The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1860: Her husband’s call was wickedly

  Jiang Xi’s body is getting hotter and hotter because of Bae Jun’s teasing...

  Her brain is getting messy.

  She doesn’t know how she should make the right choice at this moment.

  And Bae Joon's flirting with her seemed to destroy her sanity at any time.


  Bae Jun seems to see her distraction and inattention.

  His face grew gloomy, and suddenly he opened his mouth and bit her.

  Jiang Xi subconsciously exclaimed.

  The sting made her sober.



  Resolutely not!

  Whether she wants to make Bae Joon more obsessed with herself for revenge, let him sink in step by step until it is never possible to get away.

  Or she wants to protect Mianmian's body... not to let Bae Jun really invade herself.

  No matter what kind of decision it is, it is absolutely impossible tonight!

  She cannot disappear out of thin air, what she should do now is to return to Zhan Muqian as soon as possible.

   Pretend to be nothing, and continue to play the well-behaved and gentle little wife to celebrate his birthday after returning to the presidential palace.

  This is what she should do...


  However, just when she was about to push Bae Jo away vigorously.

  Her cell phone rang suddenly.

  The phone was in her hand when she got in the car, and it is now on her left.

  She stretched out her hand to reach, but Pei Jun preempted her.

  He saw the call reminder on the screen—husband.

   His eyes darkened, and suddenly he smiled evilly and gloomily.

  He did not cut off the phone, but directly answered it.

  Jiang Xi's eyes widened in horror, and he almost carried him back in one breath.

  But Bae Jun did not make a sound, but turned on the speaker, and then squinted at her.

  She suddenly understood what Bae Jun meant.

   opened his mouth and said: "Uncle Zhan, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, you can wait for me again."

  Zhan Muqian still sounded very lively and a bit noisy, "Which bathroom are you in, I'll come to see you."

  Jiang Xi hurriedly said, "If you don’t use it to find me, just wait for me where I am. I'll go back soon. I'll be almost...ah!"

  She screamed suddenly.

  It's not because of anything else.

  But when Pei Jun was talking to Zhan Muqian, he got his hand under her skirt——

   Jiang Xi blushed like a ripe tomato, breathing quickly, almost choking.

  She did not dare to move, for fear that she would make a suspicious sound.

  She glared at him, but Bae Jun’s evil eyes were met.

  Zhan Mu Qian was obviously suspicious: "Mianmian, what's wrong with you?"

   Jiang Xi’s lips trembled and said, “No, it’s okay, but a bug suddenly appeared under my feet just now, which shocked me.”

  This is outdoors, and the public toilets are not absolutely clean and normal.

Zhan Muqian seemed to sigh helplessly: "You have to do it yourself. I can't do anything with you. Eat those junk food in good order. If you have a bad stomach, you have to suffer in such a place. People have three urgency. You can bear with your cleanliness."

  Where did Jiang Xi think about his words carefully, he responded vaguely: "Well, I know... I'll be well soon."

  Zhan Muqian was still a little worried, "Does my stomach hurt badly? Do you want someone to come in and give you medicine?"

  Jiang Xi hurriedly said: "No, no need...hiss——!"

   "What's wrong?!" The man's voice hurriedly.

  She hurriedly said: "Oh, the bug came over just now, it's on my feet..."

  She glared at Bae Joon in shame.

  He even pinched her inner thigh with his hand.

  Such tender meat, it hurts her almost cramp...

  【Three shifts, voting votes】

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