The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1846: He is thirty-one years old, but Jiang Xi is not

  He released the fingers that clamped her jaw.

  'S tone was a bit disgusting and authentic: "It's just a coincidence. You are just a lowly slave. How do you deserve to be like her."

  Su Tian hardly hesitated, and quickly nodded.

  She did not deny her humble status, she also understood how big the gap between herself and Miss Jiang was.

  Once, she was just the daughter of an officer, and Ms. Jiang was the daughter of the presidential palace.

  Now, she is imprisoned by Pei Jun, and Ms. Jiang is the beloved wife of the current president.

  Even if... she has mental problems, many people still care for her and love her.

  Even a frenzied villain like Pei Jun can’t help but like her.

  Su Tian did not have any envy or jealousy.

  What she has in her heart is nothing but endless confusion.

  For someone like her who is struggling to survive, if it is not to protect her mother and younger brother, she really does not even need to survive.

  Su Tian seems to be completely paralyzed by pain nerves.

  She will not feel heartache because of what happened to her.

  The pain of being tortured by men has become more and more accustomed.


  Jiang Xi is a very smart and astute woman. Zhan Muqian became suspicious of her and became more suspicious. All this did not hide her eyes.

  She could see clearly and understand, knowing that Zhan Muqian might have guessed most of it.

  I just don’t want to destroy their seemingly warm and harmonious married life, so I don’t plan to dismantle them for the time being.

  Or maybe...He stayed in the guessing stage for the time being, not sure, and didn't want to believe it.

  Or... he has already noticed that the cotton that is now snuggling in his arms every night is not the same.

   But even so, he would rather deceive himself and others. When the last window of the truth has not been pierced, even if he doubts in his heart, he does not want to take the initiative to admit it.

  Jiang Xi has a good sleep quality.

  Especially sleeping in Zhan Muqian's arms.

  Sometimes, she would even wake up earlier than Zhan Muqian.

  Sometimes it was dark, and when she first opened her eyes, Zhan Muqian was still sleeping with her eyes closed.

  She likes to observe this man.

  Sometimes he even boldly touched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, eyelashes more beautiful than women...

  She will always look at him in a daze if she has the opportunity.

   couldn't help but sigh.

  Zhan Mu Qian seems to be sitting on everything, there is nothing in the world that he can't get at his fingertips.

  Such a character that can be envied by men all over the world.

  He clearly has extraordinary IQ and EQ, but he has to numb his nerves.

  Even if he has doubts about his wife, he dare not pierce through it.

  It's really sad.

  Jiang Xi stared at his soft and jade sleeping face, couldn't help but smile at the corners of his lips.

  I have to pay back the sins I made.


  It's a coincidence this year.

  Zhan Mu Qian’s birthday coincided with the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  He still remembers very clearly how his birthday last year was spent in a stimulating environment.

  Military area battlefield, a field survival experience base for freshman students.

  In a simple tent.

  He even remembered that if Mianmian was riding on him, biting the tender lips, and enduring the pain.

  Breathed him bit by bit.

  It turns out that time flies so slowly.

  It's only a year since his first time with Mianmian.

  If I don’t think about it, I feel that decades have passed.

  He felt that he was old, and he just wanted to spend his 31st birthday with her.

It's a pity that Jiang Xi didn't know his birthday.

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