The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1700: The second uncle is a liar, she is Jiang Mian at all

  Ginger cotton cotton.

   is the three words Jiang Mianmian.

  Su Tian has not said a word, Miaoyu only thinks she is distracted.

   could not help calling her twice: "What's wrong with you, are you sleepy?"

  Su Tian shook his head, "I really seem to have seen you, or...maybe I have seen a girl in your family who looks very similar to you, her name is Jiang Mianmian."

  Miaoyu heard a name as strange as Jiang Li.

  She frowned, she didn't pay much attention to it.

  The world is huge, and it is not surprising that people are similar.

  But Su Tian said that she looks very similar to her...not surprisingly, she reminded her of the woman who had taken wedding photos with her second uncle!

  The woman...looks very young, and the photo is relatively new. It should not be an old photo taken many years ago.

  She couldn't help but be curious, and cautiously asked: "When did you meet that girl? How old were you at that time, and how old was she?"

Su Tian recalled: "I saw her at the New Year's Day. That year I should be... thirteen years old. Just in middle school, that girl should be older than me. She should be fourteen or five years old, fourteen. Five... It should be fifteen years old, her sister is fourteen years old."

  Miaoyu looked at her, she didn't seem to be **** at all.

  She felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

  Not only curiosity, but also a sense of crisis.

  She continued to ask: "Then how old are you now, you can calculate the girl's current age."

  Su Tian said: "I am eighteen this year. I saw her five years ago. She should be 20 years old this year."

  Miaoyu found it interesting.

  Twenty years old.

  In other words...

  The woman who took wedding photos with her second uncle is probably only two or three years older than her.

  Mom sells batches.

  Zhan Mu Qian is clearly in his early thirties, he actually married such a small girl...

  Have such a small ex-wife? !

  Miaoyu suddenly felt very angry.

  She was angry that Zhan Muqian lied to her.

  If she and the girl are very similar in appearance, and the age is not too different.

  He must have been found out by Zhan Muqian according to that girl’s model...

   also said that it is not a stand-in!

   still said no!

  She is simply Jiang Mianmian's stand-in! ! ! !

  Miaoyu's front foot had just thrown Yanqing for him, and the back foot learned such bad news.

  How can I not be sad in my heart.

  How can we not despair! !

  Miaoyu was emotional for a while, and had forgotten that Su Tian was still injured.

  She couldn’t help asking: “Then Jiang Mianmian...where is she now? Do you know where she is now?!”

  Su Tian shook his head at first.

  President Jiang Xun...

   has been pulled off the horse.

   Although she is not sure that His Excellency Jiang Xun must be framed.

  But just because he forgave her and her mother and didn't let them be affected by her father, she was already very grateful.

  In her impression, President Jiang Xun is a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing.

  About his daughter.

  There are many rumors.

  It is rumored that Jiang Li was sent abroad, and there are also rumors that Jiang Li was sent to a feast, and later found a wealthy businessman to marry.

  And there are even more rumors about Jiang Mianmian.

  Someone once suspected that Jiang Mianmian and the new president Zhan Muqian had ever dated or even lived together.

  But later, the rumors went nowhere, and the new president never disclosed his marriage.

   is still unmarried to the outside world.

  There is also a rumor that Jiang Mianmian is dead...

  【Three shifts, the good show is coming. So much more first, and the rest is at noon. Ask for a monthly pass~]

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