The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1667: Why don't you hurt you? Second Uncle is here

  Miaoyu became more and more sure that he was recruited, and scolded: "You bullied me!!!"

  Zhan Mu Qian slowly——

   "Those are nothing, good-natured, this is bullying you, watch them carefully."

  The miraculous fish, which was already slightly drunk, was like being dragged into a rickety boat, with more bumps...


  It’s not too late at night, and the time for this night is extremely long.

  And Miaoyu was bullied endlessly...

  Finally, Miaoyu was so tired that she couldn't stand it, and she kept yelling about back pain.

  In fact, it's not just a backache, her waist is about to break, but it's hard to tell where it hurts more.

  She whimpered and sobbed, and the man above her enthusiasm seemed indifferent.

  She leaned impatiently on Zhan Muqian's chest, scratching him with her slender fingers.

  Like a weak little milk cat scratching him.

  Zhan Muqian was itchy in her heart, she couldn't help but calmly said, "Miao Miao, be patient, you will be better soon, be good."

  Miaoyu was so tired as to be torn to pieces with bones, so how could he listen to such comfort at this time.

  She unbearably opened her mouth and bit on the skin of the man's shoulder——

   whimpered feebly: "Second uncle is a bastard, you don't hurt me at all, I'm almost falling apart, you save a little bit, okay, I feel uncomfortable, when will you end it..."

  Miaoyu is not soft-tempered, not only has a hard temper, but also his tone of voice is always hard.

  Zhan Muqian rarely heard her such soft words.

  It only feels like cotton in my ears.

He stretched out his hand to caress her back, patiently half coaxing half soothing: "Why doesn't Second Uncle hurt you? Second Uncle is hurting you, Miao Miao, once you are born twice, you are used to it. It's almost over, let's hold on..."

  Miaoyu is such a shrewd girl, how can she not hear the perfunctory meaning between the lines in a man.

  She bit him more and more cruelly, and she kept biting until she felt distressed before letting go.

  Zhan Mu Qian went to bed and forgot that she was still a child.

   Treating her is the same as waiting for Mianmian.

   Gradually, I probably realized that I was over.


  He held Miaoyu warmly and coaxed, and grieved himself to end hastily.

  Miaoyu is so tired that she doesn’t even have the strength to curse.

   leaned on his chest and whimpered feebly.

  Zhan Muqian coaxed her for a long time, took her to the bathroom to rinse, and then fed her some warm water.

  Miaoyu, after all, is young and has a good body. After half an hour's rest, she eased up.

  When she was resting quietly in front of him, Zhan Muqian thought she was going to sleep, but she was scratched by her little hand.

  He just looked down at her.

  I heard the little girl muttering squeamishly: "I'm hungry..."

  Zhan Mu Qian couldn’t help but laugh, "Didn’t you say you’re tired? I don’t want to sleep now?"

  Miaoyu rolled her eyes and complained: “Of course I’m tired, but I will definitely be hungry when I consume my energy. How can I sleep if I don’t eat enough? I want to eat supper.”

  Zhan Mu Qian could only compromise: "Are you going to go downstairs or eat in the room?"

  Miaoyu feels that her stomach is croaking, but actually wants to run directly into the kitchen to feast on.

  But suddenly I thought of my relationship with my second uncle...

  The servants in the mansion probably didn't even know it.

  She found it difficult to face it for a while, and she would probably bump into others when she went downstairs.

  It is better to hide in the room safely...

  She pushed him and said: "I'm too lazy to move, you go get some food, go quickly."

  . . . . . . . .

  Tomorrow is February, if you have a monthly pass, remember to vote~

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