The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1843: She confessed her fate and regarded herself as the devil

  Zhan Mu Qian looked gloomy for a long time.

  He listened to each expert doctor taking turns to say their own opinions.

  Some doctors support Tina’s bold speculation, while others believe that his wife’s current condition will not go to such a complicated stage.

  Because in general, multiple personalities need years or even decades to develop for a long time, and new personalities cannot emerge at any time in a short period of time.

  Several doctors are arguing about this, you have a straight face and said nothing.


  He finally took Mianmian back.

  The effect of the medicine faded, Mianmian woke up, she was obviously unhappy, and she was unwilling to talk all night.

  Zhan Muqian looked at her like this, only thinking that she was familiar with Mianmian, how could she become someone else.

  He doesn't believe it.

   also didn't want to believe it.

  He spent so many days with his wife day and night, he knew her very well.

  If she really has another soul in her body.

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't believe that he would not notice it at all.


  Jiang Xi didn't use this incident to quarrel with him, and waited for him to forget about it after two days.

  She knew that Zhan Muqian couldn't find out anything at present, there was no evidence, and even if she suspected, she could do nothing.

  But she had to reassure her that she hadn't gone out a bit, and she didn't dare to sneak in to see Pei Jun.

  I couldn't see the little beauty who called him dreaming, and Pei Jun's temper became more and more violent.

  Since he brought Su Tian back and forced Su Tian to agree to be his mistress willingly, he never let other women come.

  Su Tian resisted for too long, hiding again, and asking others for help.

  Bae Joon has already lost his patience by her killing him, so naturally he won't give her much face.

  Su Tian's treatment at the beginning was extremely poor, and he could not be regarded as a mistress, but as an exclusive forbidden by the owner of the castle, and a tool for him to vent his own owes.

  Su Tian was locked in a separate bedroom by him, not the one he lived in.

  She lives boringly by herself during the day, and waits for Bae Jun’s summon at any time at night.

  She recognized her fate and regarded herself as the bed-slave of the devil.

  In order to punish her for resisting, Bae Joon didn’t even wear clothes to her.

  She doesn't have any clothing to cover her body, so she can only walk naked, sit and lie down.

  Fortunately, the thermostat in the room is functioning normally, the temperature is suitable, and she doesn't feel cold.

   just feel ashamed.

  The days passed away day by day, and gradually I forgot the feeling of shame.

  Su Tian is not allowed to leave the bedroom, and a servant will deliver her meals on time.

  The maid delivering the meal will naturally see her naked body, and she has to look at it many times a day.

  Su Tian felt that life is better than death at first, and she even thought about cutting her wrists.

  But Bae Jun seems to be able to read mind, when she is desperate.

  The man tied her hands on the bedpost, forced her to kneel on her stomach, and gan her fiercely from behind, while placing the phone screen in front of her.

   "Tian'er, this little fresh meat, you should be familiar with it."

  Su Tian's eyes widened in the pain, of course she was familiar with it.

  The vivid teenager on the screen is her fifteen-year-old brother Su Qi.

  The photo was taken at school. It seems that mother and younger brother did not escape smoothly.

  She was too frightened to say anything.

  Bae Jun grabbed her hair fiercely--.

   "Don't worry, as long as you play with me, I won't touch your baby brother for the time being. On the contrary, I have kindly helped them settle their lives. They are doing well now."

  【2 more, remember to vote~】

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