...

  Ghost knows what Zhan Muqian did to her...

  She was so hot that she couldn't wait for a moment.

  Although I don’t want to compromise.

  Giving birth or something is too strange to her...

  She is only seventeen years old. How can she have a child without graduating from high school.

  And her relationship with Zhan Muqian has not been sorted out yet.

  It's messy, how can you have children.

   But she can’t do anything...

  She really can’t wait...

  She was like a little beast that had been given medicine, rubbing against him impatiently.

   "Bad guy, hurry up, you bully, woo woo, second uncle, you bully me..."

  He smiled very satisfied, and said meaningfully: “It’s all on your thighs, then the second uncle will take it as you promised. Let’s have a baby, be good.”

  Miaoyu became more and more sure that he was recruited, and scolded: "You bullied me!!!"

   "Those are nothing, good-natured, this is bullying you, watch them carefully."

  【Four more is over. Voting a monthly pass and adding more at night depending on the situation There is a kind of happiness that my wife’s first time is mine, and the first time my wife’s personality is divided is also mine (ˉ▽ ̄~)~~]

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