The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1847: Jiang Xi is carrying a beautiful palace lantern, there is a president

It's been a long time since Mianmian came back this time.

  He never saw Miaoyu again.

  Sometimes I even wonder if Miaoyu disappeared forever.

  The one who would pull his sleeves, whispered to his second uncle and little girl, disappeared without warning.

   is the same as Mianmian suddenly disappeared in his life.

  Sometimes he can't help but think of Miaoyu and feel that he owes her a little.

   But more often, he is glad that Mianmian can return to his embrace.

  After so many changes, life can still go on unscathed.


  He turned off all the jobs he could push on his birthday.

  To spare the whole day, and the nickname is to accompany her.

  In fact, he just really wants to be with her, he is the one who needs company.

  However, he soon discovered that Mianmian was afraid that he had really forgotten his birthday.

  She has forgotten everything, and for her today, it is just Mid-Autumn Festival.

  He even hinted before this.

  He held her and said half-jokingly: "In order to live this day with my wife, I have solved all the official duties at hand. What I could do yesterday is done yesterday, and what I can't do will be pushed to tomorrow."

  Mianmian looked at him with a serious look and smiled in his arms.

  She poked his handsome face with her white little finger, and said proudly, “You bullied me, don’t you know that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival? Today is obviously a legal public holiday. The presidential office will also have a statutory holiday, right?”

  Zhan Mu Qian frowned inaudibly.

  He looked at Mianmian’s little face with no extraneous look.

  He finally had to confirm that Mianmian did not remember his birthday.

  The reason for his loss was not that Mianmian didn't take him seriously.

  It was the special day one year ago, when they broke through that relationship.

  She even promised herself that she would give herself to him on his thirtieth birthday.

  There was a sudden situation that day, and she even fell into the river foolishly, making both of them wet.

  But it was in such a harsh environment that night...

  Not only is like a brave female warrior, but also more like a charming little fox...

  Under extremely harsh environments.

  She unbuttoned her clothes layer by layer.

   even took the initiative to pick up his army pants and belt...

  It was a night that will never be remembered for him.

  But Mianmian can't remember.


  He is just lost, but not angry.

  Mianmian forgot, he didn't want to mention it.

  I didn't mention it like this, I kept holding back into the evening.

  He happened to have time at night, and Mianmian learned from the media that Jincheng has the most beautiful lanterns this year.

  There is a long ancient alley dedicated to the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival.

  She pestered the distinguished President and accompanied her to watch the lanterns and the moon.


  Jiang Xi is the first time he has come into contact with the whole world with this personality.

  Everything she has never seen with her own eyes is novel.

  She has never seen the lantern. In memory, she may not have Mianmian either.

  She had a great time, not to mention the president’s microservices to accompany her.

  As the night is getting deeper and deeper, only a few hours will pass today.

  Zhan Muqian still couldn't help speaking, he touched Mianmian's hair.

   "Little boy, have you forgotten what day is today?"

  Jiang Xi bought a beautiful palace lantern, in the shape of a moon cake, very cute.

  She had a good time, and she was taken aback when he asked.

   "Today is Mid-Autumn Festival."

  Jiang Xi clearly saw the eyes of the man darken for a moment.

   almost without thinking, she boldly said: "Ah! Today is your birthday, Uncle Zhan, today is your birthday..."

  【Three shifts, there is still voting in the evening. 】

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