The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1699: Su Tian remembered that she was the former President Jiang Xun

  She wanted to say something to be grateful, but she felt that she was just talking about repaying what she promised now.

   Seeing her choked, Miaoyu felt that she was more pitiful.

   "It's just a matter of effort, Su Tian, ​​who are you offending, can you call the police?"

   "Call the police?" Su Tian's expression became obviously flustered because of her words.

  She shook her head lightly, and then shook her head firmly.

"No, can't... The person I offended is very terrible. He is like a devil. No one can punish him. No... He is dangerous and cruel. Don't provoke that kind of person to help me. Don't!"

  Miaoyu opened her mouth, and then forcibly swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

  She almost said: My second uncle is the president of country A. The president is the biggest, and there are any difficulties that the President cannot solve!

  But she did not say.

  After all, Su Tian and her have known each other for a short time. As soon as she made friends, she said that she was from the presidential palace.

  No one would believe it easily...

  She helped Su Tian not deliberately want to befriend her.

   It’s just that she obviously feels that her conversation room is different from an ordinary nightclub princess.

  Miaoyu is not a girl who has not seen the night club, nor does it discriminate.

  But Su Tian obviously has the bookishness of a student, more like a student than herself.

  She hasn't figured out how to answer the call.

  Su Tian suddenly stared at her face and fell into deep thought. There was surprise in her eyes, as if she suddenly remembered something important.

  She opened her mouth and muttered: "Jiang Miaoyu... Jiang Miaoyu... Have we ever met? Many years ago, when we were little children?!"

  Miaoyu frowned: "Is there?"

  Su Tian suddenly aligns her face with the face she had once met a few years ago.

  She once met a girl who was like a princess at the time and was a favorite child at the banquet.

  That is...the eldest daughter of the former President Jiang Xun!

  It’s just a long time, and President Jiang Xun had two daughters at that time.

  The eldest daughter is said to be born in an outer room. She is not considered noble. Although she is also very popular, she rarely shows her face and never publicly appeared in media reports.

  The second daughter is named Jiang Li, who is the daughter of the president’s wife, so Jiang Li is the most concerned. She remembers Jiang Li’s name, and the other little girl’s name is forgotten by her...

  She thought hard for a long time, and asked in a low voice: "Your surname is Jiang, do you know Jiang Li? Who is Jiang Li?"

  Jiang Miaoyu heard a familiar and unfamiliar name. He only felt that he had heard it, but he had no impression, and he might have never heard of it.

   "Jiang Li? I don't have any impression. If my surname is Jiang, would it be my long-lost relative?"

  Su Tian fell into deep thought.

  At the beginning, her father was the Chief Su who had made military merits. She and her mother and brother attended the New Year's dinner at the Presidential Palace as the relatives of Chief Su.

  The two daughters of the Presidential Palace are almost the same age as her.

  But because her identity is too noble, she didn't have direct contact with her.

  The little girl would always envy the princess. She was very impressed with the two girls at that time.

  I can even recall the looks of the two girls now.

  Sister Jiang Li...with a gentle temperament.

   Sister...The temperament is lazy and free, she looks cheerful and wanton, like a child who grew up against the wind.

  She finally remembered the name of that sister.

  Ginger cotton cotton.

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