The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1842: Wife’s third personality is high IQ pseudo

As the third personality, Jiang Xi appeared for the first time.

  Although she has memories and thoughts of multiple personalities, she is currently the most astute and witty character among the three personalities.

   But she is always a "newcomer", she is relatively new to everything in this world, and she is not proficient in behavior and affairs.

  She can only reluctantly imitate Mianmian's life step by step.

  She didn’t know how much she was like cotton, or even how long she could stay this time.

  Under the premise that she can't control the future, she can only seize the time as much as possible to start doing what she should do.


  Jiang Xi lives under the eyes of everyone in the presidential palace.

  No one noticed her abnormality, but Aunt Qiao happened to say something in passing one day:

   "My wife seems to have grown up overnight and matured a lot."

  This word somehow reached the ears of His Excellency the President.

  Your Excellency the President probably also became suspicious, and without even discussing it in advance, he sent his wife to the hospital for further examination.

  The results of the last examination, the doctors did not get any effective results after the consultation.

  No one knows how long the master character can stay, and no one knows how to keep her forever.

The only way from the frequency of the brain’s neural activity can tend to think... the master personality is usually when a relatively young Miaoyu receives a sudden stimulus as a sub-personality, or when her mood fluctuates greatly, her fragility and helplessness will enter her The subconscious mind is stimulated during deep sleep, and the subconscious mind summons the master character back.

  As for how long the master can stay, this is a puzzle that still needs to be studied.

  However, it has been half a month since the last inspection result.

  Zhan Mu Qian never doubted anything at first.

  Mianmian can finally return to his embrace, even if there are any details that make him dissatisfied, he can ignore it.

However, after only half a month after Mianmian came back, she often went out. She didn’t like to be followed when she went out. Although she didn’t go where she shouldn’t be, the whole state was always mysterious, and she couldn’t be found out. Who did I meet?

  Except for Aunt Qiao’s words, what made Zhan Muqian suspicious was that she had never been to Gong Xiaoqi from beginning to end.

  Gong Qiao is gone, her best friend is Gong Xiaoqi.

  This flaw is a bit big, unless there have been conflicts between her and Gong Xiaoqi that could lead to a break.


  Cotton quilts are sent to a place similar to a laboratory, which contains various scientific equipment.

  She was studied as hard as a specimen.

  About twenty hours later.

  The quilt, which fell into a semi-coma after being beaten and settled, was delivered intact.

  Tina looked at you and said meaningfully: “The examination result is nothing unusual, and it should be the owner’s personality. However, in addition to the coincidence of various physiological indicators, I think that the possibility of sudden accidents cannot be completely ruled out.”

  Zhan Mu Qian looked serious: "What is a sudden accident?"

Tina gave a light cough, and said with some difficulty: "Maybe the master personality has split into the third personality, if it can't be detected, then this third personality is likely to be a disguise personality, and the disguise personality has the memory of each personality. She can pretend to be any personality by referring to the memory in her mind. If there is such a personality, she is very smart and has an intelligence beyond normal. She can pretend to be a master or a wonderful fish."

  【1 more, monthly vote for speed! ! 】

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