The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1701: The losers warm up their beds, they are destined to become men

  But later, the rumors went unnoticed, and the new president never disclosed his marriage.

   is still unmarried to the outside world.

  There is also a rumor that Jiang Mianmian is dead...

  As for the cause of death, rumors vary.

  Some people say that she was raped to death by a woman when she went to ask someone to save her father.

  Some people also said that she died in a car accident.

  Falling down the river...

  To the sea...

  Falling a plane...

  There are all kinds of rumors.

  But shortly after the incident, any media has blocked keywords related to Jiang Xun’s family news gossip.

  No one can find out their actual whereabouts.


   Jiang Miaoyu did not wait for her answer for a while.

  I feel that Su Tian's complexion looks a little serious.

   Her lips trembled, and tentatively asked: "Is she...dead?"

  Su Tian looked a little regretful.

  "I don’t know...maybe dead, maybe still alive. I hope she is still alive..."

  To be alive is the most important thing.

  In fact, thinking of it now makes Su Tian more painful.

  Jiang’s children and her experience are essentially similar.

  A father who was overthrown.

  The daughter who stayed behind...

  I'm still young.

  It is difficult to survive in this cruel and realistic society.

  Even if Jiang Mianmian does not die, unless she has a strong husband to take care of her.


   is also bad luck, life will be difficult.

  The daughter of the former president, it is impossible for her to do ordinary work like ordinary people.

   is also destined to suffer extraordinary suffering...

Very poor.

  Those two girls are not much better than her even if they are now.

  Su Tian was a little sad.

  But she also understands.

  Winner and loser.

  There is a new saying about the winners and losers:

  ——The winner is king, the loser is warm-bed.

   actually means that the woman of the loser will eventually become a slave on the bed of the winner.

   became a man’s plaything.

That's it.

  In reality.

  This has been the case since ancient times.


  Miaoyu asked a lot about Jiang Mianmian.

  But Su Tian's understanding of her is very limited, and she can't say anything.

  Later, most of what Su Tian said was about the Jiang family.

  It turned out that the former president of the second uncle was Jiang Xun.

   and her have the same last name.

  Miaoyu doesn't know what's wrong with him, always suspecting that he has amnesia.

  She has never heard of the name of the president of the country, and she is completely unfamiliar.

She murmured: "Jiang Xun, Jiang Xun... I always feel a little familiar, but I feel more strange. I am seventeen and I am in my second year of high school. The time to study is not short. Why would I even have the name of the former president? I have no impression. Is my brain flooded..."

  Su Tian was amused by her serious and funny appearance.

  She smiled and said, “How can you get into the water if you are good? President Jiang was blocked from news about him after he stepped down. It has not appeared in the mass media. It is not particularly strange for you to find it unfamiliar.”

Miaoyu patted his head and said to himself: "No, my brain may have actually been in the water... I used to have fun and fell into the river. When I was rescued by fishermen almost The half-dead, it was the kind villagers who used earthwork to rescue me from the ghost gate. I may really have a brain flood when I fell into the river. I must have forgotten a lot of things..."

  Miaoyu had a faint premonition.

  She really forgot a lot of things.

  And it should not be too pleasant.

  【Four more finished】

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